—LancasterFarmi 46 Moil Box Market For Sale - Used SP 22 Surge vacuum pump, okay. Also new 2 h.p. Surge ele. motor for Alamo 40 vacuum pump. Elam S. Stoltzfus, Tanyard Rd., E. 1, Conestoga, Pa. 17516 midway between New Danville & Conestoga. For Sale - Bull, bom 7-2-75. Sire is Packlamar Astronaut and Dam is vg, Rockdale President with record to 20,500 m, 4.1 test, 843 fat. PH: 717-665-6254. For Sale - 24 Ton Shelled Com, $3.22 per bushel, 717- 733-1048. For Sale - New Idea model 319 mounted com picker with model 322 husking bed and model 318 grinder, 717-684- 2636. For Sale-AKC registered St. Bernard puppies. Excell, markings. 6 wks. old. PH: 717-374-1285. For Sale - Border Collie and German Shepherd mixed pups. Eli S. Click, Leola RD No. I,lst farm left in back of Oregon Hotel For Sale - Model 60 Case manure loader. 717-677-6641 For Sale - 705 Diesel Uni System with forage har vester 2 and 3 row com head and hay pickup, Grain bin auger. 717-6266164 Hay For Sale to be made in Lebanon County. 717-647-2389. For Sale - 21 ft. cattle bed with racks and roof, good condition. 215-267-2056 For Sale - Farmall C tractor with 6 ft. blade. Phone after 5 pjn. 717-754-7112 For Sale - Old layers, brown birds, good for eating 75 cents each live. Joseph S. Fisher, Ronks RD No. 1 along Rt. 30 close to Soudersburg. For Sale - Ford PTO Manure spreader 130 bu. capacity, new web, $525. 215-693-5907 For Sale - 2 can front opening stainless steel milk cooler in good condition $25.00. 717- 656-9548 For Sale - Sweet Com $l.OO per dozen. Will take orders for freezing or wholesale. Apply to Box 374, Strasburg RD No.l, midway between Hessdale and Strasburg along Bunker Hill Road. For Sale - Used 2 row narrow com bead. Also flotation tires for CB6OO Gehl Har vestore. Wanted - 50 ft. blower pipe. 717-626-4064 For Sale - Overhead trade for stable deaner bucket 34’ extension arm, best offer. 1950 Chevy % ton pickup $295. 717-653-2172 For Sale - Thorough Bred FQly, 6 months, bom Jan. 3 $l5OO. Call after 6 pjn. 215- 692-2196 1514 East Strasburg Road, West Chester, Pa. For Sale - John Deere 4-row front mounted cultivators. 717-7523825 For Sale - 8 Holstein heifers 5 Registered and 3 Grades, will freshen July, Aug. and Sept. Record on Dams to 15.205 M, 642 F. 717-367-2015 For Lease - Productive 334 acre dairy farm. Suitable for 60 cows. Harvestore - other silos. Excellent bams (607) 849-5545 evenings weekends. Duroc Boars for Sale from Tested & Show winning bloodlines. Dutch Valley Farm, R 5, Manheim, Pa. Mark Nestleroth, PH: 717- Saturday, July 3, 1976 Moil Box Market For Sale - Case Grain Helix with PTO unloading auger reach about 10 ft. holds 125 bus. tandem axle. Good running shape. PH: (215) 944-7403 For Sale - Young pigs - 27 famous York-Hamp cross. Charles Felty, Tamaqua, RDI 717-277-6007 Wanted - a transmission pulley for an International 91 combine. Please Call 215-249- 3623 For Sale - 1500 bu. Unico round metal com crib. To be sold at David Good’s Sale July 7. Wanted to Buy - Cheap tractor running condition or repairable. If you don’t need it, maybe I do. 717-872-6272 For Sale - 