—'tarkaitrfr' FiMilhi* Saturday,' Jan. 17, 1976 32 Farm Equipment 154 Cub low-Boy, Demo. Farm*ll 544 Gas Famuli 400 Diesel Tractor Used 100 Cub Cadet ■_ COPE & WEAVER CO ■AA New Providence ■■V* 784-7151 1 1160 Case combine with 13' Gram Platform, 4 row corn head and cab 1 B Gleaner Combine with 10' Gram Platform with Cab 1 45 John Deere Combine With Gram Platform 2 John Deere Wmdrowers 2 AC 829 Wmdrowers 1 AC 904 Wmdrowers (like new) 1 Model No 54 John Deere Spreader 1 John Deere 4 row No Till Corn Planter 1 Brady 12' Stalk Shredder WERTZ GARAGE, INC. LINEBORO.MD. Phone (301)374-2672 Poultry & Supplies 5,000 DeKalb K-137 started pullets, 20 wks. January 22- 29. 10,000 DeKalb 231 20 wks Feb. 10. Call after 5 P.M. 717- 394-5449 SHAVER D 4 \P LAYERS GREIDER LEGHORN FARMS, INC. Phone 653-1855 MOUNT JOY RDI, PA LONGENECKER’S HATCHERY, INC. 80x307, Elizabethtown, PA PH: (717)367-1545 [Hubbard Leghorn | DeKalb Warren Sex-Link I CHICKS & STARTER PULLETS 20 WEEKS APRIL 5 20 WEEKS FEB. 13 Sex-Link Hubbard Leghorn 2,000 8,000 Used Poultry Equipment 450 ft 4x 4 slats; 600 ft. track with egg cart; Kitson feeder with chain & 200 feeders; 1100 feed stainless steel Vi" cable, 2 Drive units & scraper; Cross cleaners & dnve unit & Egg cooler unit. PH 717-665-6220 Goslings, Ducklings, Guineas, Chicks, Turkeys, Bantams and Pheasants Poultry Equipment Hoff man Hatchery, Gratz, PA 17030 Form Equipment lime & Fertilizer Spreaders. New Wlllmar and boom type spreaders and a few used ones in stock. C. U. Stoitzfus Mfg. Inc. Box 296 F, Morgantown, PA 19543 215- 28T, 5146 Poultry & Supplies f&t) w GOBC22DS MOYER'S CHICKS, INC. Quakertown, PA Ph 215 536 3155 Now handling the Dekalb lines Dekalb-Kimber K-137 Dekalb 231 Dekalb-Warren S. S. Livestock For Sole For Sale CHIANINA World’s Largest Ca - Cows with calves at si - Bred and Open Heifers TWIN OAK FARMS Quarryville, PA 717-/86-2146 717-786-2201 Livestock For Sole REG. SPOTTED BOARS Bloodlines Related to Wlndex CMS, Highest indexing Sire of the Nation. WINDOM SPOT FARM Doncrville Rd. RD2 Lancaster, Pa. 17603 717-872-7560 Charolais Breeding age Registered Per formance Tested Charolals Bulls that will add $25 to $5O to the value of your calves. Younger bulls and open heifers also available. John W. Stump Clermont Mill Road Street, Maryland 21154 Phone 301-452-8700 Top Duroc and Yorkshire Breeding Stock For Sale at all times. For breeding or feeding, growing or showing. Large or small groups. Delivery available. See entries at coming Spring Sales. CALVIN LAZARUS &SONS 4290 Ridge Street Whitehall, PA Lehigh Co. 18052 215-799-3375 For Sale - Female goats. Ages range from 3 months to mature does. Robert Wing, 215-584-4356 2 very nice ponies, safe for children. Phone evenings. Make offer. 394-3827 For Sale - 2 Bred Gilts $475. for both. Isaac S. King, 98 Strasburg Pike, Lancaster, PA 17602 For Sale - 15 Reg. Angus cows. 5-6 years old. Calving soon .CaU 215-286-6341 For Sale - Registered Holstein Heifer calves, 4 weeks old $175. each from top sires. 301-592-9943. For Sale - Dispersal of Reg. Polled Herefords, Heifer calves, bred Heifers, bred cows. Herd bull is highest testing Hereford buU from the 1975 Pa. State BuU Test Sale, with a daily gain of 3.7 lbs. 717-732-4035 For Sale ■ Bred & Open Heifers. Several to freshen February thru May with good breeding. John S. Stoltzfus, Bird-in-Hand on Beachdale Rd. For Sale - Ayrshire heifer due Jan. 27th. Daughter of Heindel Fickle’s Rosilyn. Sire: Mar-Ral Commander’s Pride. Bred to Oakridge Flashy Fortune. Raised as a 4-H heifer. Kenneth H. Eshleman, Elizabethtown, RDI, Pa. 17022 Phone 717- 367-2736 For Sale - Reg. Jersey first calf cow. Sired by Vancluse Sleeping Surville. Used as F.F.A. show heifer. PH: 717- 244-6125 • Also Beefaio. Livestock For Sola For Sale - Chianina heifers bred and open. Also Purebred Charolais cows and heifers. Lawson Burgert, R 2, Fleetwood, Pa. PH: 215-944-9669 HEAVY-BONED YORKSHIRE SERVICE AGE BOARS FOR SALE. Raised m group lots for commercial producers Delivery available Write or call LEON L ARNOLD RD180.54 Lebanon, PA 17042 717-273-5880 Duroc Breeding Stock. LAWRENCE ARNOLD RDI Box 402 Lebanon, PA 17042 717-272-2179 Hampshire and Yorkshire Service Age Boars and Gilts from certified meat type breeding. Contact John Strawbndge, Stewartstown, PA 17363. Phone 301-996-2022. For Sale - 11 Reg. Holstein Heifers. Due to freshen soon. Good Pedigrees. Sired by Lucky, Royal Design, Aristocrat, Jack and others. Clarence H. Martin, RD6, Sinking Spring, Pa. 215-678- 7813 For Sale - All purpose white horse. About seven years old. Mary Stoltzfus, R 3, Quarryville, Pa. 17566 Wanted - Herd of young Holstein Dairy cows, in good flow of milk. PH; 717-866- 4208 S. K. Norman, R 1 Lebanon, Pa. 17042 Chester White and Poland China boars and open gilts for sale. James Parlett. Phone 717-862-3610. Airville, Pa. Yr. Black Face Ewes due to Lamb Feb. 15-1976. CaU 412- 627-3741 before 8 a.m. Wanted - Entire herd or part of herd of dairy cows or springing heifers. CaU 301- 358-0412 after 8 p.m. Purebred Yorkshire boars, bred gUts and open gUts, carcass championship bloodlines. Willow Glen Farm R 2, Strasburg, Pa. 717- 786-2562 For Sale - PoUed Herefords. Reg. Pawnee Mixer, Lamp Lighter, Domino influence. 3 herds, 15 cows each. Pasture exposed. Pawnee Victor, Herd Maker, TO FLF Conqueror 816 out of Vic torous K 47U81. Also Regi open heifers, and 4 young bulls. Kent Steiner, 215-388- 6119 For Sale - SPF Yorkshire boars, bred gUts. National championship bloodlines Red Run Farm, Joel Stem, R 2 East Berlin, PA 17316. 717-292-4634 Dairy Equipment WE Will BUY YOUR FRESH CREAM AND MAKE IT INTO ICE CREAM FOR YOU. ELIZABETHTOWN CREAMERY CO., INC. CUSTOM-PAC ICE CREAM SPECIALISTS 519 S. Market St. Elizabethtown, PA 17022 717-367-1389 Livestock For Sole livestock for Sale • ReR. Holstein Bulla; one year old and younger - out of dams with records to 24,000 M & 900 lbs. B.F. Stump Acres 717-792-3216 (York Go.) Duroc Boars For Sale from Tested St Show winning bloodlines. Dutch Valley Farm, R 5, Manhelm, Pa. Mart: Nestleroth, PH: 717- 665-6220 POA Pony, 12 hands, Sorrel with snowflake, broken western. Needs experienced rider. Also bicycle wheel pony cart. PH: 215-189-7172. Location-Greaterford. For Sale -1 Holstein bull. 8 mos. old. Sire: Noblic Elevation Bob. Dam: A Kingpin dau. with records over 20,000 lb. milk. John Omar Stoltzfus, PH: 215-273- 3585. For Sale - Chester White and Poland China bred sows and gilts. Boars and Open Gilts. James Parlett. Phone 717- 862-3610. Airville, Pa. Dairy Equipment- For Sale - 300 gallon Esco milk tank, excellent con dition; litter carrier 75 ft. of track. 