2 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 3, 1976 livestock market and auction Lancaster Market Monday, June 28 Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 1474 384 843 128 Last Monday 1034 158 932 88 Last Year 883 121 796 144 Monday’s Auction 1303 370 1005 127 Last Monday’s Auction 1236 193 863 CATTLE: Compared to last Wednesday slaughter steers firm to 50 higher, full advance on Good to low Choice; cows steady to firm; bullocks steady to weak; bulls 50-1.00 lower, instances 2.00 lower. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 3-4 1125-1300 lb. 38.85-40.00; Choice mostly 2 1050-1225 lb. 39.60-39.85; Choice 2-4 1000- 1275 lb. 38.10-39.60, few Choice 4-5 1300-1375 lb. 37.50- 38.25; high Good and low Choice 2-3 37.25-38.25; Good 2-3 35.75-37.00; Standard 1-2 33.75-35.75. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-3 850-1025 lb. 35.75- 36.85; few Good 2-3 31.75- 33.50. COWS: Utility and high dressing Cutter 1-3 29.50- 31.50, few 31.75-32.10; Cutter 1-2 27.00-29.00. BULLOCKS: Choice 1000- 12751 b. 37.00-39.25, few 39.75- 41.25; Good 1000-1200 lb. 33.00-37.00. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1100-1750 lb. 34.25-38.00, couple 38.00-38.50; yield grade 2 1000-1250 lb. 32.00- 34.00, few 850-1000 lb. 30.00- 32.00. VEAL CALVES: Vealers 3.00- lower. VEALERS: Choice 48.00- 50.00, couple 52.00-67.00; high Good and low Choice 38.00- 48.00; Good 30.00-36.00; Standard and Good 80-110 lb. 25.00- SHEEP: Spring lambs 1.00-2.00 lower. SPRING LAMBS: Choice 80-100 lb. 42.50-50.00; Good 70-90 lb. 40.0044.00. FORTY-TWO YEARS OF SERVICE ... to the farmer, to the dealer and to the packer. May we serve you? S. K. SHOTZBERGER, INC. LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION Gene Zwally, President Marvin Johns, Secy.-Treasurer P.O. Box 925, Lancaster, PA 17604 Phone: 393-4641 (day or night) ATTENTION FARMERS!! SPRAY MATERIALS m. A Chordane liquid A Granular Available Now. Quality Conklin Products Liquid Nitrogen Trailer Load Lots. Coker 16 Seed Corn (Check Our Prices) MELVIN R. WEAVER RDI Box 529 Manheim, PA PH; 717-569-6576 Vintage Auction Tuesday,June29- Cattle Calves Sheep Today 1059 584 53 Last Tuesday 1098 584 90 Last Year 1150 580 31 CATTLE: Compared to last Tuesday slaughter steers steady to 50 higher, advance on Standard to low Choice; cows 50-1.00 higher; few bulls steady. Slaughter steers supply mainly Choice and Prime 24 1000-1325 lb. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 34 1050-1325 lb. 38.8540.60, few 4-5 1315-1430 lb. 36.0038.00; Choice 24 975-1350 lb. 38.35- 40.00; few Choice 2 40.00- 41.00, couple head 41.00- 41.60; few Choice 2-3 1400- 1625 lb. 38.60-39.35; high Good and low Choice 2-3 37.5038.25; Good 34.853&00; Standard 1-2 33.0035.50. COWS: Utility and high dressing Cutter 1-3 29.00- 31.75, few 31.85-32.85; Cutter 1-2 27.00-29.50; Canner and low Cutter 22.00-27.00. BULLS: Yieltf grade 1 1100-1650 lb. 35.75-37.75; couple Choice bullocks 38.75- 39.25. VEAL CALVES: Vealers steady to weak. Supply in cluded 401 in graded sale of which 38 per cent returned to farm. VEALERS: Choice 180-220 lb. 44.00-48.00, few 115-135 lb. 43.00- Good to low Choice 35.00-38.00, few 115- 125 lb. 32.00-36.00; Good 29.00- Standard and Good 90-110 lb. 28.00-31.00; Standard 75-85 lb. 20.00- 30.00; Utility 60-95 lb. 10.00- 17.00. RETURNED TO FARM: 120 head Standard and