Hmim nm. i% tm Ha rvert ore and Shirrystore : hdp make both emfa of your dairy business more profilaMt i PENN JERSEY HARVESTORE P.O. BOX 91 NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 ASK US ABOUT A FREE HARVESTORE FOR CHRISTMAS WHY . . . you should order your new Harvestore Silo Now 1. Winter Discounts 2. Spring Settlement 3. 10 percent investment credit 4. 6 month Deprechrtion Come along on our Holiday Tour, TUESDAY. DEC. 30IH - NO CHARGE SLURRYSTORE DINNER MEETINGS NOW IN PROGRESS - Call us for free reservation. CONTACT (717) 354-4051 Contact your area manager or Pi These big blue Harvesters structures are a familiar sight on dairy farms all over America As a matter of fact, our very first ones were constructed on dairy farms over 25 years ago, andare still feeding the cows. Thousands of dairymen have found that owning a Harvesters system is just like adding extra hours to the day and extra acres to the farm. Why? With a Harvestore structure, you can forget about baling hay, hauling it, stacking it, unstacking it and breaking bales. You just cut it, chop it and blow it into the structure. The feeding becomes as simple as pressing a button A Harvestore structure can also be a natural for storing corn silage or high-moisture grain. > Well, as we said, thousands of dairymen already know that story perhaps you’re one of them. But, maybe the latest member of our ha< vestofe dairy profit team. We call it Slurrystore, because it stores manure in a liquid form out of the way, out of sight and secure.. to help you avoid contamination of streams, ponds, or ground water. On most dairy farms, Slurrystore can store all of the manure produced for periods of up to 6 months which means you can spend your time on other things and apply the manure whenever it is most convenient to do so. We’re proud of this newest member of the Harvestore family and we sincerely believe with the Harvestore System and Slu"/store System you can make both ends of yoi-r dairy business more profitable
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