—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 20,1976 6 Livestock market and auction news Pa. Auction Summary Week Ending March 12,1976 CATTLE 6665. Compared with 6255 head last week, and 6512 head a year ago. Compared with last week’s market, slaughter steers & heifers 50 cents to $1 higher. Slaughter cows mostly 50 cents to $1 higher. Slaughter bulls steady to $3 higher, most advance on No. 1. STEERS: High Choice & Prime 38.50-41.00, Choice 37.00- Good 34.50-37.50, Standard 32.00-35.25, Utility 28.00- HEIFERS: Choice 34.00-37.75, Good 31.00- Standard 28.75- 32.00, Utility 27.00-30.50. COWS: Utility & High Dressing Cutter 28.00-32.00, Cutters 25.50-29.50, Canners 23.00- Shells down to 19.00, BULLOCKS: Few Choice 38.50-40.50, Good 35.00- Standard 33.00 35.00, Utility 29.25-33.00. BULLS: Yield Grade No. 1 33.00- yield grade No. 2 29.00- FEEDER CATTLE: Good & Choice 300-709 lbs. feeder steers 29.0040.00; Good 300-650 lbs. feeder heifers 25.00-32.00, Medium & Good 300-700 lbs. 21.00- Medium & Good 300-700 lbs. feeder bulls 24.00 30.50. CALVES 4335. Compared with 4594 head last week, and 4216 head a year ago. Vealers $1 to $5 higher, most advance on Utility. VEALERS: Few Prime 73.50-80.50, Choice 61.50- 73.00, Good 48.00-63.50, Standard 35.00-51.00, Utility 110-130 lbs. 32.0044.50, 90-120 lbs. 27.0040.00, 70-85 lbs. 20.00- Farm calves, holstein bulls 90-120 lbs. IAtFALFAS otiUci of continuing WL 311 WL 305 WL 318 Resistant to Anthracnose and Bacterial Wilt High Yielding— Excellent Stand Persistence Rapid growing Dark green color fine stems Excellent seedling vigor and stand establishment Developed by Waterman Loomis Co., specialized alfalfa breeders. WL 318—Resistant to phytophtora BEACHLEY-HARDY SEED CO. Auction Leb. Valley March 16,1976 CATTLE 335. Compared with last Tuesday’s market, slaughter steers uneven. Slaughter cows steady to 75 cents higher. Choice 24, slaughter steers 37.35-39.25, Good 36.25-37.75, Standard 33.0036.50. Individual Choice slaughter heifer at 35.50, few Good 32.25-34.10, few Standard 29.10-33.10. Utility and High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 29.50-32.50, 32.00-54.00; holstein heifers 95-110 lbs. 35.00-50.00. HOGS 7255. Compared with 8452 head last week, and 7722 head a year ago. Barrows & Gilts $1 to $1.50 lower. BARROWS & GILTS: US No. 1-2 200-240 lbs. 47.10- 49.00, No. 1-3 200-250 lbs. 46.0048.00, No. 2-3 190-2 SO lbs. 44.7047.00, No. 24 240- 300 lbs. 42.2545.25, No. 1-3 110-190 lbs. 39.2546.75. US No. 1-3 300-577 lbs. sows 38.0045.00, few to 49.00, No. 2-3 300-650 lbs. 35.50-39.50. Boars 28.0042.00. FEEDER PIGS 528. Comparted with 1079 head last week, and 1257 head a year ago. Feeder pigs uneven. US No. 1-3 20-35 lbs. feeder pigs 23.00-34.00 per head, No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 32.00- 43.50, No. 1-3 50-75 lbs. 40.50- 56.00 per head. SHEEP 299. Compared with 421 head last week, and 578 head a year ago. Spring & Wooled slaughter lambs uneven. Good & Choice 35-75 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 50.00- few to 85,00; Good & Choice 65-110 lbs. wooled slaughter lambs 40.0049.50. Slaughter ewes 10.00- If cows could talk they’d ask for WL ALFALFAS AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL SEED DEALER Shiremanstown, PA 17091 Leesport March 17,1976 CATTLE 293. Supply in cluded 49 head feeder cattle. Compared with last Wed nesday’s market, slaughter steers mostly 25 cents lower, except Low Standard spots $2 higher. Slaughter cows steady to 75 cents lower. Choice Nol 23, slaughter steerS 37.1039.25, Good 36.00 37.25, Standard 33.0035.25. Individual Choice slaughter heifer at 36.00, one Good at 35.00, few Standard 31.00 32.85. Utility and High Dressing Cutter slaughter individual at 33.00, Cutters 27.5030.00, Canners 24.25- 27.85, Shells down to 19.75. Couple Good slaughter bullocks 37.00 and 37.75, Standard 33.35-36.50, Utility 31.1033.00. Few Yield Grade No. 1,1290-2020 lbs. slaughter bulls 34.25-39.00. Few Medium 200-700 lbs. feeder steers 28.25-34.00; few Good 485-730 lbs. feeder heifers 24.85-31.25, Few Medium 275- 500 lbs. holstein 29.0030.75. Medium 220-770 lbs. feeder bulls 28.5034.00. CALVES 