Good 100-120 lb. Holstein bulls 32.00-36.50, one lot Standard 90-95 lb. Holstein bulls 29.50. SHEEP: Spring lambs 1.00-3.00 higher. SPRING LAMBS; Choice 60-85 lb. 46.00-50.00, few 35-45 A A Lancaster Auction Wednesday, June 30 Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 1091 105 839 30 Last Wednesday 1246 69 747 36 Last Year 603 107 384 49 Wednesday’s Auction 1185 107 956 29 Last Wednesday’s Auction 741 1119 CATTLE: Compared to Monday slaughter steers opened steady to weak, although late sales weak to 1.00 lower; cows 50-75 lower; hulls steady on small supply. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prune 3-4 1100-1400 lb. 38.35-39.75, few 4-5 1150-1400 lb. 35.00-38.00; Choice 2-4 990-1250 lb. 37.60- 39.35, few yield grade 2 39.60- 40.10; Choice 4 1100-1300 lb. 36.50-38.25; one lot Choice 5 1560 lb. 33.00; high Good and low Choice 2-3 36.50-38.00; Good 2-3 34.75-36.75; Stan dard 1-2 33.00-34.75. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-3 900-1100 lb. 34.75- 36.85, part load 3-4 935-1160 lb. 33.10-33.35; Good 2-3 850- 1000 lb. 32.50-35.50. COWS: Utility and high dressing Cutter 1-3 29.00- 31.00; Cutter 1-2 26.50-29.00, few low Cutter 24.75-27.00. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1100-1700 lb. 37.75-38.75; yield grade 2 1000-1300 lb. 32.00- 35.00; few Choice bullocks 1000-1250 lb. 37.50-39.10. VEAL CALVES: Vealers uneven, Good to Prime 6.00: 8.00 higher, Standard tolow' Good steady. VEALERS: Prime 68.00- 73.50; Choice 55.00-68.00; high Good and low Choice 42.00- Good 32.00-40.00; Standard and Good 85-110 lb. 26.00- SHEEP: Market not fully tested. lb. 51.00-57.00; Good 40-80 lb. 36.00-40.00. SLAUGHTER EWES: Utility and Good 13.00-17.00. VINTAGE SALES STABLES, INC. will begin a special State Graded Feeder Pig Sale FRIDAY, JULY 2 - 1 P.M. Sales will be held the Ist and 3rd Friday of each month. Consignments will be accepted from 7 A.M. to 11:30 A.M. on each day of sale for grading and weighing. PH: 717-442-4181 or 717-768-8204 New Holland Thursday, July! Cattle Calves Sheep Today 1123 380 13 Last Thursday 1129 400 24 Last Year 716 188 CATTLE; Compared to last Thursday slaughter steers 25-50 lower, instances 1.00 lower on early sales; cows 50-75 higher; bullocks weak to 1.00 lower; bulls steady to weak. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 34 1050-1325 lb. 38.00-39.00, few 39.00-39.75; Choice mainly 2 1100-1325 lb. 38.75-39.35; Choice 241000-1300 lb. 37.00- 38.60; high Good and low Choice 231000-1200 lb. 35.75- 37.25; Good 23 34.5036.50; Standard 1-2 32.5034.50. COWS: Utility and high dressing Cutter 13 30.50- 32.50, few 32.5032.85; Cutter 1-2 28.50-29.75, few 30.00- 30.50; Cannerand low Cutter 25.00-27.50. BULLOCKS: Choice 1000- 1250 lb. 36.7538.00; Good 1000-1200 lb. 34.5037.00. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1100-1700 lb. 35.00-37.50, couple 38.00-39.35. FEEDER STEERS: Around 80 head Choice and Prime 925-1025 lb. with Good to low Choice slaughter finish 35.50-37.25. VEAL CALVES: Vealers 1.00-3.00 higher with Stan dard and Good 80-110 lb. fully steady. *' > VEALERS: Choice 54.00- 64.00, few Prime 64.00-72.00; high Good and low Choice 40.00-49.00; Good 32.00-42.00; Standard and Good 100-115 lb. 26.00-32.00, 80-95 lb. 22.00- 28.00;: few Utility and Standard 65-95 lb. 17.00-21.00. RETURNED TO FARM: Few 90-110 lb. Holstein bulls and heifers 30.00-36.00. SHEEP: Market not fully tested; few Choice 60-95 lb. spring lambs 40.00-44.00. Lancaster Weekly Friday, July 2 Cattle Calves This Week 5500. 