20 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday. June 5,1976 Lebanon dairy wife is active in a g programs < ANNVILLE - Mrs. Kennth (Karen) SeDers is one of those active farm wives who seems to be “Volunteered” for projects in every organization she joins. And although her willingness to serve has ranged from door to door collecting for charitable organizations to supervising farm safety surveys, the Lebanon County woman still finds time to help with the dairy operation, keep house and care for her two children. The. wife of a prominent Holstein breeder in southern Lebanon County, Karen has been active in helping to coordinate the upcoming dairy princess contest and promotion week slated for June 10-12. She is also a member of the Pa. Farmers Association women's com mittee in the County. One of the recent projects which took a good deal of organization and time was supervising a county farm safety survey for PFA. Karen was asked to select several other farm wives to take a survey of area farms and report on the conditions found. “I bad to find 30 ladies willing to help on the program and just finding 15 was quite a job,” she noted. “We had to do an initial survey of farm familii* and their safety consciousness then check with them later about any problems.” A member of Farm Women Society 11, Karen was recently selected as hostess for their monthly meeting with the planning of the program and details of the meeting in her hands. Although farm related activities such as these keep her busy, Karen also finds time to serve on the Sunshine Committee for the Fontana Union Church. Being a member of such a committee means sending gifts to shut ins and visiting the sick. Karen’s husband is superin tendent of the same church Bible School and thus both devote time to the activities of the organization. A native of Western Lebanon County, Karen grew up on a dairy farm but was not involved with 4-H as an active member, working on the farm however did give her an idea of the dairy enterprise which has come in bandy since. “I always told myself that I wouldn’t many a farmer,” she explained laughing. “I went to the city to be a nurse and by the time I was finished with training I was anxious to get back to the country!” Kenneth Sellers grew up on a dairy farm also but in the AnnvQle area and took over the family farm before he was married. The couple now reside on Kenneth’s farm and milk 43 Holsteins which are high in the ranks of the DHIA reports each month. The Sellers are proud of their small but productive herd which has a rolling average of 15,300 pounds of milk and 599 pounds of fat. Along with the actual dairy operation, the Sellers farm 82 acres of their own land and rent an additional 120 acres to raise com, hay and silage. Kenneth’s father still helps out on the farm and a young hired man also pitches in during the busy season. Karen helps with the feeding and milking. “I used to help more before the children came along,” she stated, “but now with hired help I do mostly small jobs around the farm.” One of Karen’s favorite projects is tending to a large Can a salad be a whole corporated in this one dish. meal? Dairy Council Inc. Then add bite-size pieces of says it sure can be a , j , , delightful meal, too. meat » cl,eese * and cooked Especially this time of year, «88- Fish . too, can be added, when it’s warm, And finally, garlic-soaked homemakers should con- croutons, or breadsticks or sider making a salad that crackers. Then top it all off “does everything.” The four with a glass of cold milk and food groups can be in- you have a fine meal. M.SO MADE TO ORDER OUTSIDE CALF HUTCHES WAGON BEDS TAPERED LOCUST POSTS FENCE BOARDS BARBED WIRE AND WOVEN WIRE FENCING. STOLTZFUS WOODWORK RO Gap, PA Box 183 1 Mile North Rt 897 From Gap By MELISSA PIPER Preparing one of her favorite desserts using milk, Karen enjoys cooking for her family. farm garden which lends vegetables for canning and preserving. The farm wife also freezes a quantity of fruit during the summer season. Along with her myriad other activities, Karen enjoys sewing and constructs a large percentage of her daughter’s outfits. Quilt making and rugmaking are also hobbies of the dairy farm wife and die has taken courses in the art at Boscov’s Department store. A registered nurse, Karen received her training at the Lancaster General Hospital and worked at the Good Samaritan Hospital in Lebanon before her children were bora. As a young couple just getting started in the dairy en terprise, the Sellers are working toward a good quality bend and have seen their bard work pay off in continued betterment of production. “We hope to continue farming,” Karen noted, “a farm is a good place for children as it is family oriented.” “Consumers must realize though, that we do not always get all profit from no work - it takes a lot of expenses and it isn’t always easy.” Karen is hoping that the dairy promotion to be staged later this month in Lebanon will help educate more consumers to the dairy farmer’s role in producing food. It’s time for real savings on the Case ;w p> up! Five power ranges to choose from each speed synchromesh steering, three point hitch and power take off. These tractors feature a rugged box section frame to give them the strength to absorb loading or tillage shocks and stress. Combined with low fuel and maintenance costs and big drawbar horsepower these Case tractors give you top value for your dollar. The offer is limited, so come on over today and join the Case celebration of savings! A. L HERR & BRO. 312 PARK AVE. QUARRYVILLE, PA. [7l7] 786-3521 DEPENDABLE MOTOR CO. East Main Street, Honey Brook, PA [2ls] 273-3131 Tr • SERVICE • RECONDITIONED EQUIPMENT CONVENIENT FINANCING Your Complete Tractor Headquarters PARTS ZIMMERMAN’S FARM SERVICE BETHEL, PA. [717)933-4114 STOUFFER BROS. INC. 1066 Lincoln Way West Chambersburg, PA [7171263-8424 Like many young farm wives, Karen not only helps witff the family enterprise but attends to the duties at home. She also puts forth a great deal of energy and time into helping with farm related programs. Promoting milk and dairy products is one of Karen’s duties and the following recipes is one of her favorites which uses milk. Husband Ken and children Crystal and Craig also enjoy the dairy treat. Fruit Cocktail Pudding 3 boxes instant vanilla pudding 1- 8 ounce package cream cheese 1 large can of fruit cocktail (drained) 6 cups milk Work the cream cheese with a little milk until nice and smooth. Alternate between the padding and the remaining milk. Spoon in fruit cocktail. Chill and serve. \M~ Old Guard jJJDca&oaoD Omsof?@ffle© "l-ntnti rtf Farmers since 1896 ” Is your farm sufficiently, insured? With our low rates and broad coverage you can’t afford not to carry adequate amount of insurance to protect against today’s inflated values. See our agent m your area. W. M. Eckman, Inc. 321Vafc]rAve. Mden.PA Goodwills Insurance Management, Inc. A. Huber Hamish & Son, RD2 Conestoga, PA Melvin L Smith Sr. Insurance Agency rj L»T*r*T> BINKLEY & HURST BROS. 133ROTHSVILLE STATION RD. LITITZ, PA. [7l7] 626-4705 NEVIN N. MYER & SONS, INC. RDI Chester Springs, PA [215)827-7414 Goodrife,PA RD2 Middleburf, PA mi PAUL SHOVER’S INC. 35 EAST WILLOW ST. CARLISLE, PA 1717)243-2686
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