- Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Jan. 24. 1976 38 Moil Box Market Wanted • JD 012 2b plow and 240 2-row planter to work with 800 3-pt hitch (215) 274- 3560 For Sale - Chlhuahua-tcrricr puppies crossed • $30.00 each PH. 717-359-5034 Wanted - Belt pulley for Model 000 Ford Tractor. PH: 717-653-5409 For Sale - Sauder Bros. Snowplow $125. PH: 717-548- 2760 For Sale - International 230 Tractor, 5’ sickle bar mower, 2 bottom plow, all fast hitch. Dillsburg. 717-432-4077 For Sale • New American Standard bathroom set. Tub, comode, 4 washbowl. Color Bayberry. PH: 717-733-3129 $220.00 Wanted - Steel Tractor wheels between 34 and 44 in, high. Also front wheels about 24 in high. PH: 717-397-9058 For Sale - Air compressor, belt driven with 2 hp elec, motor. $90.00. Cole-Steel office desk $30.00. 9 ft. snow plow-frame $400.00. 717-896- 3042. Attention Goat Owners: Stud Service, Registered Nubian Buck. Exceptional Dairy & Show Characteristics! Wanted - approx. 100 Locust Fence Posts at least 6% ft. ‘ Misty-Del” Acres. John A. Smith, Townsend, Del. 302-653-7132 6 man inflatable rubber raft, used only 1 season $BO.OO. CaU 445-6181 For Sale - 2 milk-fed vealers. Tape 38” - $9O. Tape 40” - $lOO. Can arrange but chering. 215-326-8077 Purebred Arabian Fillies for sale - grey - excellent quality and bloodlines. Arabian stallion at stud. Wildee Farm - 215-857-3640 For Sale - Ferguson 3 pt. hay rake good condition; John Deere No. 4 B com shelter, belt drive with baler on rubber. 215-767-6048 For Sale - FB-84 Gehl har vester, cut 500 acres $700.00. Gehl forage wagon, $750.00. Call 717-354-0338 For Sale - Good mixed hay - no ram 2,000 bales - price 62.50 per ton. Pick up at farm. 717-345-4686 Pine Grove. For Sale - Surge 6 stall milking parlor, complete, 10’ Owantonna S.P. windrower. Oliver-White 3 pt. - 2 row corn planter - like new. 717- 247-7712 International 706 Diesel with wide front end, 3 pt. hitch. Torque amplifier. PH: 301- 398-7178 Duroc Boars breeding age & younger. Also bred Gilts. Good background. Also Duroc feeder pigs, real nice. PH- 717-733-6694 For Sale - 40 foot silage feeder for 80 foot trough. Jesse S. Stoltzfus, R 2, Box 54, Quarryville, Pa. 4 miles south of Quarryville along 222, Mechanics Grove. For Sale - 9’ Snow Plow & Frame 8’ V blade, 2 15 h.p. 3 phase motors, 3515 RPM and 2” Chicago Water pumps & base. PH: 717-252-1784 For Sale - Top buggy with Stauffer running gear, in fair shape. Price $500.00 Isaac H Weaver, New Holland R 1 Box 792, PA 17557. PH: 215- 445-4336 For Sale - 5 yr. old Ram, mostly Suffolk. Call 215-267- 5796 Mail Box Market Dairy wanted to rent with option to buy. A. Graham, 1019 Shaffer Road, Ncwflcld, NY 14867 For Sale - 2 Model 30 Nurs-ett calf feeders, good condition. PH: 717-642-5115 For Sale - Amish buggy, good condition. Eli K. Esn, first farm West of In tercourse. For Sale - 500 bu. Belem Batch dryer $1,500 Massey Ferguson No. 22 comhead for No. 82 Combine $5OO. PH: 215-381-3043 Wanted - Roof for 8 foot Dio Silo, also 8’ Hoops also