—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Jul; 4 Poultry Market Reports Weekly New York Egg Market From Monday, July 19 to Friday, July 23 Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Ex. Large 69 71 71 72 72 Large 66 68 68 69 69 Mediums 60 60 60 61 61 Pullets 44 44 44 44 44 Peewees 31 31 31 31 31 BROWN Large 67 68 68 69 69 Mediums Unquoted Pullets Unquoted Peewees Unquoted Off Grade Large 59 61 61 62 62 Checks 39 40 40 ' 41 41 Tone Large fully steady to firm. Mediums full steady. Copyright 1976 Lrncr Barry Publications New England Wfeekly Shell Egg Report Tuesday, July 20,1976 Prices increased on large and extra large since Friday while other sizes were unchanged. Demand for cartoned eggs was fair with limited retail sales in some areas. Resort business noted picking up. Supplies adequate on large and extra large, short of medium and jumbo. Prices paid producers, cents per dozen, cases exchanged for loose eggs picked up at the farm, Grade A yield basis BROWN EX LGE 58- 59- JUMBO 70- 71- Range Mostly WHITES Range 53%-62 53-58 45-52 BOSTON: Prices to retailers - sales to volume buyers, consumer grade brown eggs in cartons delivered: store door AEXTRA LARGE ALARGE A MEDIUM 73-76 69-72 62-65 NEST RUN EGGS Prices are from Egg Clearinghouse, Inc., (ECI) Durham, N.H. and reflect trading prices for gradeable nest run eggs (GNR) on ECI, a nationwide trading center for producers, packers and marketers. GNR eggs are classified by weight in 30-dozen cases, and traded in lots of either 300 or 750 cases. Prices are FOB buyers dock, and are computed Tuesday and Thursday of each week. This week’s prices for each classification were: New Weight Classification Per Case Tuesday Thursday Extra Large 51 lbs. Class 1 - Large 48 lbs. 60 61 Class 2 - Large 45 lbs. 57 57 Class 3 - Medium 42 lbs. 51 51 Class 4 - Small 39 lbs. 35 36 Breaking Stock 48 lbs. 48 49 Checks 48 lbs. 42 43 a%va\%vav.*.v.v.v*v.%vav.v.v.v.v.v.v.*.v.v. , .v.v.v.v.v.v*v»v.v.v.v.v Baltimore Eggs Thursday, July 22,1976 retailers, state graded (mm. Demand spotty ranging one case sale), slow to fairly good, supplies White; Grade A Large 70- adequate. 75; Grade Medium 64-67. Cartoned eggs: Prices to 24, 1976 Wtd. Ave.: US Grade A 43.15, Plant Grade 42.39; Premium X US Grade A 47.94; Premium X Plant LARGE MEDIUM SMALL Grade 46 - 76 - 47- 48- 54- 55- Delmarva Poultry Fri. Thursday, July 22,1976 Ready to cook movement fair. Slaughter schedules moderate. Today’s LTL asking prices held about steady at 42 cents on Plant Grade and 43 cents on US Grade A. Advance interest slow in developing. Live supplies fully adequate though weights remained lighter then desired. Undertone unsettled. Current broiler-fryer ppgotiated prices for im mediate includes mostly multiple-drop shipments to New York City from Delmarve. Range: US Grade A 43-44, Plant Grade 4243, Premium X US Grade A 45-49, Premium X Plant Grade 44- 47. Philadelphia Eggs 27- 28- Thursday, July 22,1976 Prices unchanged to higher on large and extra large. Unchanged on mediums. Cartoning demand fairly good. Of ferings barely adequate to short of needs on all sizes except fully adequate on smalls. Undertone fairly steady to firm. White eggs in cartons, -delivered: store door. A Extra