—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 3. 1976 6 Livestock market and auction news East Coast Carlot Meats June 30 Compared to Tuesday’s close: Demand and com mitments light for beef. Choice 3 steer beef generally steady, Good 3 .25-.7S lower. No comparison on good heifer beef. Cow beef steady to .50 lower, decline on Canner and Cutter. Choice beef cuts: Fores steady to 1.00 higher; arm chucks generally steady. Spring lamb compared to last week steady to 2.00 lower. Steer Beef Choice 3 600-800 lbs. 64.50 generally steady; Good 3 600- 800 lbs. 62.50-63.00 .25-.75 lower. Heifer Beef Good 3 450-550 lbs. load 62.00 no comparison. Belleville Auction A Belleville, Pa. June 23,1976 CATTLE 175. Compared with last Wednesday’s market, slaughter cows $1 to $1.50 lower. One Choice slaughter steer at 38.00, few Good 33.75-37.50, few Standard 31.75-34.00, few Utility 29.60-31.60. Few Good slaughter heifers 32.50-36.00, few Standard 29.50-33.85. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 28.50- 30.60, Cutters 26.50-28.75, Canners 23.75-26.50. One Good slaughter bullock at 35.50. Yield Grade No. 11050- 1850 lbs. slaughter bulls 31.50-37.00. CALVES 224, Vealers grading Utility $4 to $6 lower. Few Good & Choice vealers Producers Pride is a operative that was begun by egg producers and is controlled Ct by egg producers. It's an zation that works exclusively for its ducer members. M w When you join Producers Pride, you be come part owner of the business. And since we're not a giant co-op, your voice as an owner D\s important. We're small—fewer than 200 producers—but ffl we have the volume to service a growing market. And our markets are growing, thanks to the dedicated efforts of a small hard-working and very capable staff. We are your friends and neighbors in the egg business. We enjoy being independent, and we enjoy having a guaranteed market for our eggs. We're looking for a few more good members. If you're looking for an organization like Producers Pride, just fill-in the coupon and mail it. imunnunfjm address \ N of layers N s caged Cow Beef Utility Bng 2' 600 up 56.00 steady; Canner - Cutter 1-2 350 up. 56.50-57.00 steady to .50 lower, 350 up few 53.50 no comparison; Bulls 1-2 600 up few 61.50 no comparison. Choices Primal Beef Cuts Fores 130-210 lbs. 51.00 steady to 1.00 higher; Arm Chucks 90-130 lbs. 48.50-49.50 generally steady; Steer Rounds 70-90 lbs. 74.00 no comparison; Diamond Cut Rounds 75-95 lbs. 79.00. Spring Lamb Carcass Choice and Prime 3-4 Compared to last week - 55 dn lbs. 101.00-104.00, bulk 103.00 steady to 1.00 lower; 65 lbs. 100.00-102.00, 1.00-2.00 lower. Boneless Beef 90 pet. chem lean, fresh ltd. 76.00 steady. 35.00- few Standard 28.00- Utility 90-110 lbs. 25.00- 70-85 lbs. 18.00- 23.00. Farm (Salves, holstein bulls 90-115 lbs. 29.00-35.50. HOGS 206. Barrows & Gilts 25 cents higher. US No. 1-2 200-240 lbs. barrows & gilts 51.10-52.40, No. 1-3 185-240 lbs. 49.10-50.30, few lots No. 1-3160-180 lbs. 46.50-49.70. US No. 1-3 250-550 lbs. sows 35.00- Few Boars 28.75- 32.00. FEEDER PIGS 589. US No. 1-3 20-35 lbs. feeder pigs 20.50-29.00 per head, No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 27.00-36.00, No. 1-3 65-100 lbs. 35.50-45.50 per head. SHEEP 31. Good 50-80 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 37.00- 44.00. Slaughter ewes 10.00- 18.00. PRODUCERS PRIDE INC. I 1741 Valley Forge Road, Worcester, Pa 19490 / floor s' *s* Martinsburg Martinsburg,Pa. June 28,1976 CATTLE 196. Supply in cluded 45 percent feeder cattle. Compared with last Monday’s market, slaughter cows weak to $1 lower. Few Choice slaughter steers No. 2-5 37.00-39.75, Good 34.50- 36.75, Standard 29.75-34.00, few Utility 26.10-29.25. Few Choice slaughter heifers 36.00- few Good 32.25- 35.85, few Standard 30.75- 32.75. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 27.50-30.50, Com mercial 24.00-27.50, Cutters 26.00- Canners 21.00- 26.50. Few Standard & Good slaughter bullocks 33.60- 34.60, one Utility at 29.25. Few Yield Grade No. 1 950- 1270 lbs. slaughter bulls 32.85-35.35; two yield grade No. 2 860 and 1475 lbs. 29.00 and 31.00. Good 370-570 lbs. feeder bulls 28.75-32.00, few Medium 250-450 lbs. 27.50- 29 00 CALVES 260. Vealers steady to weak. Few Choice vealers 46.00-54.00, Good 38.00- Standard 32.00- 38.00, Utility 90-110 lbs. 27.00- 32.00, 70-85 lbs. 22.00-27.50, low Utility 50-75 lbs. 10.00- 20.00. Farm calves, holstein bulls 90-120 lbs. 30.0047.00; holstein heifers 80-105 lbs. 27.00- HOGS 255. Barrows & gilts uneven, averaging about steady. US No. 1-2 210-225 lbs. barrows & gilts 53.00, No. 1-3 200-240 lbs. 52.09- 52.50, No. 2-3 185-250 lbs. 50.80-51.00. Few US No. 1-3 300-550 lbs. sows 40.00-45.25, No. 2-3 300-600 lbs. 36.00- 40.00. Few Boars 37.00, FEEDER PIGS 55. US No. 1-3 25-35 lbs. feeder pigs 17.50-21.00 per head, No. 1-3 / 35-50 lbs. 21.00-29.00, No. 1-3 60-70 lbs. 35.50-36.50 per head. SHEEP 17. Choice 65-105 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 36.00-43.50, few Good 45-60 lbs. 20.00-32.00. Few Slaughter ewes 14.00-19.00. New Holland Dairy Wednesday, June 30 Reported receipts of 73 cows, 17 heifers, and 3 bulls. Market steady with last week. Load of Pa. fresh cows 510- 880 and springers 625-800; load of Franklin Co. fresh cows 630-700 and springers 620-760; and a load of Wisconsin fresh cows 570- 670; and a load of Pa. fresh cows 550-900. Locally consigned cows 450-700; springing heifers 475-625; bulls 220-305. " Read what a Bou-Matic owner has to say: "I am very well pleased with my Bou-Matic milkers. The vacuui stallation impressed me very much. Udder health has improved 95 pe and has cut my milking time by three hours a day. I would recommend Matic milkers to anyone." • PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATION AND SERVICE • PIPELINE SYSTEMS • AUTOMATED HERRINGBONES • AUTOMATED CAROUSELS SHENK'S FARM SERVIC 501 E. WOODS DRIVE, LITITZ, PA 17543 PHONE (717) 625-1 ANSWERING SERVICE (717) 733-1224 Lancaster grain prices , formerly LOCAL GRAIN Thursday, July 1 These prices are made up of the average prices quoted by a number of participating area feed and grain con cerns. It should be noted, however,- that not every dealer or broker handles each commodity. All prices are per bushel 'except ear corn and soybean meal which are per ton. The average prices quoted Thursday, July 1, are as. follows: ' - Bld+ Offered+ Ear Com 80.00 88.00 Shelled Com 3.15 3.34 Barley . 2.12% 2.31 Oats Local 1.67 1.87 Western 2.10 2.26 Wheat Millers 3.33% 3.53 Soybeans 6.57 Soybean Meal COOLING SYSTEM • CROWDING GATES • STIMULATION STALLS • MILKERS • AUTOMATIC DETACHERS • VACUUM PUMPS mK' IKS Load of riding horj Tennessee 340-675; driving horses out nessee 230-535; 1 Riding horses out nessee 190-560. Local consigns horses 325-520; mu 680; better horses driving horses riding horses lightweight killers heavyweight killers mares 20-55; colts geldings 20-50; large 75-140. 246.00 TECHNOLOGY ROGER E. HOKE R 5 Mechanicsburg, PA Ph: 717-766-9597 • PIPELINE WASHERS • PRE-COOLERS • REPLACEMENT PARTS, B( MATIC INSTALLATION! • AUTOMATED SIDE OPE! STALLS • PLATE COOLER COMPLETE PLANNING INSTALLATION New Hoi Horsi Monday, June Reported "receipt horses, mules and Market lower than lj SERVICE
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