p Moil to* MorVot Moll io* Morltot ATTfffTIOM ALL PHONE NUMBERS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY YOUR AREA CODE. like to buy a in fair condition or repairs. Call Sale - Yorkshire Service boars. Aaron Z. Martin, : 219445-4825 Sale - 1966 White - Model 7400. twin 250 Cummings road ranger PH ; m- Sale - Horae For Riding riving single or double, single buggy and one sleigh. PH; Sale - First and second ' bay, no rain. Wanted .-eford steers or black head. 400 to 500 lbs. \ J. Moyer, 1 mile S. PH: 085-4917 it - Tea-cup T. Poodle, male, AKC with shots, $175. Also Doberman ;r, ears cropped, AKC shots, 6 mo., with dog $175. PH: 215-268-2721 HI PRODUCTION AND BUTTERFAT TEST TOO .. 7H166 PERCY SUNGOLD KINGPIN PERCY BURKE 1569187 4 ; jt Percy represents a cross between two outstanding bulls - Whirlhill Kingpin and Wis Burke Ideal Percy has a special ability to sire well balanced and symmetrical udders, which is typical of the Wis Burke Ideal influ ence which he inherits His daughters are average in stature with a proper balance between dairyness and strength. Percy can be used as an improver of feet and leg's as they have proper set to the hocks and stand on correct feet. We are also pleased that Percy has the ability to increase butterfat test as well as high milk production, this combination making him one of the high dollar value bulls in the Holstein breed ->A Sire Summary (Oct. 1975) Dtrs. (31 Herds) 17.110 M 3.7 per. 636 F id.Diff.74 +1333M +.Ol per. +47F 'eatability 65 per.; Dollar Difference +sll2 Breeding Service Available ... COUNSEL Box 46, RD2, Cochran ville, PA 19330 No. Chester Co. & Lane. Co. Aaron Stoltzfus 717-442-4074 INFORMATION - 215-932-26 So. Chester Co. & Del. Don Taylor 717-529-2212 For Sale - bit. 7* trailing type {nn mower, bit No. 47 Hopper blower. Priced right. CaD 21M2M177 For Sale - App. 2.000 too of bard wood bark mulch. Please Call (Steve Boice) 717*833-2771 For Sale - NH Grinder No. 354 100 bu. capacity. NH 461 Hayblne. 28’ NI elevator. NI Roller Bar rake. All in good condition. 717-648-2163 For Sale - 1970 Plymouth Fury ffl, PS, Air Cond. and 1973 Honda C 8350. Must Sell, both in excellent condition. 717-528-4837 after 6 pjn. Wanted to Buy - Brass, Copper or Iron Kettle for the fire place, larger or small. Also want old electric trains for my collection. 717-442- 4279 No. 8 St 10 NI Manure Spreader on steel for sale, good condition. 106 Waird Walking plow. I will deliver. Elmer S. Kauffman, Box 87, Atglen, Pa. Good Pius (82) Production Qualified 5-75 ’8" PER UNIT we Moil Box Market For Sale - 2 Truck Tire* 12 x 18.5 10 ply Goodyear Hi* Miler tires, very low mileage. Phone 717457-MO6 For Sale - 1975 400 bu. Moridge Batch grain dryer, best offer over $B,OOO. 1974 Yamaha 453 GP snowmobile. 214-880-0367 For Sale * Two oil space beaten used one Duo Therm one Seigler. 717-887-3662 For Sale -1971 Mobile Home. 12 x 80, two bedrooms, refrigerator, gas range, air conditioner, oil tank incl. Very good cond. Asking $3,400.00 PH: 717-567-0272 For Sale - 1962 811 Ford Tractor WT 772 Ford loader, 200 ft. bam cleaner chain, tail-gate for JD No. 40 Spreader. PH: 717-865-4304 Would like to buy Belt pulley assembly and snow plow for Massey Harris Poney tractor also cultivator parts for B.N. FarmalL Call 717- 838-1801 or write Lester L. Stover, 201 N. Franklin St., Palmyra, Pa. 17074 Wanted > Pea Hen, 1 or 2 year old. For Sale - Sean Cassette tape player with 4 sound affects tapes, runs with 4 batteries. 215-883-6628. For Sale - New Holland grinder No. 354100 bu. size; N.H. Haybine No. 461, N.I. elevator 28 ft. long. New Idea roller bar rake. 717-548-2163. -3SS&- HFA Type Summary (May 1975) 8 Class. Dtrs. Avg. 79.4 (Actual) Mail Box Market Wanted - 12" Planer, state make and price. Sam A. Byler, Leßaysvllle, Pa. Box 57. RD2, 11829 Wanted -24 T or 336 John Deere Bakr and New Idea Cutdltiooer In good coalition. Lycoming Co. 717-52M087 after 5 p.tn. For Sole - 2 story 28’ x 120* frame chicken bouse can be torn down for lumber contact Ben. K. Stoltzfos, 384 E. Main St., Leola, Pa. 17540 Wanted • 1940 or early Ford Automobile or Plckup Truck. Condition not important. 1- 215-636-0696 For Sale - Int. 450 Tractor, good condition, good rubber, two point hitch, T.A., P.S., L., P.T.O. $l3OO. Call 301-656- 6124 For Sale - NH Super 69 Baler. NI Hay Krimper. Loader for B-Allis Chalmers tractor. AC 3-16” plow, 3 pt. JD 1-16” trailer plow. AC WD 45 tractor, plow & Cultivator. PH: 717-733-8708 For Sale - 2 Ribstone silos, 12’ z 45’. Badger silo unloader for 12’ silo com plete with top rail for both silos. All good condition. PH: 215-932-3629 Excellent mostly white 3rd generation Peek-A-Poo Stud service. PH: 717-367-3621 or 717-838-4943 For Sale - Refinished top buggy new top, new wheels andrubber, new hydraulic brakes and new paint job. David N. Zimmerman, Rl, Leola, Pa, 17540 For Sale - Delt 10” table saw without motor 75.00. Also work bench with a 4’ x 8’ top. $20.00. PH; 717-367-2362 Lancaster Farming SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE CHANGE OF ADDRESS? Please give us 2 weeks advance notice. Attach the label for your old address, write in your new address below. ENTERING A NEW SUBSCRIPTION? Check the box and fill in your name and address below. (To order gift subscriptions please attach a separate sheet.) I 1 When writing us about your subscription I please attach your Lancaster Farming J I mailing label here and mail the whole form | j to LANCASTER FARMING, | J P.O. 266, LITITZ, PA 17543 ! I n PLEASE SEIND LANCASTER FARMING 1 YEAR ENCLOSED 1$ A □ CHECK, □ CASH □ MONEY ORDER. $3.00 ( )NEW SUBSCRIPTION ( )RENEWAL NAME (please print) ADDRESS - CITY COUNTY STATE ZIP CODE For even faster service, phone 717-394-3047 or 626-2191. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Jan. 17.1976—39 Mail Box Market For Sale-Good Timothy Hay without rain. $BO.OO per ton. Phone 717-367-1882 For Sale - Bender Dumping Station with dryer, Tolan 460 gal. tank with new 3 horse comp., double SS tanka, De Laval milkers, etc. Alfalfa 8c Orchard Graas hay. PH: 717-933-8897 after 6 p.m. For Sale - Dryed sawdust good for bedding, will deliver. PH: 717-345-4109 For Sale - IH 710 auto-reset 5 or 6 bottom 18” plow with on the land hitch. Like new. PH: 215-252-1344 For Sale - John Deere 50 tractor 3 pt. hitch excellent shape. JD 4 row cultivators. 301-357-4135 For Sale - Winnower 12T2 Generator 115-230 volts 52 Amps. 12 KW Flat Belt, $4OO. Elsenhart Bros., Rl Thomasvllle, Pa. 17364 (717) 259-0908 For Sale - Mobile Home Duotberm oil fired Gun furnace, used 9 mos. Good condition, $150.00, PH: 717- 656-9787 For Sale - Top quality, large bales alfalfa - no rain, also a few tons large bales straw. Telephone 215883-3039 Custom Butchering the real ‘Old Fashioned’ way. PH: 215-7568872 or 215-756-6344 For Sale - 7 wks. old Eskimo puppies. Daniel D. Lantz, Gap, along School Lane Rd. For Sale - 1968 Chevrolet Pickup 6 cylinder $llOO. Cast iron log burning stove $B5. Manure spreader, horse or tractor $450. PH; 215-777-7349 For Sale - 2 Old Coolers with compressors $5 ea. 1 Vegetable cooler with compressor $25. Call 717-635- 7471 For Sale - Registered Hampshire Ram, 1 yr. old. PH: 2154456361 Wanted - 1 Used 14.9 x 36 Rear tractor tire. Also for Sale - JD 3 pt, 2 row corn planter, good condition. PH: 717-626-0902 For Sale -1975 Polaris TX 440 Snowmobile. -PH: 717-653- 5359 For Sale -1974 C 65 Chevy 24 ft. flat bed, new rubber, $6500. 215-869-3068 For Sale - LPS Double wheel, 1 ton feeder $65. PH: 717464- 3628 or 4646413 For Sale • 100 Sawed Locust posts. Van Dale traveling feeder for 80 ft. bunk. PH: 717-285-5004 Wanted - Used round wire com crib 14’ diameter also 1 used 4-row com planter. Phone 717-284-2751 after 5 p.m. or week-ends. For Sale - Power take off and hammermill & mixer. Phone 717-786-3329. For Sale - 494 John Deere 4- row com planter in good condition w-like new in secticide bands and 3 sets of plates. $900.00. Call 1-859- 2324. For Sale - Oliver radez trailer plow, culi-packer, land roller, McCormica Derring horse cultivator, snow fence, snow plow, & tomato baskets. Phone 717- 786-3618. Wanted - Small Chisel plow, pull type. Phone 301-879-3341. Wanted - Used ground driver Lely fertilizer spreader, State condition and price in first letter. Daniel K. King, Jr., R 3, Box 351-A, Quarryville, Pa. 17566. For Sale - 2nd & 3rd cutting direct seeded alfalfa. $95.00 a ton. Williamsport Phone 717- 323-7500. For Sale - John Deere Crewler 1010 w-horning loader. Overhauled con dition. Also Fannall H on steel. Call 717-354-9715. For Sale - Firewood for fireplace. Daniel K. King, Jr., Rl, Bird-in-Hand, Pa. 17505, Mill Creek Rd. For Sale - 4 new cast iron hot water radiators 16” x 48” w hangers & valves. Ford 3 pt. 32 disc needs disc blades, cheap. 3 Holstein Bred Heifers, 2 registered, 1 grade. Alfalfa hay, corn and soy beans. Call 717-528-4914. Gardners area.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers