' fr^Untefritei 1 . POlrtlrig; Sturdy, J»n. Y 4, 1976 Livestock market an Omaha Cattle Jan. 23 Thunday Feeder Cattle Auction Estimated Receipts 6,800 Same Day last Week 8,167 Trade active, feeder steers steady to 50 cents lower with most downturn noted on weights over 600 lb. Feeder heifers steady. Majority receipts 400-800 lb. Choice Feeder Steers and heifers off Wheat pasture. Moderate attendance buyers. FEEDER STEERS: Choice 350-400 lb. 39.0040.25, other Choice 400-500 lb. 35.00 38.75, 500700 lb. 35.75-38.00, 7009001 b. 35.25-37.50, several lots and part loads 510700 lb. 38.00- mixed Good and Steer Beef Choice 300-500 lb. 32.tXW5.00, Choice YG 3 6-900 lb. 68.00 500-700 lb. 32.75-35.75, 700-900 70-00, late 68.0tW8.50 100-250 lb. 32.00-35.25; Good 300-500 Iwr.; Choice YG 4 6-900 lb. lb. 29.75-31.25, scattered 65.50-67.00, late 65.5066.00 sales 589-963 lb. 28.75-31.00; 1-50 Iwr.; Good 2& 3 5-600 lb. Good 600-960 lb. Holsteins 65.0066.00, late 65.00 weak to 26.00- 1-00 Iwr.; Good YG 3 6-800 lb. FEEDER HEIFERS; 65.5067.00, late 65.501.00-1.50 Choice 300400 lbs. 26.00 Iwr. 28.00, 400500 lb. 26.75-30.00, Heifer Beef 500800 lb. 28.25-32.25, small Choice YG 3 5-700’s 66.50 lot 647 lb. at 32.40; mixed 68.75, late 66.50-67.50 225-250 Good and Choice 300500 lb. Iwr.; Good 5-700’s 63.5065.00, 24.0026.50, 500710 lbs. 26.00 late 63.5064.00 1.50 Iwr. 27.75. Cow Beef For the Week; Feeder Utlty. (BONG.) 350700 lb. Steers under 500 lb. steady, 50.00-51.50; Canner & Cutter weights over 500 lb. 50 cents 350700 lb. 50,0050.75. to 1.50 lower, with most Lamb decline noted on weights Ch. & Pr. YG 2& 3; 35-50 over 700 lb. Feeder lb-103.00106.00 mostly stdy. Heifers mostly steady, with late last week; 50-55 Slaughter cows found Good 102.00-103.00 mostly stdy. buyers demand and closed with late last week; 55-65 lb. 1.002.00 higher. Slaughter 98.00-101.00, mostly 98.00- Bulls remained steady to 99.00 stdy. to 1.00 Iwr.; 65-75 weak on light supply, lb- 96.00 stdy. with late last Slaughter Heifers closed week, steady to weak. Salable receipts this week totaled last year. Cows comprised near 16,200, compared to near 15 percent, feeders 81 24,196 last week and 16,555 percent of weeks total. s' » * - < *' s Nap IJBs East Coast Carlot Meats Jan. 21.1976 Compared to Tuesday's close: Choice Steer Beef and Heifer Beef fairly active, 1.002.50 lower. Good steer Sc Heifer beef weak to 1.50 lower. Lamb steady to 1.00 lower than late last week. Fresh pork trade fairly active, loins 17 lbs. DNN 1.00 3.00 Iwr, 7-20 lbs. 4.006.00 lower. Picnics steady to 1.00 lower. Boston Butts 1.503.00 lower. Sparenbs fully steady. Hams 505.00 lower, least decline on 17-20 lbs. Bellies untested. r-*SBto»- 'sf'. v " Carlisle Carlisle, PA January 20,1976 CATTLE 235. Compared with last Tuesday's market, slaughter cows uneven, mostly steady to 25 cents higher. Good slaughter steers 36.50-38.75, Standard 31.7535.75, few Utility 26.50 30.25. Few Choice slaughter heifers 34.75-37.00, few Good 28.75-31.25, one Standard at Choice Primal Beef Cuts YG3&4 Steer Hinds 120-190 lb. 81.00-63.00, late 81.00-82.00; Armchucks 80-130 lb. 57.25- 60.50, late 57.25-58.00; Rnds. Steer 60-95 lb. 86.0066.50 early. Domestic Boneless Beef-Trimmings 90 percent Visual Lean 67.00-68.00; 85 percent Visual Lean 66.50-67.00. Fresh Pork Cuts Loins (reg.) 8-14’s 103.00 105.00 1.00-2.00 Iwr.; 14-17 lb. 100.00-102.00 2.00-2.00 Iwr.; 17-20 lb. 89.00-92.00 4.000.00 Iwr. Picnics (reg.) 4-8 lb. 61.00 62.00 stdy.; 8 lbs. & up 57.50 60.00 stdy. to 1.00 Iwr. Boston Butts 4-8 lbs. 85.00 87.50 1.50-2.50 Iwr.; 8 lbs. & up 79.0082.00 3.00 Iwr. Spareribs 1%-3 lbs. 94.00 97.00, most 96.0097,00 fully stdy. Hams (skd.) 14-17 lbs. 82.0086.00, late 82.0084.00 4-5 Iwr.; 17-20 lbs. 80.50-82.00, late 80,5081.00 501.00 Iwr.; 2026 lbs. 75.5077.50, late 75.5076.50 2.50-3.50 Iwr, Bellies (sdls. Skin On) No sales reported. Transmitted from Phila. Livestock Market News Office. 28.00, few Utility 21.00-27.75. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter.cows 24.60- 25.85, few 26.60, few Com mercial 23.25-26.25, Cutters 22.75-24.25, Canners 20.60- 22.75, Shells down to 15.00. Few Standard it Good slaughter bullocks 30.00- 36.00, few Utility 21.50-27.50. Two Yield Grade No. 1 1520 and 1575 lbs. slaughter bulls 29.50 and 30.00; few yield grade No. 2 1055-1560 lbs. 28.50-29.50. Good 350600 lbs. feeder steers 27.00-31.25, one Choice 33.00. CALVES 204. Vealers strong to mostly $4 higher. Few Choice vealers 65.00- 74.00, Good 50.00-61.50, Standard 36.50-51.50, Utility 110-120 29.00-35.00, 90-110 lbs. 24.50-29.00, 65-85 lbs. 18.00- 24.00. Farm calves, few holstein bulls 100-115 lbs. 31.00-33.50; beef cross bulls & heifers 90-110 lbs. 26.00-34.50. HOGS 293. Barrows 4: Gilts unevenly steady. US No. 1-2 195-225 lbs. barrows & gilts 51.35-51.75, No. 1-3 200-245 lbs. 50.50-51.50, No. 2-3 195- 260 lbs. 49.60-50.75. US No. 1-3 260-475 lbs. sows 41.75-49.00, few No. 2-3 520-590 lbs. 39.00- 42.75. One Boar at 35.00, few light weights 42.00-43.75. FEEDER PIGS 102. US No. 1-3 20-35 lbs. feeder pigs 21.0026.00 per head, No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 33.50-42.00 per head. SHEEP 27. Few Choice 75- 115 lbs. wooled slaughter lambs 47.0049.00, few Good 70100 lbs. 39.0047.00, lot Shorn 80 lbs. at 45.00. We’re Here to Help You Now Buying Diy Ear Corn $72 Per Ton Jj/' • - -o- Certified Soybean Seed $B.OO per du. SPECIAL TRAILER LOAD LOT PRICES SLIGHT CHANGES SUBJECT TO MARKET FLUCTUATION Chemicals for Weed AATREX 4L 51350 Cal (sgal can) CHLORDAN Liquid 51200 gal 514 45 gal (1 gal jug) COUNTER 84 1b 5265 lb FURADAN Granular 55 lb $3lOO sal FURADAN Liquid $2B 50 ea( ‘SSIf I L S S r S o°x - 50 ” 7 «Pb' ORTHO X 77 960 ga, 45 lb PROWL 525 50 gal m PRINCEP SOW BANUEL 0 