Editors Quote Book When liberty dr stroys order, the hun ger for order unit de stray liberty Will Durant MEMO HAY, STRAW and EAR CORN SALE EVERY MONDAY AT 11 A M EVERY WEDNESDAY 12 00 NOON HEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES. INC Phone 717 354 4341 Lloyd H Kreider Auct C OMMERCIAL, HOME, FARM w BUILDERS INC. DESIGNERS - BUILDERS Homes Farm buildings -CALL OFFICE 717-786-1403 HOME 717-786-4479 717-786-4314 717-529-2388 RD2 BOX 190 QUARRYVILLE, PA 17566 Parade of the Profit-Makers These Gold Medal Sires Are Available Daily For Your Daily Herd: 15H121 Eagle Point Design's BONUS Very Good & Gold Medal; Production Qualified [9/75] USDA (Sept./?5) - 5,207 Daus. in 1,556 Herds Ave. 15.100 M 3.65% 551 F Predicted Difference (99% rpt.) +SB9M +s39 +9F Type; 1,557 Cl. Daus. Ave. 78.8 (act.) 79.8 (age-adj); 1,241 Pr -.90 PDT Sire: Irvington Pride Admiral - EX (92) & GM Dam: Hedge Upwey Designs Queen - VG & GM 135 DAIRY SIRES ARE NOW AVAILABLE THROUGH OUR PROFESSIONAL TECHNICIAN SERVICE! Atlantic % BREEDERS COOPERATIVE LIVESTOCK SERVICES 4-Hers receive honors at Chester Dairy Banquet GUTHHIESVIIJJC • The Rcnkcrt (C)andGeryßnron (,’heater County 4-H Dairy (RC). Banquet was held recently at first year showing - Dale the East Brandywine Fire Keen <(') and Jeffrey Welsh Company here. Several (RC). members were awarded Junior Fitter - Showman - trophies in the following Steve Nolan (C) and Bruce categories. Heller (RC). 4-41 Dairy Show Senior fitter • Showman - Awards Dave Nolan (C) and Jeff Ayrshire - Sharon Henley Stance (RC). (GC) and Kcnnard Henley Members of the Chester HI (RGC). County 4-H Dairy judging Brown Swiss - James team were also honored for Scacnst (GC) and Steve their efforts. Members were Nolan (RGC) Sandra Evans, Jeffrey Guernsey - Jeff Staner Staner, Carol Yeager and (GC) and Holly Schieb Linda Yeager (RGC). Holstein-Tina Acker (GC) and Dean Yamall (RGC) Jersey - Bruce Andrien Jr. (GC) and Catherine Wollaston (RGC). Milking Shorthorn - Douglas Marsh (GC). Fitting and Showing First year fitters - George Member NAL Affiliated Breeders Production Award* Ayrshire - Kennard Henley 111, Brown Swiss - David Nolan, Guernsey - Clyde Good; Holstein - Sandra Evans and Jersey - Dcmsc Andricn. Achievement Awards Dave Nolan - Black and White Club; Bruce Heller - Chester Valley 4-H; Cathy Wollaston - Manor 4-H; Beverly Hershey - Oclorara 4-H; Akan Mason ■ Oxford 4- H; Pat Jenkins - Southern Chester 4-H and Jeffrey Staner - Tri- Community 4-H ikyi. Good Plus & Production Qualified [9/75] U S DA (Sept// 5 ) - IJSDaus in 6 nerds Ave. 17 ,814 M 3.59% 640 F Predicted Difference (45% rpt.) +S42M 4-554 Type; (no official summary to date) ™ J Sire: Sevens Burke Skylark - EX & GM Dam; Dos Palmos Comet Milly - GP 24-Hour Toll-Free Phone Service Lancaster area 569-0411 throughout Pennsylvania 800-732-0391 Delaware & Maryland 800-233-0216 Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Dec. 13,1975 — Jolly S*nu Gaily decorated holiday gifts arc fun to make and give With an eye to the budget, each one starts with an empty bleach bottle Christmas Angel Ornament: Take an empty, rinsed quart bottle of Clorox* liquid bleach Cut off top aection of bottle at top edge of label panel With enamel, paint angel fae? on section above neck-indent. Draw features with felt pen Paint an angel’s dress on lower section Cut wings, 4” x 3" deep, from rest of bottle Attach wings to bottle. Paint wings Cut a piece of net fabric to 10” x 24”; fold down to 5” x 12” Gather net in middle and attach to one end of a pipe cleaner Pull other end of pipe cleaner through neck of bottle. Turn protruding top end to make hanger Trim off fabric about V 4” below edge of dress. Glue on yam hair. Angel can also be used for a mantel or table decoration. Jolly Santa Gift Holder: Spray an empty, rinsed IVi gallon Clorox bleach bottle with red enamel. Draw line around bottle 4” from bottom. On side opposite handle, starting 2” below cap, cut out shape of Santa’s hat down to drawn line. Then cut around rest of bottle from each side of hat to line. Glue on pink felt for face. Use colored ball fringe for cheeks and nose, felt or plastic circles for eyes, white cotton for beard, and white ball fringe for topping and edging hat. Fill holder with cookies, candies, a small gift or a holiday plant. Holiday Centerpiece. Start with an empty, rinsed IV4 gallon Clorox bleach bottle. Cut off top section at top edge of label section On bottom half, mark 8 even points around edge. Draw line around bottle 2” from top of bottom half. On this line mark off 8 points in between first 8 points. Cut from mark to mark to make jagged top. Spray holder inside and out with gold enamel. Cut out 4 felt trees the length of the point sec tions and glue onto bottle on every other panel. Decorate with sequins, glitter, pompons, yarn bows. Fill holder with Christmas tree balls or holly. Decorations To Make m V NAAB^-0\ I Semtn I V Supplier M 61
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