Large 67-72%; A Large 65%-71%; A Mediums 60-63. at Moyer's, we, like all good pouitrymen, are more concerned with what’s happening at the "business end’ ’. This week construction has begun to increase the hatching facilities in our main plant by 50 percent. This addition will help to assure you the best quality chicks available through an all new, controlled air flow, hatching environment. EBC2&B BROWN & WHITE EGG LAYERS Fogelsville Poultry Prices paid dock weights, cent per pound, except where noted. Sale of July 13, 1976. Hens, heavy type 14-29, mostly 17-22; Pullets 3045, mostly 4144; Roasters 38- 42%, mostly 3941; Ducks 50%; Drakes 42%-51; Geese 40; Rabbits 2543, mostly 35- 42; Guineas 2.20.-2.24; Pigeons (per pr.) 85-3.60. Total coops sold 352. Sale of July 20, 1976. Hens, heavy type 15%-25, mostly 16-18; Pullets 3244, mostly 3844; Roasters 18-34, mostly 30-34; Ducks 25-35; Rabbits 1649%, mostly 42- 45; Guineas 1.80%-1.90%; Pigeons (per pr.) 81-3.00. Total coops sold 195. Poultry Received - Mon. 7 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., Tues. 7 a.m. to 12 noon. Directions - Take Rt. 22 thruway. Exit at Fogelsville Exit, North to stop light in Fogelsville, turn left, proceed one block, turn left, again at Cracker Barrel Restaurant. Auction right side 100 feet from your last left turn. Eastern Pa. & NJ. Poultry Wednesday, July 21 Prices trended higher within unchanged ranges on light type hens. Offerings fully adequate for a good processor demand. Offerings of heavy hens adequate for only a fair call. Light Type Hens 10-15, mostly 14% in Pa.; Mostly 14%-15 in N.J. Heavy Type Hens TFEWR. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! ‘TfUefena CHICKS, INC. Hoy Markets Green Dragon Green Dragon July 16,1976 30 loads hay. Alfalfa, couple loads 84.00 & 91.00; Timothy, few loads 40.0047.00; Mixed hay 40.00- 66.00; Orchard Grass hay, one load 63.00; Straw, 6 loads 53.50-54.00; Com, 22 loads 85.00-97.00. Harvey Z. Martin Hay, Straw and Ear Corn Sale Leola, Pa. Wednesday, July 21,1976 53 Loads Alfalfa 72 to 96; poor Alfalfa 42; Timothy 39 to 59; Clover 44 to 75; Mixed Hay 44 to 83; Straw 51 to 67; Ear Com 88.50 to 99.50. MrSuS GETTING TOP DOLLAR FOR YOU SHIP TO THE DANVILLE LIVESTOCK MARKET Old Rt. 11 Danville, Pa. a Phone (717) 275-2880 SALE EVERY MONDAY 2 P.M. Horse Sale 2nd Sat. Every Month 10:30 A.M. OWNER: MELVIN M. LEHMAN 717-964-3621 Res. 717-275-2860 Bus, 1 . •"> > BUT... Quakertown, PA 18951 (215) 536-3155 SOME FOLKS ARE CONTENT WITH PUTTING ON A GOOD FRONT! [We’ve had ours since 1974') New Holland Kay New Holland Sales Stables, Inc. Hay, Straw and Grain Sale Monday, July 19,1976 11:00 a.m. 61 Loads of Hay, Straw and Ear Com sold as follows: Alfalfa 58 to 65,2 loads 97 and 103; Mixed Hay 50-68, several loads with rain damage 3843; Timothy 50- 67; Meadow Grass 14 to 47; Straw 58-70; Ear Com, 7 loads 93 to 97.50. Regional Hay Hay Prices For Southeastern & So. Central Pennsylvania (All hay No. 2 and better, prices paid by dealers at the farm, price per ton.) Hay & Straw steady to $5 higher. Alfalfa 60.00-70.00; Mixed hay 40.00-50.00; Timothy hay 35.00-50.00; Straw 45.00; Mulch 20.00-30.00. - HUBBARD WHITE MT. BROILERS
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