218. Supply in cluded 25 percent farm calves. Vealers $3 to $4 lower. Few Choice vealers 70.00-70.50, few Good 60.00 65.00, Standard 48.0031.00, Utility and Low Standard 110-130 lbs. 40.00-47.50, Utility 90-110 lbs. 26.5033.50, 7085 lbs. 22.5027.50. Farm calves: Were active. Holstein bulls 90120 lbs. 32.0049.00; Hilstein heifers 90110 lbs. 40.0052.00, few 80 90 lbs. 23.0027.50. SHEEP 4. Couple Choice 85 and 95 lbs. wooled slaughter lambs 48.50-54.50; individual 45 lbs. spring lamb at 69.00. One Slaughter ewe at 20.00. TEST RESULTS (1 4 yrs PA type climates) WL 305 out yielded Vernal by 10 9% WL 311 out yielded Vernal by 12 69% ond Soronoc by 10 26% W 3 lt out yielded Vernal by 11 3% 'Mean annual yields test data available cows 28.60-31.50, Cutters 27.0029.25, Canners 25.00 27.85, Shells down to 22.00. Couple Choice slaughter bullocks 38.75-39.00, Good 34.2538.50, Standard 31.75- 35.50, few Utility 29.0032.60. Few Yield Grade No. 1,1200 1945 lbs. slaughter bulls 33.5036.50, One Choice 350 lbs. feeder steer at 42.50, Good 360700 lbs. 35.0039.50, Medium 475-880 lbs. 28.50 35.00. Good -430-630 lbs. feeder heifers 31.50-36.00, few Medium 360650 lbs. 25.0028.25. Lot Choice 715 lbs. feeder bull at 35.25, few Medium 375-585 lbs. 26.00 29.00. CALVES 172. Supply in cluded 35 percent farm calves. Vealers mostly $2 to $5 lower, spots uneven. Few Choice vealers 65.0071.50, few Good 55.00-62.00, Standard 45.00-53.00, Utility and Low Standard 110130 lbs. 35.0042.00, 90110 lbs. 25.0030.00, few at 42.00,7035 lbs. 20.00-25.00. Farm Calves: were active. Holstein bulls 90120 lbs. 30.0045.00, 6535 lbs. 22.00 29.00; Holstein heifers 95-145 lbs. 32.0045.00, few Beef cross bulls and heifers 80100 lbs. 28.0043.00. HOGS 255. Barrows and gilts steady to weak. US No. 1-2 200225 lbs. barrows and gilts 48.3548.50, No. 13 195- 240 lbs. 47.5048.50, No. 23 185-235 lbs. 46.3547.85, No. 2- 4 240250 lbs. 44.3546.00. US on request) m THE AGSTAR SOW CASTLE .. .the new, economical, plug-up-and-go total farrowing environment The new SOW CASTLE by AGSTAR provides animals with comfortable conditions they thrive on a completely protected environment just what any good pork producer needs to save more pigs and boost income And, while your new SOW CASTLE is cutting stress on animals it’s also giving you a comfortable place to work . The SOW CASTLE comes complete with farrowing stalls, feeders, waterers, slotted flooring, heaters, ventilators every thing except the sows All you'll need to do when it’s delivered to you by flat-bed truck is hook up water and electricity then start saving more pigs Models are available in 12 and 24 foot widths (24-foot model shown above), and lengths to 50 feet Combination nursery/farrowing buildings are also available Call today for complete information prices, and delivery dale to your farm Bank Financing & Leasing Available. SEE OUR SOW CASTLE ON DISPLAY E. M. HERR [~ Please Send Me Information on i EQUIPMENT, INC. | ' RDI, Willow Street 17584 717-464-3321 No. 13 300500 lbs. sows 39.50-43.25, individual at 47.00, No. 23 300635 lbs. 36.0038.50. Boars 32.5039.25. FEEDER PIGS 113. US No. 13 2035 lbs. feeder pigs 21.0036.00 per head, No. 13 3530 lbs. 32.0046.00, few No. 13 5060 lbs. 44.0047.00 per head. SHEEP 13. Few Choice 45- 60 lbs. spring lambs 55.00 75.00; few Good 7530 lbs. wooled lambs 43.00-56.00. Few Slaughter ewes 15.00 21.00. Goats 18.00, Kids 12.00 19.00. 'Milk goats 30.0062.50, few mixed Billy goats 16.00 30.00. GREEN DRAGON LIVESTOCK SALES m) 1 mile North of Ephrata, PA. SALE EVERY FRIDAY Bulls, Steers, Slaughter Cows, Lambs and veal calves. 11:00 A.M. - Beef Sale Stockers & Feeders 12:30 P.M. - Dairy Cows 7:00 P.M. - Small Animal Sale We will have consignments from Alfred Albright, Bob Kennedy, Ray Keiper and Kelly Bowser. Bring a Load and Buy a Load. For Special Sales and Herd Dispersals on the farm or at our barn or other market information call: Office 717-733-2444. Res. 717-838-4318 Walter H. Risser, Proprietor □ Calf Castle □ Sow Castle NAME ADDRESS. READ LANCASTE FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS □ Pig Castle ° Hog Castle STATE
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