—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 20, 1976 4 1 ' Hay Poultry Market Reports Markets Weekly New York Egg Market From Monday, March 15 to Friday, March 19 Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Ex. Large 60 60 60 60 Large 60 60 60 60 Mediums 52 52 52 52 Pullets 46 46 46 45 Peewees 36 36 36 36 BROWN Large 62 62 62 62 Mediums Unquoted Pullets Unquoted Peewees Unquoted Off Grade Large 52 53 53 53 Checks 38 38 38 38 Tone Orders Slightly Improved. Market Steady. New England Weekly Shell Egg Report Tuesday, March 16,1976 Prices paid per dozen Grade “A” brown eggs in cartons delivered to retail stores: EX. LARGE LARGE MEDIUM SMALL 63-76 62-75 54-67 45-59 MASS.+ Mostly 64-65 NEWHAMP. 58-65 61-62 67-68 65-76 Mostly R.I. VERMONT 56-62 MAINE' 65-67 64-66 56-58 -{-Includes Central and Western Sections Only. Mostly NEST RUN EGGS Prices are from Egg Clearinghouse, Inc., (ECI) Durham, N.H. and reflect trading prices for gradeable nest run eggs (GNR) on ECI, a nationwide trading center for producers, packers and marketers. GNR eggs are classified by weight in 30-dozen cases, and traded in lots of either 300 or 750 cases. Prices are FOB buyers dock, and are computed Tuesday and Thursday of each week. This week’s prices for each classification were: New Weight Classification Extra Large Class 1 - Large Class 3 - Medium Class 4 - Small Breaking Stock Checks Philadelphia Eggs Wednesday, March 17 Prices steady. Cartoning demand light to fair. Of ferings ample to bur densome in instances. Un dertone unsettled. 55-56 51-58 63-64 57-64 53-54 60-61 56-70 59-60 66-67 64-74 Tuesday Thursday 0 0 53 52 42 42 37 37 47 • 46 39 39 Per Case 51 lbs. 48 lbs. 42 lbs. 39 lbs. 48 lbs. 48 lbs. Prices to retailers: Sales to volume buyers, consumer grades. White eggs in car tons, delivered: Store door. A Extra Large 64-85%; A Large 62-64; A Medium 53%- 55%. Delmarva Poultry Fri. Wednesday, March 17 RTC movement slow for current needs. Slaughter schedules curtailed with several plants not operating. Today’s LTL asking prices ranged lower on both Plant & US Grade A. Advance in terest good, live supplies fully adequate at desirable wts. undertone steady. Negotiated trucklot prices 2-3 lb. ready to cook broiler - fryers for delivery next week: Plant Grade 39-40. Current broiler-fryer negotiated prices for im mediate includes mostly multiple-drop shipments to New' York City from Delmarva. Range: US.Grade A 41-42; Plant Grade 40-41%; Premium X 43-47; Premium X 42-45. 4647 3845 Wtd. Avg.: US Grade A 41.44; Plaint Grade 40.28; Premium X 44.65; Premium X 44.81. 4041 4748 X - includes special ser vices, competitive brands, etc. 4547 Premium X - US Grade A & Plant Grade. Fogelsville Poultry Tuesday, March 16,1976 Prices paid dock weights, cents per pound, except where noted. Hens, heavy type 20-28; Pullets 36%-49, mostly 45-47; Roasters 35-40; Ducks 51-56; Drakes 57; Turkeys-Hens 30- 42; Rabbits 69-89, mostly 83- 89; Guineas 1.60%-1.62%; Pigeons (per pr.) 1.20-5.95. Total coops sold 201. Poultry Received —Mon. 7 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., Tues. 7 a.m. to 12 noon. Directions Take Rt. 22 thruway. Exit at Fogelsville Exit, North to stop lite in Fogelsville, turn left, proceed one block, turn left, again at Cracker Barrel Restaurant. Auction right side 100 feet from yojir last left turn. Eastern Pa. & NJ. Eggs Wednesday, March 17 Prices unchanged to higher on light type hens. Offerings short of a good demand as plants working less than half time. Offerings of heavy type hens; limited tho ample for a light call. Prices paid at farm: light type hens 8-13 mostly 12-13 in •Pa., mostly 11-12 in NJ. Heavy Type Hens TFEWR. Baltimore Eggs Wednesday, March 17 Market about steady. Demand remains slow and disappointing. Supplies of large ample to burdensome, mediums ample. Cartoned eggs: Prices to retailers, state graded (min. one case sale) White. Grade A Large 64-67; Grade A Medium 56-69. Regional Hay (All hay No. 2 and better, prices paid by dealers at the farm, price per ton.) Hay steady to weak, spots $lO lower, straw steady. Alfalfa 70,00-85.00; Mixed hay 55.00-62.00; Timothy hay' 50.00-60.00; Straw 38.00- 40.00; Mulch 25.00-36.00. New Holland Hay March 17,1976 118 loads of hay and 32 loads of straw. Alfalfa 58-100; Clover few loads 49-81; Timothy 44-66; Mixed 40-92; Com 7 loads 70- 74; a load 39.50; Straw 47-60. Paul Z. Marlin Wednesday, Mar. 17 98 loads of Hay, Straw & Com sold as follows: Alfalfa 51-117; Timothy Hay 43-66; Clover 2 loads 66- 71; 1 Load of Canary Grass 42; Mixed Hay 3993; Straw 47-59 (mostly in 50’s); Com fodder, 2 loads 47 & 48; „2 loads Ear Com 70 & 71. Green Dragon March 12,1976 Prices Per Ton 92 loads hay & 38 loads straw. Alfalfa 72.00-85.00, couple to 100.00; Timothy, few loads 47.00- Mixed hay 53.00- 84.00, couple to 93.00; Clover, few loads 61.00-65.00; Stubble hay, one load at 48,00; Straw 48.00- Com, 3 loads 71.00- Com Fodder, 2 loads 47.00 & 50.00. & p. 2JML In Scotland, a grandfather is sometimes called a luckie dad. New Holland Horse 1 Estimated Receipts 14,000. Same-day last week 12,628. Trade fairly active, steers and heifers 50 cents to 1.00 lower. Majority receipts mized Good and Choice and Choice 500-800 lb. steers and 400-700'lb. heifers returning off wheat pastures. Moderate attendance buyers. STEERS: Choice 400-500 lb. 39.25-41.00, 500-600 LZ 37.50-39.25, couple lots 549- 569 lb. 40.75-42.00, 600-700 lb. 37.75-39.00, load 610 lb. at 39.40; 700-800 lb. 37.00-39.25, few 800-860 lbs. 35.0988.50; mixed Good and Choice 375- 500 lb. 35.0089.00, bulk 36.75- 37.50, 500-700 lb. 35.0088.00, 700800 lb. 34.2586.75, part load 1055 lb. 3000; Good 425- 825 lb. 31.5085.75, majority 32.5085.50. JIEIFERS: Choice 395-500 LZ 30.5084.25, bulk 30.50- 33.00, 500800 lb. 31.5084.25, Scattered sales 600-740 lb. 32.0084.00 Mixed Good and Choice'39s-500 lb. 500800 lb. 28.2581.50, few 600-785 lb. 30.0081.50; Good 350-525 lb. 27.00-29.00. New Holland Dairy Monday, March 15 Reported receipts of 340 head of horses, mules and ponies. Market lower than last week. Load of Tennessee riding singles 255-390. Local work horses 400-720; mules 275-500; better horses 275-435; driving horse 150- 400; riding horses 150-250; lightweight killers 18-22; heavyweight 27-29; mares 15-50; colts 1030; geldings 1545; and larger ponies 75- 150. Special Horse Sale New Holland Stables FrL, March 12,1976 Michigan work horses: pairs 1150-3100 and singles 625-785; New York driving horses 220-360; New York driving horses 220-360;' Virginia work horses pairs: 1000-1600 and singles 710-825. Pa. driving horses 360-685 and Illinois driving horses 245-600; local driving horses 375-775. Wednesday, March 17 Reported receipts of 146 Locally consigned cows cows and 7 bulls. Market from 380; springing heifers steady with last week. 450550; bulls 200-305. Load of Pa. cows 600-775 and springers 675-1060; load Her dispersal of 25 head in of Wisconsin cows fresh 580- all stages of production 340- 900 and a load of Pa. cows 710 and a herd dispersal of 28 fresh 450650. head in all stages from 350. BEEFALO HYBRID CATTLE BEEFALO - irs GREAT - Rapid gams on grass and roughage - 55-65 lb. Births -up to 1100 lb. yearling - Test data show 62 percent carcass dress out - We stock and distribute Pureblood Beefalo Semen and Half-Blood Beefalo heifers and bulls. - Visit our farm and see our animals. NOW TAKING ORDERS FOR Va BULLS & HEIFERS. BEEFALO N & J 4270 Quakerbridge Road Princeton, NJ 08540 609-896-0336 Member World Beefalo Association Oklahoma March 18,1976
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