DEAD CHICKENS DO NOT LAY EGGS!!! ® Step 2 in a profitable egg production business is to keep your house as full as possible for as long as possible of HARDY, STRONG, and HIGH PRODUCING LAYERS • An empty cage or less than a full house does not add to your income potential... • For a bird which has BRED-IN RESISTANCE to cannibalism, leucosis, prolapse, and other general livability problems and is TAME, CONTENTED and PEACEFUL as we 11... o Hu-Lute® * BRAMO CHICKS Here are depletion figures from 7 LOCAL Lancaster County flocks, all of which are producing eggs at a HIGH RATE with STRONG shells on LOW FEED INTAKE and LIVING REAL WELL! Flock Average HY-CROSS COMPANY 4037 Swamp Road Doylestown, PA 18901 TRY THE NEWEST MODEL HY-LINE W-36 AS YOUR NEXT BIRD! Quantity 4000 6000 4000 6000 6000 8000 10200 6314 " The new combination layer that puts it ail together'' Average Loses Per Month 0.255% 0.262% 0.442% 0.538% 0.548% 0.570% 0.615% 0.462% BEN K. STOLTZFUS Total losses to Date (9 Months) CONTACT: 384 E. Main Si Leola, PA 17540 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 24,1976 — 2.30% 2.36% 3.98% 4.85% 4.94% 5.13% 5.54% 4.16% FRANK M. LOEW, JR. RD4 Quakertown, PA 18951 (215) 536-3356 o. Hu-Luie * BRAND CHICKS o * brand CHICKS ★ Your average losses per month should be UNDER Vz PERCENT!!! ★You have the right to expect this type of depletion. It is being done locally on litter floors (cages should do better). ★You can accomplish this by trying the new combination layer that puts it all together TRY THE NEWEST MODEL HY-LINE W-36 AS YOUR NEXT BIRD! 7 ff / -* Vi z ■Hi yj >< ill
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers