Livestock market and auction news rville steady to $1 lower. Slaughter Good slaughter heifers 35.25 24.00-27.60, Shells down to cows steady to 25 cents and 36.75, couple Standard 20.00. One Utility slaughter P«. higher. Choice 900-1180 lbs. 32.00 and 32.60, couple Utility bullock at 30.75. Few Yield (une23 1976 ' No. 3-4 slaughter steers 28.00 and 29.75. Utility & Grade Nor. ‘ 1 1275-1690 lie’. Compared 37.00-38.25, Good 34,00-36.85, High Dressing Cutter slaughter bulls 36.00-39.75; last Wednesday’s Standard 31.25-34.50, few slaughter cows 29.00-31.10, few yield grade No. 2 1235- slaughter steers ' Utility 28.75-30.85. Couple ' Cutters 27.10-28.85, Canners 1450 lbs. 33.10-35.10. Few VE WHAT YOU GROW WHY DOES SIU)-KIWG WORK? Silo-King contains a POTENT COMBINATION of the SAME ANTI-OXIDANTS used to PRESERVE HUN DREDS OF FOOD ITEMS in our super markets. Silo-King also contains a POTENT COMBINATION of FOOD GRADE ENZYMES and FLAVORS., This COMBINATION OF ANTI-OXIDANTS AND ENZYMES results in a much GREATER PRESER VATIVE EFFECT. They ABSORB THE AT MOSPHERIC and HYDROLYTIC OXYGEN ENERGY in the silage to PREVENT THE INITIAL OXIDATION which causes the HEATING AND THE LOSSES. They also UTILIZE MOISTURE available in the silage to help SYNTHESIZE MORE SOLUBLE DON'T LET THIS TEAR GO BY WITHOUT GIVING SILO-KING A TRY Apply Silo-King Simply and Accurately by using a Gandy .Applicator. Southeastern Penna. George F. Delong Regional Manager 225 West Woods Drive Lititz PA 17543 Call Collect 717 626 0261 Eastern Lancaster Co. Melvin Herr RR2 New Holland. PA 17557 Ph 717 354-5977 North Western Lancaster Co Earl B. Cinder RD2 Manheim PA 17545 Phone 717 665 3126 Southern Lancaster Co. Henry DeLong, Jr. RDI Box 106 Quarryville PA 17566 Phone 717-284 2683 Use . . . rn Lancaster Co Southwest! Ben Greenawalt RD2 Conestoga PA 17516 Phone 717 872-5686 Chester Co. William Windle RDI, Atglen PA 19310 Phone 215 593 6143 Lebanon Co Marvin Meyer RO2 Box 157 Annville PA 17003 Phone 717 867 1445 Northeast Berks Co Roger Heller RDI Robesoma PA Phone 215 693 6160 AGRI-KING KEY TO PROFIT “Silo- y King" Vi SUGARS 'which help produce a HIGH QUALITY, SWEET SMELLING silage with EXCEPTIONAL PALATABILITY. By REDUCING THE LEVEL OF OXIDATION, - temperature of the silage is maintained in a RANGE OF 100 TO 110 DEGREES. This is the IDEAL TEMPERATURE FOR FER MENTATION. This results in a HIGHER PH (LOWER ACIDITY) and a SILAGE OF VERY HIGH QUALITY. ih & Northami Thomas Heist Mam Street Alburtis PA 18101 Phone 215 965 5124 mth Cenl James L Yoder Regional Manager 250 Edwards Ave Chambersburg PA 17201 Call Collect 717 264 9321 Adams Co. Ai Menno N. Rissler RR4 Gettysburg PA 17325 Phone 717 528-4849 u Eastern Fran! Eldon Martin RDS, Waynesboro. PA 17268 Phone 717-762 4130 Cumberland Co Marlin E. Ebersole R 5 Carlisle PA 17013 Phone 717-776 7324 il Penna Western Washington Charlie Campbell Newville PA Phone 717 776 7573 iastern Wa; Earl H Moyer RDS Box 277 Hagerstown MD 21740 Phone 301 739 5199 Medium 460-585 lbs. feeder steers 26.00-31.25. CALVES 69. Few Standard vealers 38.50-43.00, Utility 90- 120 lbs. 27.00-34.50, 65-85 IbS. 21.00-28.50. Farm calves, few beef cross bulls & heifers 100- 130 lbs. 31.0033.00. HOGS 29. US No. 2-3 205- 230 lbs. barrows & gilts 50.50- 51.Q0, No. 2-4 220-255 lbs. 48.75-49.10, one lot No. 1-3145 lbs. 44.75. .One