need someone to erect an 8’ x 20’ silo on my fotter, parts on location. Stave type silo. PH: 717-362-8797 Wanted - Ford 8N or JubOee Tractor, in any condition, w or w-o 3 pt. equipment. Phone 215-536-0819 For Sale - 9 Head Angus- Charolais cows bred to calve early spring to Angus buU. Good-Big-Young Cows. Edward E. Rishel, York, PA 717-764-4586 For Sale - 40 feeder pigs, 45 lb. average, $l.OO per lb. Also JD KBA disc $2OO. PH; 717- 354-8207 For Sale - Registered Holstein BuU - Dam VG 87 has record 26.549 M 1264 F. Granddam EX Mam. 309 Days 38.819 M 5.2 percent 2021 F. CaU coUect 814-349- 5846 For Sale - 150 bales of ex ceUent quaUty from 2 year stand, never grazed. Wanted -150 bales nice straw, might swap. PH: 717-285-5296 For Sale - Massey Ferguson 3165 Industrial tractor, loader & bucket. PH: 215-445- 6802 For Sale - Farmall 5656 Diesel $2500 wide front, new paint, 3 pt. hitch asking $6200 or best offer. A-l shape. Call 717-933-4678 For Sale - Farmall M with romote control & pulley, asking $llOO or best offer. Also International No. 550 516 plow asking $lOOO. Call 717-933-8713 For Sale - Grade Holstein cow, due in February, 5 years old, DHIA record over 15,000 milk. Price $4OO. Call 717-865-6836 Registered Holstein bull, 10 mos. old. Sire Penstate Ivanhoe Star. Dam - 88 point Apollo Daughter with 8 records up to 17,000 milk, 810 fat, Life tune average test of 4.8 percent 717-354-5381 For Sale - M.F. 3-14 3 pt. trip plow $250, Oliver 10Q.manure spreader $250, 5 tooth chisel plow $250, wheat straw 65 cents per bale. PH; 717-469- 2875 For Sale - 1967 Chevrolet Apache 10 pickup, 6 cylinder motor, fleetside body. Ex cellent condition. With top. Spring Glen PH: 717-682-3825 For Sale - Gorman-Rupp P.T.O. irrigation pump, 2000 ft. 4 in. pipe (40 ft. length) and sprinklers. Also 10 ton Umco feed bin. PH: 301-582- 1264 Wanted -13 foot grain head for M.F. 510 or 410. Not quick attach. Preferably with pickup reel. Will buy or trade for our 16 foot. 717-788-2897 For Sale - M.M. Uni-System Com Picker. For parts. PH: 215-267-2791 For Sale - Hay, 3rd and 2nd cuttings, pnxed, not rained on. PH: 345-4109 Moil Boa Market Mail Box Marker For Sale - 7 sections slates. Egg boxes 3Mi cents. Dog house. 80015 wk. old Anthony Bullets. 2 pig shelters. Elmer Stoltzfus, Box 4, Talmage, PA 17580 For Sale - Large Copper Kettle, 2 bowling balls. $5 ea -1 pr, bowling shoes, size 7. $5.00 - refinished Victrola Cabinet. (Hensel) 1-717-548- 2665 For Sale - McCormick 4 ton wagon gear 6 in. steel wheels. 20 used milk cans. PH; 215-445-8483 Wanted • Steam furnace, must be in working order. State price and condition. Write: Menno M. Stoltzfus, S. Groffdale Rd., Leola, PA 17540 For Rent - Tenant house, small, conveniences. Near Norman Wood bridge. Sunnvbum. PA 190 month. Call 7to 9 p.m. (301) 329-6842 For Sale - Standardbred driving horse, 12 yrs. old, sound, broke, papers. Ammon L. Esh, West Pequea Lane, Gordonville, Pa. 17529 For Sale - Ford No. 142 4 bot. 16 in. automatic reset semi mounted plow. Used 2 seasons. Call 717-949-3477 For Sale -1965 GMC pickup, V 6 engine, inspected $325. PH: 717-249-1712 Wanted - Cutter bar unit (direct cut) for 650 or 550 International Chopper. PH: (717)436-6896 For Sale - Two clean stock boars. One Yorkshire and one Hampshire. Call 215-267- 2251. For Sale - Purebred Airedale female, 3 yrs. old excellent breeder, good watch dog. Samuel M. Nolt, Leola R 1 Hess Road. 717-656-8964 For Sale - Wire rabbit cages with feeders and automatic watering system. PH; 717- 754-7198 For Sale - 1937 Chevrolet 4 door Sedan in good condition. Price $600.00. Ray B. Ard c-o Toppings Hill Farm R 2, Lewisburg, Pa. 17837 For Sale - Purebred Charolais cow, with papers. Purebred Angus bull, 10 mos. old. Milboume’s near Elkton, MD 1-301-398-2751 For Sale - 1966 International 4 wheel drive % ton pickup; Myers snow plow; rebuilt engine, AM-FM, Snows, $l5OO firm. 215-469-6977 For Sale - 650 Bales clean barley straw 45.00 per ton at farm. Can arrange delivery. Richard W. Hoppes, R 2 Hamburg, Pa. 19526 215-562- 4945 For Sale - 7 young Corrie- Dale sheep; 1 ram & 6 ewes. Some used sheep fence wire. 1 Holstein family cow. 215- 756-6289 FREY BROS. MFG. QUARRYVILLE, PA PHONE (717) 786-2146 • Farm Gates • Automatic Wagon • Head Gates H 'fch • Calf Creep * Ritchie Waterers • Steel Fence • Electric Gates • Free Stalls • Al Chutes • Loading Chutes • Ear Tags [Slop Stops] • Feed Bunks • Steel Buildings • Hay Racks WRITE FOR FREE CATALOGS For Sale - Wheat and Oats straw |4O a ton at bam. Oouglossville, Pa. 215-889- 5428 For Sale • John Deere 12’ tractor harrow, good con dition, $325. Also Honda CT 90 Trail Bike, excellent condition. $250. 717-903-28361 For Sale - McCormick Deering 101 manure spreader, excellent con dition. 1 mile North of Bird in-Hand, Daniel S. Esh, Jr. Wanted • Two horse trailer for large horses. 717-93341843 For Sale -1 Hereford Steer. 1 Hereford Bull, 6 Angus Bulls, about 575 average. Price 38 cents. 717-933-8134 For Sale - Generator for a house. (220 or 110) and space heater wood or coal. 717-933- 4569 For Sale - Fox Forage Harvester with 2 row com head and pickup head in excellent condition, $2400. Ph. Frystown 717-933-8748 For Sale - Int. No. 531 3 pt. 14” 3B trip plow, good condition: 24 disk Case tractor disk; Cunningham hay conditioner. 717-786-3997 For Sale - Angus; 3 cows 2nd lactation due in Spring and Summer $250 each. 3 calves 5 mos. $75.00; 8 mos. $85.00,10 mos. $lOO.OO. 215-593-2346 For Sale - Angus Holstein steer also Vz Beefalo calves. A. Burt, Buttonwood Farm, Compass 442-8437 For Sale - John Deere 420 5 ft. rototiller, loader, heat houser. Sold as unit only $2695. PH: 215-777-9272 For Sale - Registered Landrace boar, good herd sire. PH: 717-865-3456 For Sale - 4 row INT 185 planters on 600 carrier, also for sale Oliver 77 gas 3 pt. hitch, 609-358-2527 For Sale - Brown enamel wood or coal heater $65.00.50 gal. electric water heater $50.00. 