6 Bred gilts due in July. 717-354-5502 For Sale-M.H. combine with 12 ft. grain head. 215-94^9538 For Sale - Irrigation pump. 220 Cummins with in inch pump. 2 big dump wagons for snap beans or com. PH: 609-769-3179 Wanted - Batch grain dryer, oil or gas heat and P.T.O. drive. R. Freyberger, Box 431, R 3, Fleetwood, Pa. 215- 987-6758 1966 Jeep Wagoneer 327 V-8 automatic 4W-Drive, some rust, good running condition. Asking $8757717627-6484 For Sale - John Deere ‘A’ Tractor with 2 row cultivator $995.00. PH: 717-757-2705 For Sale - 8 Holstein cows, 1 bred heifer, due July and For Sale -1% in. portable August. 7 Registered 2 water pump with briggs grade. Bred to Atlantic sires, engine. Daniel F. Stoltzms, Call 717-776-7312 Kinzer R 1 Box 74 17535 Pequea Valley Rd. For Sale - Oliver Red River threshing machine in good For Sale -1 Brown Swiss - shape, 22x36. David I. Click, angus cow with calf at side. 1 R 1 Box 439, Gap, Pa 17527 Angus-Hereford-16 month 3rd bam North of White heifer, bred June 9th. PH: Horse on Meeting house 717-432-3869 road. For Sale - Aluminum cap, 8 ft. truck, panelled, $95.00; Old quilting frame $65.00; 1957 Chevrolet convertible - good motor, tires, $695.00. 1- 215-536-0596 For Sale - Funks 4646 com silage. Treated with SOo King. Feed analysis available. $2O per ton. Schaefferstown. 717-943-3529 after 9 p.m. For Sale - Metal cellar door, $50.00. A.C. cornpicker, $75,00. PH: 215-777-0097. For Sale - Registered Holstein bulls. Ready for service. PH: 717-786-3591. For Sale - Gates made out of new & used pipe. Any size. Daniel K. King, Jr. 528 Millcreek Rd., Bird-in-Hand, Pa. 17505. For Sale - Chicken manure from broiler houses. 717-464- 3669 For Sale - J.D. 60 tractor, good cood; J.D. 38-14” plow, good; N.I. crimper, good. 717-285-5526 For Sale - Fordhook celery plants. John L. King, 743 E. Millport Rd., Leola, Pa. 17540 For Sale - A registered Holstein bull, service age. Hilltopper Ringleader. Aaron S. Fisher, R 1 Box 570, Paradise, Pa 17562 Oak Hill Dr. Big Bam Sale - Misc. Farm, Household, Antiques, Etc. - 3V« miles south on Rt. 74 from Red Lion, left side, across from Windsor Woods 717-244-5130. July 4th week - 3rd to 11th Mail Box Market Mail Box Market Mail Box Market For Sale - Collie, 2 year old For Sale - Eclipse Sickle Bar male, needs room to run, mower. Sweepster Broom very friendly, $lO, 717-626- for smalTtractor. Herd of 16 4471. Suffolk Sheep. 51-52 Chevrolet Car Parts. PH: 215-267-5096 ForSale-6No. 750x20 truck tires, 8 ply, % tread, one pair 11.4 z 28 tractor tires with 1-3 tread, best offer, 717-626-4359 For Sale - Gallon glass jars, gallon glass jugs, fluorescent lights, electric mower, 102 New Haven Drive, Lititz, 717-626-5187. For Sale - 5000 tobacco lath, Big Dutchman Egg Cooler, Time Clock, Box type Roost - to be sold at Public Sale at Stauffer Sale, on July 10 717- 733-8554 For Sale - 40 Springing Holstein heifers from ar tificial breeding,' some registered. Gutman Brothers Farm, Jefferson, Pa., for inspection please call 717-229-2055, between 12 & 2 p.m. For Sale - Four bred sows, three-way cross, due in July, 