BANUEL K BLADEX Power BLADEX Liquid CHLORDAN Power )utt at near as your phone is a Full Circle Farm Service built on two fenerations «( local hardworking eafet lain ••ners like yoursett who »e put their years ol experience teielher with the services their business is proud ot to otter you complete consuttaban and service We ie Hostetler Farm Supply Yau »t known us tar years we buy from and we re known far fast reliable service (air pricing and good old fashioned country courtesy Hasletter means help the kind ol help every farmer needs near enough to be a real service auction news Local Grain Friday, Jan. 23 These prices are made up of the average prices quoted by a number of participating area feed and grain con cerns. It should be noted, however, that not every dealer or broker handles each commodity. All prices are per bushel except ear corn and soybean meal which are per ton. The average prices quoted Fnday, Jan. 23, are as follows: Bid-i- Offered Ear Corn 60.00 65.00 Shelled Corn 2.64 2.81 Barley 1.93 2.13 Oats Local Western Wheat Millers 3.1 C Soybeans 4.15 Soybean Meal New Holland Horse Monday, Jan. 19 Reported receipts of 381 head of horses, mules and ponies. Market steady with last week. Local work horses 395-650; pairs 1175-1575; mules 255- 360; better horses 275415; driving horse 150410; riding horses 150260; lightweight killers 1022; heavyweight killers 27-29; mares 1540; colts 5-25; geldings 1540; and larger ponies 60130. Try A Classified Ad AfITREX SOW ' . * ‘°° oo S«llon steel storage lank for liquid HOSTETTEff solution and ferti.izer $l5OO FARM SUfRU INC (tD4 HANOVEH, M 17331 MenFOIRDA Hamm fa andsubitcl |„ than,e •hen Ph (717) 632-0402 of 632 5719 » «i»«w Today Two weeks ago TREND; Feeder pigs firm to 3.00 higher. All prices on a per hundred weight basis US 1-2 31-40 lb. 12100- 123.00, 40-50 lb. 106.00-118.00 50-66 lb. 90.00-104.00; Few 68- 78 lb. 84.00-86.00; One Lot 90 Ibl 79.50. US 2 40-58 lb. 94,00-111.00, 60-70 lb. 81.00-88.50, One lot 85 lb. 74.00. US 2-3 30-38 lb. 101.00- 116.00, 40-50 lb. 91.50-106.00 50-60 lb. 86.00-93.50, 6006 lb’ 76.0003.00; Couple lots 82-9 lb. 68.50. 1.63 1.88 1.78 2.00 US 3 39-61 lb. 73.00-64.00. 3.25 4.49 177.00 To stretch a meal, add grated potatoes and leftover vege tables, such as peas and baked beans, along with liquid from canned vegetables to a can of pea soup. i!T!Tll!ircirt ’A Quality Paint For Every Purpose’ • Engine Sales I Service • Lawn Mower Sharpening- Hydrauic Units. JOHN Z. LAPP Centerville Road ROl, Gordonville, Pa. 17529 & insect Control *2.« lb. PARAQUAT RAMROD SUTAN THIMED TREFLAN $2B 90 gal 24 D ESTER * 7oogal <5 gal cant 24 D ESTER $B6O gal Olhei chemicals available al similar prices upon request Feeder Pigs Tuesday, Jan. 20 Feeder Pigs 2224 2676 $34 00 gal $1 80 lb *l4 75 gal 551 b (201 b bag) 54 (50lb bag)
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