4 burner gas stove $25.00. Call 717-386-4560 For Sale - Moto Ski Snowmobile, excellent condition. J.D. 4 bottom §low, fair condition. Oats, traw, big wire bales. PH: 215-489-3961 For Sale - 4 8.25 x 15” tires on Ford rims like new $7O; John Deere 2 bottom hydraulic plow $5O. PH: 215-4894)648 For Sale - AC 160 Diesel 1030 hrs. excellent condition. 215- 683-7802 For Sale - Hawk Built round baler $2000.00. Call 301-346- 7444 after 5 p.m. For Sale - 2 row A.C. 3 pth. No. Til corn planter (3 yrs. old) $5OO. 3 pth. 10 ft. Ford harrow, like new - $3OO. RWA John Deere 10 ft. Disc harrow - $750. PH: 201-859- 3003. Mail Box Markat Wanted - One or two tons jof Mulch Hay will pick up. Call 717-665-7481 For Sale - Reg. Jersey 2 yr. old cow - fresh Jan. 1, family cow only, T.B. & Bangs cert. Price $250, TopOHlllFarm. 1208 Seeds Lane, Downingtown, PA 19335 PH: 215-289-0759 Front end snowplow for Farmall Super C or 200 series - 7 foot blade. Best offer. Parkesburg Area 215- 857-5889 For Sale - One 425 gallon Essco Bulk Milk Tank. Dr. Walker approved. Com pressor and tank in good condition. Price $4OO. Area code 301-749-3093 Warm-Tfy Dags** FEBRUARY 2 thru FEBRUARY 7, 1976 • COFFEE AND DONUTS • SOFT DRINKS New Equipment 530-540-550-580 Manure Spreaders 12'8” 370 Disk Harrows (Special) 16x7 & 18x7 Grain Drills No. 55 Chisel Plow No. 45 Vibra Shank Cultivators 710 Automatic Plows (Special) 990 Mower Conditioner (Special) 475 Disk Harrows 4 & 6 Row 400 Planters 315 Packer Mulchers New Tractors 364-D - Utility 464-D - Utility 574-D - Utility 574-D Row Crop SPECIAL JOHN DEERE 1010 w- J.D. Hydraulic Loader & J.D. Blade, P.S. Less than 1000 hrs. Used Tractors & Equipment White Oliver 1855 D, low hours [excellent] F 656 0 Hydro - very clean 1-460 w/New Idea loader Ford 4000 w/Loader Ferguson 20, w/Sauder loader 430 Deere w/cultivators B 414 Diesel [low hours] Farmall H Farmall Super H [2] Super C-s w/Equip. [l] Fast Hitch 10% DISCOUNT ON ALL IH PARTS Free Hauling on any major overhauls within 50 mile radius. fOur Aim is to Serve You Better.j heritage INTERNATIONAL INC. _■ _ 1054 SOU! H STATE STREET j* ;X , 'P? Ml EPHRATA, PA 17522 all: PHONE 717-733-2283 Lancaster County’s Only tntentofioiUl Full Uiw Dealer-"*^ Moil Box Market For Sale • Some cow* or springing heifers from the formerly Lloyd Wolfe registered Holstein herd. Also 2 round (Pride of the Farm) 100 bu. hog feeders 9100 each. John B. Stollzfus, R 1 Kirkwood, PA ITiX For Sale - Holstein bull - Sire: turtle Astro Caesar. Dam: Lytle Lad Bernice Babe. 28 mos. old. Israel F. Stoltzfus, R 1 Box 146, Kirk wood, PA 17538 Wanted to Buy - Good Used Bulk Milk Tanks and Bulk Milk Tank Compressors. Call specifications and prices. PH; 717-264-6007 Collect. 1 HAT with ’lO.OO Purchase to First Twenty People (Limit - 1 Per Family] 674-D - Utility 674-D Row Crop 666-D - Farmall 1066 D Farmall w-Cab Farmall ZOO w/Cult, Mower & Plow Farmall BM w/cultivators Farmall C w/loader 13 x 7 J D. Grain Drill 15 x 7 J D Grain Drill John Deers 17 x 7 Grain Drill Calhoun Forage Box Ini 125 Bu. P.T.O. Spreader 470 Disk Harrow 13’ir --'iSi" &h\ V*. I
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