717-665-7917. For Sale - 1740 Case Uniloader, 1974 model. Also, Wanted - Used 12 ft. Silo Unloader, 717-529-2512. For Sale - Black ram. Call 301-692-6921 or write Mrs. Grayson Scarff, R 1 Box 460, White Hall, MD For Sale - Appaloosa filly, 1 yr. old, gentle & halter broke. $150.00. or write Box 419 R 1 Spring Grove, Pa 17362 For Sale - NH 717 Chopper with one row head - like new, Badger 200 bu. manure spreader, excellent con dition. PH: 315-677-7539 Wanted - Free Black Horse, will give a good home. Call (209) 758-3265 For Sale - 1974 Ford Super Van 200 Shag rug, closet, sink, icebox, table, AC, high back seats, auto, trans. $4,950. Call 717-759-3283 For Sale -N1702 Uni Tractor with cab, combine & 11’ head. Chopper with com head & pickup. Also 2 row com busker. PH: 215-682- 2624 For Sale - 12 Feeder Pigs. PH: 215-464-4767 Christian farmer, widower desires board with Christian woman. Liberal com pensation. PH: 717-665-6365 ask for M Rm. 11l or Write M Room 111, R 3, Box 312-, Manbeim, Pa. 17545 For Sale - 2 Conde Milker units complete with large vacuum pumps for four units. Also 1 stainless steel strainer. John M. Umble, R 1 Atglen, Pa 19310 PH: 215-593- 5756 Wanted - Jamesway litter Wrong Shoes-Mothers to the carrier track. Samuel K. boys that were at Amos Eshs Stoltzfus, R. 1, Box 515, Bird- on Easter, check stockings to in-Hand, Pa. 17505 along find I and exchange my Beechdale Rd. shoes for yours. Write Box 3OO, Christiana RD No. 1, Pa. For Sale - Locust posts all 17509 along Vintage Road. sizes and shapes. Including sawed, both seasoned and For Sale-1 Red Holstein Bull green. PH; 717-354-9634. R. out of Atlantic Breeding, John Yost. tox. 700 lbs. 215484-4195 Wanted - Parts (Paw) for Case 133 Baler or will buy complete baler, reasonable price. Call 717-776-5620 Dave Parthemore. R 2. Box 86. Newville, Pa. 17241 For Sale - Bred sows 2nd and 3rd litter 8275. each. AKC Siberian stud Service, blue eyed, 835.00. 215-445-5796 Blueberries: Will take or ders for blueberries. Phone 717-768-8341 or 717-656-8824 or write-to Steven F. Beiler, Cambridge Road, RD No. 1, Box, 373, Gap, Pa. 17527 For Sale - 40 Head Registered Holsteins. 814- 349-5477 For Sale -1973 C 8350 Honda motorcycle 2000 miles NEW battery, windshield, 2 helmets included $795.00. Phone 717-456-5484 For Sale - Cocker Spaniel pups, (color Buff), Scnnauzer pups, 6 weeks old. 717-427-8998 For Sale - 3000 plus Shaver Star Cross 288 Layers available. Will be 20 weeks old Aug. 11. 717-653-1218 Massey Harris 6 ft. clipper combine with new canvass $150.00. 914-564-2696 Wanted - 14 ft. wide x 11 ft. high overhead door. Contact Christian L. Beiler, 68 S. Weavertown Road, Ronks, Pa. Rabbits For Sale - Daniel S. Glick, Bird-in-Hand RDI, Box 297, Pa. 17505 % mile NE of Bards Crossing along Windy Tore Road. For Sale - Int. 64 Combine pull type rebuilt engine ready to go. Grant Cun ningham, 215-368-0560 For Sale - Registered Saint Bernard Pups $20.00 each. Daniel S. Better, Quarryville RD No. 3, along Furnace Road. For Sale - Ellis Keystone Champion No. 1 Thrashing Machine and blower on iron wheels. Always kept in