1460 Last Week 5016 1211 Last Year 3869 1025 CATTLE: Slaughter steers opened the week firm to 50 higher, this advance lost by midweek with closing sales 25-50 lower; cows closed the week 50-1.00 higher; bullocks weak to 1.00 lower; bulls steady to weak. Supply in cluded 74 per cent slaughter steers, 10 per cent cows, 5 per cent bulls, 3 per-cent heifers with the balance feeder steers! SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 3-4 1050-1300 lb. 38.00-39.75 few early part of week 40.00- 40.50, 4-5 13(50-1400 lb. 35.00- 38.00; Choice mainly 2 1050- 1325 lb. 39.50-40.50, few head on Tuesday 41.00-41.60; Choice 24 975-1350 lb. 37.00- 39.50, load 2-3 1400-1625 lb. 38.60-39.75; Choice 4-5 1300- 1400 lb. 36.50-38.00; high Good and low Choice 2-3 36.50-38.50; Good 2-3 34.50- 37.00; Standard 1-2 31.75- 35.50, SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-3 850-1100 lb. 34.75- 36.85, part load 34 935-1160 lb.-33.10-33.35; Good 2-3 850- 1000 lb. 31.75-35.50. COWS: Utility and high dressing Cutter 1-3 29.00- 32.50, few 32.5032.85; Cutter 1-2 26.50-29.50, few at the close 29.5030.50; Canner and lo,w Cutter 24.75-27.50, few early part-of week down to* 22.00. BULLOCKS: Choice 1000- 1275 lb. 36.75-39.25, few 39.75- 40.25; Good 1000-1200 lb/ 33.00-37.00. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1100-1750 lb£ 34.25-38.00, few 38.00-38.75; yield grade 2 COMPLETE LIVESTOCK BUYING SERVICE Specializing in order buymg of Stockers & .Feeders FRANK DUSSINGER LIVESTOCK ORDER BUYER PHONE |7l7| 397-7539 MARTIN LIVESTOCK Washington Boro, PA 17582 Office Phone |7l7|-872-5491 John Bowman Phone |717|653-5728 Ron Ranch Phone 17171656-9849 NEW HOLLAND The Action Auction < AUCTIONS make the difference in marketing livestock! NEW HOLLAND makes the difference in auctions! MONDAY'S ACTION: 8.00 A.M. - Fat Hogs 10 00 A M - Horse Sale 11 00 A M - Hay. Straw & Ear Corn 2 30 P M - Fat Steers. Bulls. Cows & Veal WEDNESDAY'S ACTION: 12 00 Noon - Hay Straw & Ear Corn 12 30 P M - Dairy Sale THURSDAY’S ACTION: 11 00 A.M - Beef Sale Order of Sale: Bulls, Fat Steers. Cows. Veal. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES INC. New Holland, PA Abram W. Diffenbach, Manager Phone. 717-354-43 news 1000-1300 1b.'32.00-35.0 850-1000 lb. 30.00-32.00. \ VEAL CALVES: V very uneven;, sales part of week 2.00-5.00 1 this loss regained by week with closing sale 3.00 ' higher, alt Standard and Good 80 mostly steady throi the period. VEALERS: Choice ' 65.1)0; few Prime 64.00 high Good and low ( 42.00-55.00; Good 32.00 Standard and Good 1 lb. 26.00-32.00,80-95 lb. 28.00; Utility and SU 60-85 lb. 10.00-21.00. RETURNED TO Pi Bulk Standard and Go 120 lb. Holstein bulls 36.50. AUCTION NOTH New. Holland Sa Stables wilHiold regii sales on Monday, Jul as usual. Danville Livesto Market Sale as usual Monday, July 5. - Lancaster Stockya .will not have a ca auction Monday, Jul but will have slaugt hog auction as usual Try A Classified If Pays! EVERY FRIDAY FEEDER CATTI 12 NOON? Lancaster - lnc LEBANON VALLEY LIVESTOCK MARKET, IN 1 mile |ast of Fredericksburg along Route 222 RHONE JONESTO 865-2881 Sale every Tuesday at 1 P.M. starting with feeder a and pigs. 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