V .n old proverb *ay« that you can’t judge a tree by it* bark „ FARMERS Now is the time to think about your sprayer needs for the coming year We have any type sprayer you may need high or low pressure, tractor mounted or trailer type, boom or boomless, with Myers PTO PLUNGER TYPE PUMPS THAT WILL HANDLE ANY MATERIAL New and used sprayers and pumps of various sizes in stock now. Lancaster County’s Only Dealer Specializing in Sprayer Sales & Service. LESTER A. SINGER RONKS, PA 687-6712 What can buy today? One kilowatt-hour oS electricity, that’s what! BU It is a measure of how much electricity you use Kilo means "one thousand ” Therefore, a kilowatt is 1,000 watts. A kilowatt hour is 1,000 watts of electricity used in one hour It is measured by your electric meter. THEN WHY IS MY BILL SO HIGH? Twenty five years ago, if you were an average residential customer, you used about 150 kilowatt hours of electricity per month Today, if you’re an average residential customer you use about 500 kilowatt hours per month . . . more than three times as much An inventory of all the electrical ap pliance and entertainment items you’ve accumulated over the years quickly tells the story. Yes, rates have changed, too During the 1950's and 60s PP&L had been able to make several rate reductions Starting in 1970 however, rates began to rise ... primarily due to rising fuel costs and inflation The point is, when you’re talking electricity, 3 3 A cents still buys a lot. Capturing the sun 7=/ WASHINGTON - New sources of energy, foods and chemicals from natural processes linked to the sun will be reviewed at a world conference in Washington, D.C. on March 10-12, 1976. Devoted to the science of bioconversion, the con ference will bring together for the first time govern ment, industry, en vironmental and consumer organizations broadly concerned with global energy sources and processes based on photosynthesis. The conference is spon sored by a wide range of federal agencies in ATT WHAT WILL IT DO? A kilowatt hour (less than 4 cents worth of electricity) can do many things, Here are just a few. All four of these items can be accomplished with a total of 4 kilowatt hours or a cost of about 15 cents. And, believe it or not, the price PP&L’s average residential customers pay for electricity today is almost the same as it was 25 years ago. In 1951 it was . . . today it is about — and that includes your fuel adjustment charge and Pa. Tax Surcharge. Bioconversion conference slated • Light ten 100-watt bulbs for one hour' • Or, run your frost-free refrigerator-freezer for more than three hours! • Or, bring you an entire Super Bowl game on your TV! • Or, operate a dishwasher to wash and dry two loads of the cooperation with industrial, professional, environmental and civic organizations concerned with future U.S. and world demands for fuels and related products. Bioconversion is the process by which solar energy is stored in land and water plants and tran sformed into strategic products through bacterial or chemical action or combustion. The field includes con version of field crop and forest residues and manures and plants grown specifically for energy. Conference participants will review how biomass from A Public Service Message From PP&L Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Jan. 17,1976 these sources is converted into natural gas, alcohols, oils, solid fuels, animal feeds, human foods, fer tilizers and industrial chemicals. Current or potential developments to be covered include dairy-farm and chicken-farm digesters, major field-crop-feedlot forest-waste conversion, large-scale “energy plan tations” and conversion by products. Principal speakers will include Russell Peterson, Chairman of the Council on Environmental Quality, and Mike McCormack, Chair man of the House Science and Technology Sub committee on Energy Research, Development and Demonstration. The con ference chairman is William D. Carey, Executive Officer of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Registration applications are available from the Washington Center for Metropolitan Studied, 1717 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. (Phone: 202-462-4874). Plenary and workshop sessions will be held at the Shoreham Americana Hotel. Registration fees are $9O for the three days or $3O for just the final day. FFA’ers win honors Several members of the Eastern Northampton VT FFA were awarded honors for their participation in events during the State Farm Show. Ken Fabian showed cattle at the event while Kevin Williams placed 4th in the safe tractor driving contest. The chapter’s window display placed 4th in com petition with other schools in the state. Among upcoming events, the chapter will be donating 22 cases of fruit to the Eastwood Convalescent Home in Easton. Diane Liiro News Reporter 4-H Notes Members of the Virginville 4-H Club recently won top honors in the Berks County Bowling Tournament. Members of the winning team included" Jeff Miller, Sandy Miller, Christine Adams and Lenny Sanner. Second place went to the Baby Beef 1 team with Shartlesville 1 team placing third. Diane Myers, representing the Fleetwood 4-H and the Eastern Berks Dairy 4-H, was the high individual in the female division with Jeffrey Miller taking top honors in the boy’s contest. The contest was held at the Laurel Lanes with 26 teams competing. Planning a party that includes sausage? If so, remember that the many fine American wines now available complement and enhance the flavor of sausage dishes. If your menu includes a dry or semi-dry sausage such as salami or cervelat, select a red wine. A Burgandy Chianti or Claret would be nice. White wines like Chablis, Sauterne or Rhine wine bring out the nest in cooked, smoked sausages including knackwurst, bologna and skinless franks. Capsule history of the modern married couple: apartment, small house, bigger house, small house, apartment. 55
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