12—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Jan. 24. 1976 Grange Master By: MRS. CHARLES McSPARRAN Grange Reporter WAKEFIELD - Jesse Wood, Little Britian Township, was installed for a third two-year term as Master of Lancaster County Pomona Grange No. 71 at their regular meeting Saturday night January 17 at the Robert Fulton Inn, here The Master of the Penn sylvania State Grange, J. Luther Snyder, assisted by Mrs. Snyder as Marshal and his two daughters, Anna Mae and Lou Ann, as emblem and regalia bearers and Mrs. J. Richard Jackson, a member of Lancaster County Pomona Grange, pianist, installed Wood and these other of ficers: Harry Baker, Overseer; Mrs. J. Stanley Stauffer Jr., Lecturer; David Brinton, Steward; Clifford Holloway 111, Assistant Steward; Mrs. Resolutions adopted Clifford Holloway 111, Assistant Steward; Loran Brinton, Chaplain, Charles McSparran, Treasurer; Mrs Ira Wclk, Secretary; Miss Peggy Galbrcath, Ceres; Miss Helen Wanner, Pomona: Mrs Richard Holloway, Flora; Executive Committee member, Richard Maule; and Finance Committee members, Melvin C. Boyce and Clifford Holloway Jr. Pomona Master Jesse Wood appointed the following committees. Legislative, Norman Wood, J Everett Kreider, Richard Maule, Donald Trimble and Alfred Wanner Sr.; Women’s Activities, Mrs. Charles McSparran, Mrs. Charles Reaßi, Mrs. Loran Brinton and Mrs. Alfred Wanner Jr.; Youth, Miss Peggy Galbreath and Leßoy Welk; Young Mamed, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Holloway HI; chosen Membership, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Holloway Jr. and Harry Baker. In other business the county Grange adopted the following resolution; WHEREAS, The 27th. Amendment to the United States Constitution known as the “Equal Rights Amend ment” already ratified by the state of Pennsylvania, will invalidate all State and Federal laws which impose different obligations on men and women. And WHEREAS, Said Amendment would wip out all state laws which require a husband to support his wife, would erase state laws that exempt a wife from her husband debts, repeal anti abortion laws, require 16 year old girls to be drafted for military duty should a draft become necessary, and take away the right of a wife or widow to receive Social, Security benefits based on her husband’s earnings. And WHEREAS, Said Amendment would almost destroy family life as we now know it. Be it. RESOLVED, That Lan caster County Pomona Grange No. 71, meeting in regular session January 17, 1976, go on record supporting Pennsylvania Resolution No. 53 that would rescind Penn sylvania’s ratification of proposed 27th Amendment. Mrs. J. Stanley Stauffer Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Holloway Jr. were proposed as nominees for appointment to the Board of Directors to Health Systems Agency for the 8-county south Pennsylvania region. Members were urged to attend a meeting at the Farm & Home Center, Lancaster, January 20, 9:30 a.m. when the Rural Area Development Act will be discussed. Grange officers and other Grangers were asked to attend a regional meeting for Granges in Region H at Kutztown Grange Hall January 31, 7:45 p.m. Mrs. Jesse Wood, retiring Lecturer, presented a memorial program in memory of William H. Ambler, Mrs. Margaret Pritchard, Mrs. James Kelly, Mrs. Gyles Brown and W. ReedGiffing. Taking part were Mrs. Sylvia S. May, Loran Brinton, Mrs. Richard Holloway and Miss Peggy Galbreath who sang “In The Garden” and was ac companied by Mrs. J. Richard Jackson. The business meeting was preceded by a dinner .at 7 p.m. Grange visitors from York and Chester-Delaware County Pomona Granges were also in attendance. The next meeting of Lancaster County Pomona Grange will be held at White Horse Fire Hall as guests of Salisburg Grange April 17. 8 pm. Colerain Grange wdl We cannot expect to solve the farm problem in a day or in a year, or perhaps even ip this Administration. But we can and must adopt a new approach based on a clear recognition of the goals we seek ... J. F. Kennedy Jesse Wood, fight, was recently ceremonies, held at the Robert Fulton installed for a third two-year term as Inn, Wakefield, was the Master of the Master of Lancaster County Pomona Pennsylvania State Grange, J. Luther Grange No. 71. Taking part in the Snyder. host the picnic meeting August 14. The theme of the program for the January 26th meeting of Fulton Grange to be held at Oakryn will be Penn sylvania Farm Show Gleanings & Reflections. There will be a vocal solo by Mrs. Richard Hanks, a talk “What’s New In Farm Machinery” by Jesse Wood and presentation of Fulton Grange members who were honored at the Pa. Farm Show. Fulton Grange will hold Open House February 9 when the public is invited to attends special Bicentennial program which will be presented by kerosine lamp light. Members are asked to ARE YOU CONSIDERING HOG FINISHING HOUSE YOUR BARN? WE WOULD LIKE TO HELP YOU GET INTO THE HOG BUSINESS. C.O. LANCASTER FARMING, LITITZ, PA 17543 WE’LL CONTACT YOU RIGHT AWAY! bring old kerosine lamps meeting and there will be a also for display. Boy Scout cherry pie contest in charge Troop 330 will present the of the Women’s Activities program at the Feb. 23 committee. FISHER SPRAY PAINTERS (Henry K Fisher) SANDBLASTING ond SPRAY PAINTING INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Aerial Ladder Equipment Office & Shop 667 Hartman Station Rd Residence 2322 Old Philadelphia Pike Lancaster, Penna For FREE Estimates Call 717-393-6530 PUTTING UP A OR PUTTING PIGS IN PLEASE WRITE TO BOX 266 M,
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