717-442-8338 For Sale - Surge pipeline for 28 stanchions with auto, washer, 4 milker units and Alamo 60 vacuum pump. 1000 gal. Milkeeper tank w auto. washer, 2 yrs. old. Plus 160 ft. of Jamesway heavy duty barn cleaner chair used 8 mos. 717-529-6350. Wanted - No. 600 Conde Milkers. Call 717-656-6766. 1000 Gal. Girton Tank, with 5 h.p. compressor, automatic washer. Also 300 Gal. Girton Tank, with 3 h.p. com pressor. PH: 215-863-4557 300 gal Girton milk tank, good condition 440 gal. Esco tank, good cond. 500 gal. Girton w-4 h.p. compressor Star 12-Can open front milk cooler, good cond. CLARK ELECTRIC RDI, Kinzer, PA Phone Intercourse 768-8228 For Sale - S.P. 22 Surge Milkerpump in good shape; Atlas Stainless Steel juicer runs with air motor; Black Standard Bred Mare, stands 17 hands, good carriage horse. Daniel S. Dienner, RDI, Gap, Pa. 17527 5 Surge milkers for sale. PH 717-529-6223 1600 gallon Girton 7% compressor, automatic washer $5575.00. 600 DeLaval 4 H.P. com pressor $1500.00 1973 Case UnUoader $3175.00. CURRYSUPPLY CurryviUe, Penna. 814-793-2829 Universal pipeline milker 4 units, auto washing system and vacuum pump. 2 yr. old. Phone 717-535-5711. Dairy Equipment 1000 Gal. Girton Tank, with 5 h.p. compressor, automatic washer. Also 300 Gal. Girton Tank, with 3 h.p. com pressor. PH: 1971 850 Girton Twin Cc*% pressors, Automatic washer 92975. 625 DeLaval 4 H.P. $l5OO. 325 Mojonnler Vacuum, washer, dumping station |795. 814-793-2829 CURRYSUPPLY Curryvllle, Pa. 8 Surge Milk Meters; like new, DHIA Approved. % Price of new. PH; 201-859- 2616 Boumatlc Pall units w electric pulsation Top Tine transfer unit w-automatic washer Kesco transfer unit w automatic washer De Laval pail units w electric pulsation Surge units w-electric pulsation Surge Alamo 60 vacuum pump Surge SP 22 vacuum pump Surge transfer unit Esco transfer unit with glass line Jamesway 1 h.p vacuum pump DeLaval No. 77 vacuum pump 400 gal. Sunset Bulk Tank 400 gal. Esco Bulk Tank 250 gal. Mojonnier AGWAY SUPPLY CENTER 1027 Dfflerville Road Lancaster, Pa. 717-397-4761 Miscellaneous For Sale - Black Walnut Boards -1”, 2”, 3”, 4”, any quantity, will deliver. PH: 609-298-1917 For Sale - New Lumber 3” x 8” x 20’. Call Fred Eyrich, 215-689-5533 For Sale - 750.20 wheels off NI corn picker, 8 lug hub, like new. 20 Jamesway Free stalls. Hillside hitches for NI com pickers, can be ad justed to hitcn 6 head. Leon F. Ebersol, R 2 Narvon, Pa. 17555 along Red Hill Rd. Cash For Pups I need Purebred and cute mixed litter lots, 7 to 10 week old. Clean and healthy. Contact “Jo Jo the Dogman” at Root’s Farmers Market, RDI Manheim, PA. Every Tuesday 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. No Phone Calls. Wanted to Buy - Puppies, 7 to 9 weeks old, in litter lots. Pure breeds and half breeds. Cash money paid. pickup every Friday. Fo» resale in my pet shop. Write to Charles Hackett, 3743 N. sth Street, Philadelphia, PA 19140 or call before 8 p.m. 215-2294)449. Give breed-age color when writing. Also some kind of direction. Thank you. Ceramic tile, seconds ideal for cow stable, trough and milk house walls. ESCH FLOOR COVERINGS V* mile North of Bird-in-Hand, on Beechdale Road WOOD HEATERS SAVE 75% on Heating Bills. Cast iron Norwegian box stoves, Franklin fireplaces, thermostat controlled, cabinet models, air tight construction. An all stainless steel chimney pipe and accessories. Call 215-536-1336 1104 West Broad St. Quakertown, PA 18951
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