US No. 2-3 625 lbs. sows at 32.00. Few Boars 32.0036.75. FEEDER PIGS 22. US No. 1-3 25-35 lbs. feeder pigs 31.00-36.50 per head, one lot No. 1-3 70 lbs. 58.00 per head. SHEEP 6. Two Good 45 and 105 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 40.00 and 45.00. Julyl Thursday Feeder Cattle Auction Estimated Receipts 6,100 Same Day Last Week 9,439 Trade active, feeder steers and heifers steady to 50 cents higher. Majority receipts 400-800 lb. steers and heifers. Moderate attendance buyers. STEERS: Choice and few Prime from reputation herds 365-475 lb. 44.25-47.00, other Choice 335-500 lb. 40.25-45.00, 500-600 lb. 39.00-41.50, lot 550 lb. 43.20, 600-800 lb. 38.50- 40.75, 800-900 lb. 36.50-39.00, package 811 lb. at 40.00; mixed Good and Choice 385- 500 lb. 38.25-39.25, 500-600 lb. '36.50-39.25, 600-800 lb. 37.50- 39.25; Good 300-500 lb. 36.25- 37.75, 500-780 lb. 25.50-27.50. HEIFERS; Choice and few Prime 345-592 lb. 36.50-37.80. Choice 350-500 lb. 33.50-35.75, 500-777 lb. 33.25-36.00, largely 34.50-36.00; mixed Good and Choice 375-500 lb. 32.00-33.75, 500-675 lb. 32.25-34.25; Good 325-665 lb. 28.25-33.00, majority 30.00-32.00. FOR THE WEEK: Feeder steers uneven, weights under P* din Co. ton Co.. MD Lancaster Farming. Saturday, July 3,1976—13 Oklahoma KELER BROS. TRACTOR CO. mil COHPtEIE TRACTOR & EBUIP. DEALER Ford Farm Tractors & Equip. Ford Industrial Tractors & Equip, Ford Garden Tractors & Equip. Ford Rider Mowers Ford Tillers Ford Walk Behind Mowers IgSy Kubota Tractors & Equip Good Selection from Large Inventory Sales - Parts - Service MIUIIM tUt*«tnaT»wN jKELLER BROS. TRACTOR COl • Buffalo Springs Call (717) 949-6501 • • 10 Miles North of Lititz Z Lebanon Valley Auction Fredericksburg, PA June 29,1976 CATTLE 302. Compared with hurt Tuesday’s market, slaughter steers grading Good and Choice 25 cents lower. Slaughter cows steady to 50 cents lower. Choice No. 2-3, 975-1250 lbs. slaughter steers 37.50-39.10, Good 35.85-37.60, Standard 33.00-36.10, Utility 31.50- 33.75. Choice slaughter heifers 34.50-38.00, few Good 34.50-35.50. Utility and High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 29.75-32.10, individual at 32.35, Cutters 27.60-30.35, Canners 23.85-27.25. Few Choice slaughter bullocks 36.75-38.50, Good 35.00-37.50, few Standard 34.10-34.60, few Utility 31.00-33.35. Yield Grade No. 1, 1200-1800 lbs. slaughter bulls 32.85-37.85. CALVES 232. Vealers about steady. Few Choice vealers 45.00-50.50, Good 36.00- few Standard 32.00- Utility 90-110 lbs. 28.50-31.00, 70-85 lbs. 23.00- 28.00. Farm Calves: Holstein bulls 90-120 lbs. 29.00-38.00. HOGS 374. Barrows and gilts 25 cents to 75 cents lower. US No. 1-2 200-235 lbs. barrows and gilts 52-35-53.25, No. 1-3 190-250 lbs. 51.75- 52.60, few lots No. 24 260-270 lbs. 45.1049.00. Few US No> 1-3 350-575 lbs. sows 38.00- 40.00. Bars 32.00-35.00. 550 lb. 1.00-1.50 higher, weights oversso lb. steady to. 50 cents higher. Heifers largely 1.00 higher. Slaughter cows 50 cents to 1.00 lower, with most decline noted on Utility. Slaughter bulls closed mostly 2.00 lower. Salable receipts this week near 15,200 head, compared to 19,778 last week and 22,407 last year. Cows comprised near 8 percent of total, feeders 89 percent. ir»H«ATA LANCASTER r | i If.K U)ts Equip'm n' JiVa ft
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