Aut j Service Tips| &UTTERFL K- VALVE \ U'V ON/ /7MUA' ro - ‘ x'v 1 ci Nil r //// / / XX, ' choki wniw/v (, , /V - | /)/ V(( JO/’Of //// ' / / CAKBNk'L/Ok’ 7/// I / k’Amnui v ouonii> .} , N wtvi / r-k’LtLY f x /x n po/ on i, a (an K 7///- (Avon, in/t/Z :] CAK&Uk’L- /Ok’ ‘JOLYLN/ ‘ BEEFALO HYBRID CATTLE BEEFALO - ITS GREAT - Rapid gams on grass and roughage - 55-65 lb Births -up to 1100 lb yearling • Test data show 62 percent carcass dress out - We stock and distribute Pureblood Beefalo Semen and Half-Blood Beefalo heifers and bulls - Visit our farm and see our animals BEEFALO N&J 4270 Quakerbridge Road Princeton, N J 08540 609-896-0336 Member World Beefalo Association □ □ BARN CLEANER SAVES 1/O OF UP TO I/ O POWER Starline "47" Barn Cleaner cuts power-robbing friction five ways— ★ Exclusive concrete forms produce accurate cor ners. ★ Adjustable shafts as sure precise idler wheel align ment. ★ No-load starting, self-aligning bearings, and low-friction hold down shoes further reduce power require ments and let your drive 420- feet of barn cleaner chain or handle 97 cows with only a 2 h.p. motor. For more facts, see us . . , (agway) AVONDALE SUPPLY CENTER LANCASTER SUPPLY YORK WEST STORE Junction US 1 & 41 1027 DiHenille Rd. 26 W. Market St. Avondale, PA Lancaster, PA ™rt.PA 215-268-8238 717-397-4761 717-792-2674 □IDI w UNLOADER ★ Giant 30-inch impeller throws down tons of silage per hour from 20'-30' dia. silos,| ★ Exclusive, big 36-square inch collector ring throat pro motes high-volume discharge. ★ Exclusive auger design. Diameter steps up at impeller to increase silage velocity. TEMPLE SUPPLY CHAPMAN STORE N. sth St. Highway RO2, Wescosville, PA Temple. PA 215-395-3381 215-929-5264 Dairymen honor farm editor UNCASTKH, Pa - Beth N Gray, farm editor of the Bedford (Pa.) Gazette, was recently honored at the "1975 Agri-Communicator of the Year," by the dairy farmer members of Inter-State Milk Producers' Cooperative at their annual meeting here on Nov. 26 Lester C. Jones, president of Inter-State and a New Jersey dairy farmer, presented the plaque at the Young Cooperator Breakfast program which was attended by about 500 dairymen and their wives. ‘‘Too often, I’m afraid, we fad to appreciate the efforts and service put forth by the news media," Jones told the dairymen. Reading the inscription on the plaque, Jones noted the award was presented to Mrs. Gary: “in sincere appre ciation of your continuing accurate portrayal of the dairy farmer and his in dustry. Your knowledge, awareness and continued dedication is hereby recognized by our member dairy farmers.” Mrs Gray, a 1964 graduate in agricultural com munications from Penn State University, has been farm editor of the Bedford Gazette since 1971. She previously worked for the New Castle News, the Johnstown Tribune- Democrat and the Centre Daily Tunes On December 10. 1775, Gen Nathan ael Greene reported to Gov. Samuel Ward of Rhode Island that the troops "seem to be so sick of this way of life, and so home sick, that I fear the greater part will go home.” The diary of a Private Lunt re corded “Colonel Little’s regiment ex cused from duty. Paraded in order to enlist men for the new establish ment; a consider able number en gaged.” Confused? An ear of com is like a question when you are pop ping it Did you know you can add the letter A to the end of the month and have the name of a city’ Augusta Some athlete’s feet Astro nauts get mistle (missile) toes , FRE HALF YEAR'S SUPPL FUE WITH ANY NEW jj)\ AIR-COOLED DIESEL TRACTOR Buy any new Deutz tracto K and get direct from Deutz Corporation a check equal to the estimated fuel needed for six month s of average farm work Deutz can make this offer because Deutz air-cooled diesel engines use so much less fuel than others You'll not only get a big cash fuel savings bonus now, but you will continue to make big savings on fuel for the life of your Deutz Comq in and let us give you full information SAVE UP TO $651.00 OFFER EXPIRES DECEMBER 31 MODEL CASH FUEL BONUS MODEL CASH FUEL BONUS D 3006 104 50 D 5806 318 00 D 4006 133 00 D 7006 372 40 D 4506 152 00 D 7206 385 00 D 5206 180 50 DBOO6 399 00 D 5506 239 40 DlOOO6 556 50 D 6206 250 80 D 13006 65100 D 6006 296 40 ''Based on 36C /gal Subiect to availability 1 I I 312 W. Main St. I I Tractors New HoltandPa. [ J Phone I Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Dec. 13,1975 William E. Perry, manager of quality assurance, and lab technician Alice Marshall check the pH value of a soil sample at the Royster Company's new Research and Development Laboratory in Chesapeake, Virginia. The lab will perform soil and fertilizer testing, with up to 20,000 samples estimated to be analyzed during the first year of operation. Royster Opens new laboratory The Royster Research and Development Laboratory located at the fertilizer manufacturer’s Money Point installation in Chesapeake, Virginia will begin full operation as of this month, according to James E. Seymour, manager of research and development for Royster Company. The new automated facility is a result of the consolidation of the Norfolk, Virginia and Toledo, Ohio soil testing labs and the Norfolk quality assurance laboratory. The lab’s primary function will be to perform soil and fertilizer testing, the research and development of new fertilizer processes as well as quality assurance checks on current products. - -I STAUFFER DIESEL, Inc. V Approximately 20,000 samples are expected to be analyzed during the first year of operation. “With tiie consolidation of our three plants into a central operation, Royster has one of the most modern and complete fertilizer research and development laboratories in the nation,” says Manager James E. Seymour. “The plants automated techniques allow us 'to be efficient and economical while main-i tabling the highest level of quality control.” The Royster facility consists of one central lab area, a weighing room, a conference room, four of fices, a utility-storage area and two grinding rooms. In addition, the site features a 15-acre plot for agronomic research plus a new greenhouse which will enable year-round testing. The lab will employ twelve technicians headed by William E. Perry, manager of quality assurance for Royster Company. Dr. John Richards, research chemical engineer, will be responsible for the pilot plant operation at the Money Point plant. Headquartered in Norfolk, Virginia, Royster Company is one of the nation’s leading manufacturers of fertilizer. The regional company operates in 24 states from Pennsylvania to Florida, west to Nebraska. (TJOUPAV MOSTITAUTy NEE p not BE A BUPGET-BREAKING EVEMT INVITE FRIENPS for AN iMFORMAL- OpEM HOUSE AMP UET THEM Congregate aeouup a brimming Bowl filler with a refreshing PALATE-PLEASING PUNCH. START WITH a BASE of strong TEA APP CRANBERRY JUICE, LEMONAPE, UMEAP& AMP GINGER ALE THE TEA GIVES BOpy TO THE PUNCH WITHOUT MASKING THE OTHER FLAVORS AMP IT ACTS AS A ST*ET-C-HtK TO MORE EXPENSIVE ingredients. 65
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