dry. Robert Diehl, RD No. 1, Box 404, Center Valley, Pa. 215- 967-1328 For Sale - 9N Ford with stepup gear and rebuilt engine, very good condition. Brood mare 13.2 hands $2OO. bred. 717-665-6765 For Sale - (2) silos with Jamesway unloaders; (1) Marietta 24’x65’ $l5OO. (1) Madison 16’x65’ $l2OO. (1) Jamesway Belt bunk feeder 100 ft. with 2 50’ elevators $l5OO. Call 215-869-9294 or 2264. Picket fencing for sale. Approximately 200 feet, in fair condition.; $50.00. Elverson 215-942-3535 For Sale - Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation bull 12 mo. old, out of Don Auger cow. Enos K. Beiler, RD No. 1 Strasburg, Pa. 17579 Wanted - Used steel doors with or without panic bar. Call 215-445-5201 For Sale - Massey Ferguson For Sale - Fannall 4 410 Combine with cab and air Power Steering, Fast condition. 3 foot grain head, and Torque amplifier,! pick up reel, in good con- to sell, newly repaint* dition. PH: 814-832-2274 933-8713 _ For Sale - Case 3 pt.-3-14” bottoms with trip back. PH: 717-345-4109 For Sale - MF 1100 WFE weights & cab, good con dition $8,000.00 or best offer. 301-842-2029 For Sale - 75 Fiat 128 SL Cpe. 4 sp. black. 2,500 miles $2750.00.70 Dodge Dart 2 dr. ht. Vinyl top, new paint $1275.00. 717-626-1564 MOWER CONDITIONER SALE 990 Mower-Condi Int 990 Mower Conditioner 7Ft *3,1 Int 990 Mower Conditioner 9Ft *3,S BIMEW TRACTORS^ 666 D FARMALL 674 D Row Crop 574 D Row Crop 1066 D ' 364 D 464 D 574 D NEW & USED CRAWLER TRACTORS AT SPECIAL PRICES' New Int. 500 E Diesel Crawler... Loader,'to! converter, 3 /« yard bucket $16,700 New Int. 100 E Diesel Crawler loader, toi converter; 1 yard bucket Used TD9 - 91 Series Loader; engine, t smission and steering overhauled. Tn good condition. $6875.00 Used TD6 Loader P.T.O. $2,300.00 7 FOUR STAR SPECIALS I.H. 3300 Heavy Duty Skid Steer Loat Demo., Hydrastatic Drive, New Warrai 10.00-16.5 Tires. New I.H. 464 Diesel Tractor 3 pt. Hitch D Lock. 14.9 x 28 Tires P.S. Live P.T.O. ★ *6060.00 USED TRACTORS, TRUCKS t EQUIPME ’67 Ford F-500 chasis V-S, under 40,000 original miles. 17,W [A-OKj A.C. 190 | Excellent) N.H. No. 66 Engine Driven I Ferguson 20 w/Sauder loader Int. No. 56 4 row planter (foil 430 Deere w/culthrators Insecticides, adjustable t> Famuli 656 G John Deere 494-A, 4 row P* Farmall 300 Howard 3 pi. hitch backhoc 1 - 460 13 x n.D. Grain Drill I.H. 3200 B Skid Steer Loader 17 x 7 J.D. Grain Drill w/Rear mid. Backhoe, Calhoun Forage Box less than 40 hrs. of use Int. 125 Bu. P.T.O. Spread* $8400.00 I.H. 550 plow 5-16”, net Hyster 15 ton hit-bed trailer, bottoms air brakes Excellent i.h. No. 37 Disk Harrow $5295.00 350 Disk Harrow 11 ft. 6 HERIUG INTERNATIONAL IN * 1054 SOUTH STATE STREET k) EPHRATA, PA 17522 e PHONE 717-733-2283 Lancaster Cour Mail Box Mqi For Sale - N.H. 35 Chopper, single ro» head for N.H. 818 harvester. 717-235-25® For Sale - Fox j Harvester with con and direct.cut heal 717-672-2647 ' For Sale - 30 & 35 ft Elevators, real good, and Vegetable case compressor, real platform scales, 1 & com - shelters. 717-ft ONLY TWO LEFT *6995.00
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