—Lancaatar Farming, Saturday. Dac 27. 1975 18 GRAIN WAGONS Parker Industries, Inc., Silver Lake, Indiana, un veiled its complete 1976 line of mobile grain handling equipment for its manufacturer’s represen tatives and distributors at a recent agricultural sales meeting held in Des Moines, lowa, according to Robert Mong, President. In addition to three sizes of standard gravity unloading beds, Parker’s expanded product line now includes center, rear and auger unloading models. In troduced at the meeting for the first time was the Parker line of seven new wagon gear models in capacities from six to 12% tons. All of the products were specially transported from Parker’s Jefferson, lowa, plant to the parking lot of the motel where the sales meeting was held so the representatives could examine them. In the foreground of the picture is the 475 bushel capacity Model 4000 gravity bed with accessory auger. New Line Of Drum Handling Equipment Every plant which makes, handles, or uses products stored in drums, faces a number of problems in safely and conveniently moving, handling, and storing these containers. Conventional material handling and storing equipment is designed for efficient operation with roughly cubical containers stacked on rectangular pallets. Drums, being cylindrical in shape, cannot be adequately handled by conventional equipment. . . it’s a literal case of trying to fit round pegs in square holes. Recognizing the requirements of drum users, large and small, Weil has introduced a full line of economical, well-designed tools for convenient handling of drums, including special storage racks, trucks, dollies, stands, and lifting equipment. New Catalog IME has full details. Weil Service Products Cor poration, 2434 West Fletcher Street, Chicago, Illinois 60618. Hog Drug KALAMAZOO, Midi. - An injectable form of the an tibiotic lincomydn, highly effective for the treatment of infectious arthritis and mycoplasma pneumonia (PPLO,VPP) in swine, is now available through farm supply stores from TUCO, Division of The Upjohn Company. Named Lincomix-50 In jectable, the product has been proven effective for controlling infectious ar thritis and mycoplasma pneumonia, two of the most common diseases faced by hog producers. in tests on over 700 animals conducted in studies submitted on FDA, Lincomix Injectable was shown to be highly effective in treatment against both mycoplasma. According to TUCO researchers, infectious arthritis is caused in almost all cases by one of five types of organisms, and hn comycin is highly effective against them all, induding mycoplasma. Usual signs of infectious arthritis include swollen, inflamed joints and lameness. Mycoplasma pneumonia is often characterized by chronic coughing. Although death loss is not usually high, both diseases result in reduced rate of gain and poor feed efficiency. More information is available by writing “Lin comix Injectable,” TUCO, Division of The Upjohn Company, Dept. 9818-190, Kalamazoo, Mich., 49001. Stauffer Brochure Describes Weed and Insect Control In Corn A new brochure available free from Stauffer Chemical Company describes the Stauffer family of crop protection chemicals for weed and insect control in com. The brochure details weed control with Sutan plus, elective herbicide for weeds like foxtail and fall panicum. Also explained are approved tank mixed of Sutan plus with atrazine for broad spectrum weed control, and Sutan plus and Bladex for broad spectrum weed control without carryover residue. Included in the 62 page booklet is a description of Eradicane selective her bicide for control of the toughest weeds in corn that may escape conventional herbicides and cultivation like quackgraas, wild cane, nutsedge and pigweed. Application rates, (or* mutations, tank mixing directions for use with liquid fertiliser and explanations of the various application methods such as Herblgation TM Weed Control Service are Included in the brochure. Soil insect control using Dyfonate insecticide for control of corn rootworms, wire worms and symphylans is outlined along with for mulations, rates and ap plication methods. Mite protection with Trithlon insecticide acaricide and seed treat ment with Captan fungicide are also included in the booklet accompanied by numerous color pictures, charts and maps detailing use of the Stauffer family of crop protection chemicals for weed and insect control in corn. Stauffer bulletin No. A -10606 can be obtained by writing: Stauffer Chemical Company, Dept. KP., Westport, Conn. 06880. PRESSURE WASHERS Supreme equipment an nounces the SW Series, its all new line of heavy duty portable higb pressure washers. SW Washers are quieter, more compact, and more efficient than previous washers. The standard spray gun supplied with the new series is variable from a fine mist to a high pressure stream capable of removing YOUR PIONEER SALESMAN IS READY WITH SUPERIOR SEED AND SERVICE • Hybrid Corn - high yielding single and special crosses. • Alfalfa Seed - for any rotation or piowdown. • Forage Mixes - A mix for every need (pasture, hay, haylage, gfeenchop or green manure piowdown). • Hybrid Sorghum - grain, forage, and sorghum - sudangrass hybrids. Don't Delay. See Your Pioneer pioneer. Salesman To-Dayi CorniSor ;;L, Alfalfa ® Registered trademark of Pioneer Hi-Bred International. Inc., Oes Moines, lowa, USA Labor laws proposed Farm labor contractors must determine that migrant workers they recruit are lawfully authorized to work in the United States undo 1 newly proposed Department of Labor regulations. The proposal, which clarifies Farm Labor Contractor Registration Act (FLCRA) amendments that became effective December 7, 1974, lists kinds of ac ceptable written evidence that a worker is either a U.S. citizen or a legally em ployable alien. Such evidence includes: birth certificates, certificate of citizenship or caked mud from con struction equipment. Besides water, SW Series spray washers handle brine, detergents, alkalies, abrasives, insecticides, and mild acid solutions at temperatures up to 200 degrees F. SW Series pumps have a new industrial grade enamel finish for years of “like new” appearance. SW Series washers are, available with either gasoline or electric power. An extensive line of ac cessories is offered to equip the SW for such diverse tasks as transfer pumping or sandblasting. For complete information and literature contact: Mintez International Cor poration, 592 Northland Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45240, USA. naturalization, U.S. iden tification card, paaaport identifying worker as a U.S. citizen, consular report of birth or, in the case of an alien, an Allen Registration Receipt Card. Published in the Federal Register on Dec. 10, the proposal also spells out: -requirements for issuing, renewing, revoking, suspending, or denying, the certificates of registration that contractors must have in order to legally furnish migrant farmworkers to growers; ATTINTION GROWERS - CUSTOMERS We now are taking early booking orders for the VA Mil Black Mulching Plastic for use on cantaloupe and watermelon rows. Extra discount if you order this month. Attention: Booking orders coming to a close, ZHHEMUirS ANNUL KALIN SUPPLY RDM. Ufc, PA 17543 -requirements for registration certificates authorising migrant worker transportation and bousing, and •procedures for assessing civil money penalties for violation of the law. Interested parties have until January 22, 1976, to submit written comments on the proposal. Comments should be sent to the Ad ministrator, Wage and Hour Division, Employment Standards Administration, UJS. Department of Labor, 3rd and Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington D.C 20210. Home Store Phone 717-733-4466
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