--Lancaster 'F‘armi’ng, J Safiirsay', llurie 5?1^76 8 THE OLD JUNE 7-13, 1976 Rain blesses and refreshes Weed vour garden alter a rair Jack Johnson died June 6 1946 Full moon June 11 Early sunrises now Average length o ( davs for the week, 15 hours, 15 minutes Phonograph patented June 13, 1863 First U S banklune “ , One foi/ scatter-* a hundred gru OLD FARMER'S WEATHER FORECASTS New England: Intermittent ram and warm tnroughout tirst part or week, heavier ram and cooler latter part Greater New York-New Jersey Cloudy and cool to start, then warmer thundershowers latter part Middle Atlantic Coastal; Intermittent showers through midweek ramv on weekend Piedmont & Southeast Coastal: Rain through midweek, light in northeast, scattered showers and warm end ot week Florida: Week begins with showers, then becoming hot and sunnv, week ends with ram and somewhat cooler temperatures Upstate N.Y.-Toronto & Montreal: Early week partlv sunnv, then ram, latter part mild in east, turning cool in west Greater Ohio Valley: Hot at first, then heavy ram and cooler by midweek, cloudy and seasonable latter part Deep South: Fairly heavy showers throughout most of week, some sun over the weekend Chicago & Southern Great Lakes: Sunny and hot early in the week, then Becoming milder, some scattered showers throughout Northern Great Lakes: Rainy with normal temperatures to mid week, then sunny, some ram at end of week Central Great Plains: Rainy all week over region heavy showers in north to central to midweek, moving to east latter part and scat tered in west Texas-Oklahoma: Early week sunny and hot, some rain in north and east end of week Rocky Mountain: Clearing and hot in south at beginning, then light rain and cool in central and north, clearing and hot latter part Southwest Desert; Partly cloudy and slightly below normal tem peratures to midweek, rest of week clear and hot Pacific Northwest: Light ram and cool temperatures to midweek, clearing and very warm latter part California: First part of week cloudy in south, some clearing and warmer in north, light lam on weekend (Ail Rights Reserved Yankee Inc Dublin. N H 03444) We have a better way of getting zinc through to plants. It’s called NZN,™ a patented combination of nitrogen and zinc in liquid form. In foliar application, NZN has proved about four times more effective than other zincs. Including the more expensive chelated zincs. In addition, NZN supplies nitrogen. So besides getting more zinc into plant tissues faster than ever before, you’re getting nitrogen in as well. And what doesn’t get into the leaves, is absorbed through the soil into the rr So forgetting maximum results every pound of nutrient applied, NZI by far the most efficient zinc you cai buy. Test NZN against any other zinc. And you’ll be convinced befon the season is over, for getting zinc into plants, nothing comes close to Plant Foods LEBANON CHEMICAL Ask the Old Farmer In the old davs ) used to eat a lot ot so-called "stove pipe potatoes But 1 never knew the term meant Can you enlignten me 1 5 E Denve- Potatoc'- small enough to he arawn up in t" drat‘ Home Hints A steam iron wi 1 ! 'ast longer it \ou use mineralized or distilkd water in u - REICHARD DIV. ALLENTOWN, PA 18105 (215) 434-7106 This Week 4700 Last Week 4600 Year Ago 5800 Compared with last week’s close slaughter steers and heifers 1.00-2.00 higher. Cows and bulls steady. Receipts about 80 percent slaughter steers, 15 percent slaughter heifers, remainder largely cows. Heifers in good demand all week, while best demand on steers Choice 1050-1150 lbs., suitable for futures delivery. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice and Prime 3-4 1100- 1250 lbs. 41.00-42.50; several loads 1300-1370 lbs. yield grade 4, few 5, 39.00-40.50, CATTLE 272. Compared with last Tuesday’s market, slaughter steers about steady. Slaughter cows strong to 75 cents higher. Choice slaughter steers 39.35-41.85, Good 38.0040.35, Standard 33.75-38.00, few Utility 30.75-34.25. Choice slaughter heifers 37.7541.25, Good 35.10-37.75, Standard 32.25-33.50. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 32.25-33.60, one at 34.75, Cutters 29.85-32.85, Canners 26.50-30.00, Shells down to 21.50. Good slaughter bullocks 37.10-39.00, Stan dard 33.00-37.10, Utility 30.85- 33.35. Yield Grade No, 11330- 2335 lbs. slaughter bulls 37.00-38.85; few Yield Grade No. 2 1225-1320 lbs. 31.10- 35.85. Good 450-800 lbs. feeder steers 35.50-42.25, Medium 350-700 lbs. 27.75- 34.25; few Medium 330-700 lbs. feeder heifers 21.75- 28.00; few Good 500-700 lbs. feeder bulls 34.50-38.50, CORP. * VA A-, VAC ■* JA / S \ \v' * \ '<■ N Peoria Cattle June 3 Weekly Summary Cattle Receipts Lebanon Valley Fredericksburg, Pa. June 1,1976 load 1340 lbs. yield grade 44 38.50; Choice 2-4 950-1200 lbs 40.50-42.50; half load 43.00; few 900-1000 lbs. 39.50-40.50; load 1270 lbs. yield grade 4 39.00; mixed Good and Choice 2-4 300-1300 lbs. 39.00- 41.50; Good 2-3 37.50-39.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS; Choice and Prime 34 900- 1100 lbs. 41.0041.50; Choice 24 850-1075 lbs. 40.0041.25; Mixed Good and Choice 24 750-1100 lbs. 38.00-40.00; Good 2-3 36.00-38.00; Stan dard and Good 33.00-36.00. COWS: Utility and Commercial 24 29.00-30.00; few high-dressing utility 31.00; cutter 26.00-29.00; canner 22.00-26.00. BULLS: Yield Grade 1-2 1100-1800 lbs. 29.00-37.00; few Yield Grade 1 38.00. Medium 400-630 lbs. 27.50- 30.25. CALVES 208. Vealers $3 to $9 lower. Choice vealers 57.00- Good 47.50-55.00, Standard 42.0049.00, Utility 110-125 lbs. 40.0043,00, 90-120 lbs. 35.0042.00, 70-85 lbs. 33.00- low Utility 60-80 lbs. 20.50-30.00. Farm calves, holstein bulls 95-120 lbs. 41.00- holstein heifers 80-105 lbs. 37.0046.00; beef cross bulls & heifers 75-200 lbs. 40.00-56.00. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! THE AESTAR HOG CAS ...it’s portable...it’s the new, feed-saving, plug-up-and-go total hog producing environment When you put your hogs into a comfortable, no-stress environment, they do better and they usually do it on less feed. That’s the whole idea behind the new AGSTAR Hog Castle. It’s the new, portable, “Total Hog Raising Environment” that comes delivered to you complete and ready-to-use ... everything installed. Including pens, partitions, feeders, waterers, lights, heating, ven tilation, Porcelaimzed Steel slotted flooring, everything... right down to and including a built-in manure pit Your hogs will be free of drafty, damp conditions and you’ll enjoy a more comfortable place to work. Several sizes of Hog Castles are now available. Call today for complete information, prices, and delivery date to your farm WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF AGSTAR HOG EQUIPMENT. SEE US FIRST FOR THE MOST ADVANCED HOG EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON THE MARKET TODAY. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Sale reports nanvilleAuction COWS: High Choice to, MavSl 1970 Prime 31.10-33.00; Good td y ’ Standard 29.00-30.80; Utility , 26.00-28.00. STEERS: Good to Choice CALVES: Good to Choice 38.0040.10; Standard to Good 45 00-57.00; Standard to Good 35.25-37.60. 32.00-38.00. FEEDER STEERS: Good HOGS: 50.50-52.70. to Choice 3841.50; Standard SOWS: 38.0042.75. to Good 35.00-37.00. BOARS: 31.0042.00. BULLS: 33.60-37.40. LAMBS: 31.00-57.00. I*s ' V s s s "'Jt' K' -v ■•¥ ★ KEMPTDN COUNTRY FAIR ★ FRIDAY, JUNE 18 - DOYLE HOLLY r ★SATURDAY, JUNE 19-STELLA PARTON £ „ Jeep Rodeo - Baking Contest I Children’s Day - 2 P'M. to 4.30 P M. ★ SUNDAY, JUNE 20 - BILLY WALKER „ All Terrain Vehicle Races ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★. £ PA DUTCH FOODS £ I FREE ENTERTAINMENT * £ QUEEN CONTEST t MORE! J ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Admission: $2 per carload daily ( Kempton is located on Rt. 143, five miles north of Rt 22 from f' Lenhartsville Interchange [which is four miles east of Hamburgl, and | on Rt. 737, ten miles north of Kubtown. !• PHONE: 215-756-6444 » V;. .*:. . y .*» ♦ ss.*;*!*! >«. n s Li H s m ii v'V ■u. ■ A* FULL LINE PARTS DEPT. E. M. HERR EQUIPMENT, R. D. 1. Wlow Street 22ND ANNUAL Best in Country Music Tractor Pull Contest • Fashion Show tS£eSsto.r. .★ ■>. >.Va: i f N .v ** V.\- INC. 717-464-3321
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