20 —Lancaster Fanning. Saturday. Jan. 24, 1976 Tractor company gives farmer tribute "A Tribute to the American Fanner” was held recently at the Spanish Tavern sponsored by Allis Chalmers National Touring Show & Grumclli Farm Service here in Quarryville. The show was a multi screen musical, Bi centennial salute to the farmer in this country who have played such an im portant role in the history of the United States. ATTENTION SPECI/U. MAES INFUTIONS BUY 10 INFLATIONS—GET 2 FREE 2 TO* Pua-N-HOIST *29.95 COW TRAINERS, NECK CHAINS, COW TAGS SUNBEAM CLIPPERS AND BLADES CORONA OINTMENT. NIDERM COW POX OINTMENT HEATED CATTLE WATERERS, HOG FEEDERS ASP-250 SWINE (50 lbs.) TYLAN MEDICATIONS ATGUARD & TRAMISOL, THIBENCOLE WORMER Why Not Try our Calf Medication Program & Special Prices Today. TINGLEY FOOTWEAR Work Rubbers And Boots Compare Our ZHMERMAN’S ANHUI KALIN SUPPLY Also available at David Good's Sales. RDM, LHrtz, PA 17543 Home Store Phone 717-733-4466 DOEBLER’S ybrlds Mk J PENNSYLVANIA HYMDS, INC MfJfOWfl fortheeasi NET WT 54LtS W/Wl if you are interested in seed corn bred for your area, tested in your area, and grown by people who have been growing seed corn in Penna. for 40 years, Doebier's Penna. Hybrids should be your choice. Test results are great in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware and New York and Doeblers are one of the last to still pack 56 lb. bushels at prices that farmers can afford. SPECIAL NOTE ... FULL SEASON VARIETIES SOLD OUT -85 X AND SOX. 89X SINGLE CROSS - 125 DAYS Has highest potential yield of any full season hybrid we have tested. 200 bu. yields are not unusual. Ideal ear type on a good stalk. Excellent blight resistance. Fits Southeast Pennsylvania, Maryland and Delaware for maturity as 89X is a full season hybrid. Very upright leaves. A MOST POPULAR HYBRID, GAINING MANY FRIENDS EACH YEAR!! 8703 3 WAY - A Penn State released 3-Way Cross with exceptional yield and standup. Averaged 184.3 bu. dry shelled corn per acre in the 1970 Agronomy Tests in five Southeastern Pa. locations. Percent erect plants - 94.6 percent! ! An excellent choice for grain or silage. Very blight resistant. The show begin at 10 o’clock and continued on into the afternoon with a free lunch and What’s New With Allis Chalmers Farm Equipment. Miss Jennifer Vale, professional female product narrator, presented the show to a crowd of about fifty and stated that “there wouldn’t be a Bi-Centennial at all if it weren’t for the American Fanner.’’ O-i- “ uue. FULL SEASON HYBRIDS FOR PENNSYLVANIA'S SOUTHEAST 118 DAYS Doe bier's Pennsylvania Hybrids, Inc. R.D.I, Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania 17740 Phone 717-753-3210 National FFA officer visits in Lancaster Doug Loudenalagcr, Eastern Region National Vice-President from Mortal, Ohio, recently spent three md a half days In the Garden Spot of America, lancaater County, visiting with FFA Chapters, school board members, administrators, guidance people and agribusinessmen. The National Vice- President, following an appearance at the State Mid- Winter FFA Convention, arrived in New Holland Wednesday evening with State Officers. Lloyd Hoover and Don Weaver, both from Lancaster County. Housing and meals were provided by FFA members and agriculture department personneL • BRED • TESTED GROWN FOR THE EAST 83X SINGLE CROSS - 118 DAYS New in ’72, this Single Cross Hybrid has gained a large following. Look for a good sized plant, a vigorous grower and yields that compare with the very best. 83X is a fine slander and shows resistance to eastern blights. A good picker-sheller com. 70X SINGLE CROSS - 110 DAYS New in 1973, 70X is already Doebler’s most popular 700 maturity hybrid. Expect high yields, fast dry down and a hard cob for picker shelling. Fits especially well as an early com in full season areas. Has dark green, rank appearance. LATEST TEST RESULTS —70 X the just released 1975 Pa. Extension tests was 10 bu. better than the average of the 25 hybrids tested in its maturity groups!! (157.1 bn. dry shelled corn per acre). SOLO BY 250 DEALERS IN PENNA. NEW YORK, MARYLAND & DELAWARE. A very busy schedule for Thursday January Bth was changed doe to bad weather, but provided an opportunity to visit with members of the Grassland FFA. Doug was also exposed to the Elementary Agriculture Program and the Hinkltown Alternative Program, both at the Eastern Lancaster County School District An afternoon visit with Mr. J. Roy Wise, Vice-President of the local School board, and his son Brian, a member of the 9th. grade FFA, com pleted a most active day. Transportation for Doug was provided by the State officers, with whom be also stayed. Starting with in troductions to the school administrator*, guidance *JJ l ?®.** waa people, Doug was then *<**dtU*d ft* Saturday and transported to the Ephrata of ArcaVhere he visited with tbe beautiful historical members of the Cloister to Lnyter County FFA chapter. In response to Wore he spent the evening suggestions, Doug then had Rebel Herr. He the opportunity to visit a Vo- was taken to the airport by Tech school. Brownstown the Herr’s on Sunday Vo-Tcch provided an morning for his departure to alternative to the traditional West Virginia. Agriculture programs seen During tbe time that Doug at New Holland and was the County, be did a Ephrata. Friday afternoon, job of selling FFA and a visit to a local vocational Agriculture. He agribusiness. Weaver’s had opportunities to speak Poultry in New Holland, before groups in schools. TV concluded the day’s ac- interviews, radio programs, tivities.While at Weaver’s, several newpaper in- Doug met with Mr. Victor F. terviews. It is a slight under Weaver, a recent recipient of statement to say that tbe the Honorary Keystone Region has a “very Farmer Degree, and other capable Vice-President”, personnel. LANCASTER COUNTY DEALERS DANIEL BRUBAKER DANIEL ESH NELSON HABECXER WILBUR W.KREIOER RICHARD LEININ6ER ROBERT McSPARRAN, JR. PENNHELO CORPORATION LESTER M. WEAVER P. ROBERT WENGER NORMAN ZEAGERJR. RALPH B.ZEA6ER ROY ZIMMERMAN 800 - 3-WAY - 115 DAYS New in ’73,800 3-way is outstanding in yield, standup and tolerance to thick planting and drought. Yields of 200 bu. dry shelled com have been reached. Look for a dose attached ear of substantial length and girth. LATEST TEST RESULTS 800 - 3-way in the just released 1975 Pa. Extension tests was 12 bn. better dun the average of the 36 full season hybrids tested!! (175.2 bu. dry shelled com per acre). DOEBLER’S 790 3-WAY -112 DAYS A new 3-way released for ’75 planting 790-3 has been outstanding in both yield and stand-up. An upright leaf hybrid that can be planted thick. Drought tolerance especially good. Strip tests in 1975 yielded up to 190 bu. dry shelled com per acre. EPHRATA PARADISE LANCASTER UTITZ ELIZABETHTOWN PEACH BOTTOM LANCASTER NEW HOLLAND QUARRYVKIE BAMBRIOGE EUZABETHTONN EPHRATA
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