39—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. Oac 13,1979 Real {state FOR SALE 1M A. Steer Farm. 4 miles North of Mycr •town. Nacasaary buildings k two homaa. Also other farms available. Aak for Curt Hebertinger at MAIN LINE REALTY PH: 717-2744423 arZTMJN 437 A. 200 caw facilities, 8 stall Chore-Boy parlor, 4 ailoa, milk processing equipment with dairy store It restaurant on ..main road. 8 room Stone mansion. Also 2 bedroom home. Many possibilities. 212 A. 50 comfort stalls, pipeline, 600 gal tank, new 18x72 silo with unloader. Immaculate brick mansion. A showpiece. 72 A. Limestone modern 47 stall dairy, silos, nice home. Make offer. 211 A. limestone large beef & dairy barn. 4 homes. Will finance. 205 A. Franklin Co. farm, 40 stalls, silos, nice home. 3175,000. 462 A. Woods. Perry Co. 370,000. BLUE BALL REALTY Blue Bail. PA 717-354-4536 220 acre modern dairy farm near Cham bersburg with 40 cow barn, pipeline milkers, 800 gal. tank, 80 freestall barn, 24 x 70 silo, unloader, and feeder, modernized stone home, excellent land. 110 acre dairy farm near Mercersburg, complete with cattle and equipment, only $145,000.00. 190 acre farm near Mercersburg, with extra nice laying land, $152,000.00. Owner will finance. Beautiful 160 acre farm near Gettysburg, owner will finance. Other farms. Van Cleve Real Estate New Oxford, PA 17350 Phone 717-624-8201 Anytime EXCEUENT DAIRY FACILITIES 36 comfort stalls with pipeline milker, barn cleaner, loose housing, 2 large silos with unloaders, milk house, office and bath. Loose housing heifer bam with bunk feeder. 2 houses, 345 acres with boro water on the property. 130 acres, Bradford County dairy farm, 62 comfort stalls, 6 unit pipeline inilker, 4 silos, 35 x 168 loose housing bam, 2 very nice houses. 11l acres, Perry County, limestone soil, 38 dairy stalls, bam cleaner, 8 rooms and bath frame house. Northumberland Count/, 300 acres, very productive, 75 dairy stalls, pipeline milker, 1000 gal. bulk tank, bam cleaner, 4 silos, bunk feeder, stream, 2 ponds and 2 beautiful houses. y— - - -jq ;kl|K ingsway Realty ' RIAITOK'i I I / J 4 9 6 King Vff f*f I.O'K c sfe-r \ Phonr 299-079 1 j R««l Ittof* 132 ACRE DAIRY FARM - located New Park R.D. I, 40 stanchions It bulk tank. 2 single houses, 2 streams, level land-over 9.000 ft. of rd. frontage. BAUGHMAN-LEADCR 717-70-»illor 741-*02.(1M) FARMS LAND RURAL HOMES SNYDER UNION NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTIES SELL - BUY OWEN AGENCY m REALTORS IN Call: “ 717-374-2165 Write: 22N. Market SL Selinsgrove, PA 17870 j Lancaster County 93 A. in Manor Twp., Brick and Stone Farm House, (1) large bam plus two others. Currently used for com, suitable for cash crops, tomatoes & tobacco. High development potential. Already Zoned R-l Sewer & water for development is nearby. 10 Mi. from Lancaster, PA, but right outside of Columbia, Pa. Make offer. Price: '270,000 Southern York Co. 49 A. good farm land, 40 tillable, limestone soil, 2% story house w-2 car garage, 90’ z 50’ bam, road frontage on 3 sides. Currently steer and hog operation, suitable for general farming, cash crops. Development possibility Price; '98,000 HURST-REED SIDERIO INC. Realtors 202 Butler Ave. Lancaster, PA. PH: 717-299-6361 B Raal Estate FOR SALE Efl ci|i layer operation located in Berks County. Hat a capacity of 29,000 layers situated on 7 acres of land. Has good possibility for ex pansion, immediate possession. Priced tor quick sale. Write Box 266 G, c-o Lancaster Farming Newspaper Lititz. Pa. 17543 COLUMBIA COUNTY 80 Acre general (arm $94,500, 70 Acre general farm $lll,OOO. 106 Acre general (arm. stone house. LEBANON COUNTY" 116 Acre limestone farm, large Harvestore silo, all tillable. BERKSCOUNTY 128 Acre limestone (arm, complete dairy setup, old stone house, large stream. All of this and more $330,000. NORTHUMBERLAND CO. 128 Acre Beef or General farm, 8 room brick house, frame bank barn. 110 acre tillable. $128,000. Nice horse or steer farm, 56 acres $55,000. Sunbury RD3, 115 Acre Beef, Hog or Horse farm $120,000. Sunbury RD3, 100 Acre Hog, Beef or Horse farm $85,000. WITWER REAL ESTATE 717-733-4138 FOR SALE MODERN DAIRY FARM Schuylkill County, Washington Township on 895 between Pine Grove and Schuylkill Haven. 108 acres flat ground, stream adjacent to property; New survey and map; Property includes: 3 story home in good condition Hay bam Dairy bam Concrete silo and unloader Large new implement shed AH buildings in good condition Bam cleaner, vacuum system 550 gal. bolding tank and Sputnik transporter Call: W. L Miller (* :o ° * 4:M > 717-385-3460 (evenings) 717-385-2981 LANCASTER COUNTY FARMS ORUMORE TOWNSHIP 97 acre Modern beef farm 200 head capacity. 2 silos, bunk feeder Everything ready to go 8% financing available. $235,000 00 LITTLE BRITAIN & EAST ORUMORE TOWNSHIP 150 acre beef farm complete witlrbox stall and open housing set up. heifer shed 20 x 40. tile silo 12 x 65, Frame and Holland Stone dwelling with eleven (11) rooms and 2 baths 120 acres tillable $2200/acre LITTLE BRITAIN TOWNSHIP 127 acre modern Dairy farm with pipeline milker, barn ueaner, bulk tank, two silos with unloaders, wagon shed, modern home with eight (8) rooms. Vh bath $189.00000 MANY OTHER FARMS ON THE MARKET ALL TYPES AND SIZES - CALL FOR DETAILS 215 West Fourth Street y WAGNER Co. Qudrryvillc, P °* Realtors (717) 786-2131 or 786-3020 Rml Cstata Mail Box Mmrkat For Sale - 2 mobile borne axles with brakes. One 10 ton axle with 10.00 JO tires. Call 215*3674345. For Sale -Silo unloader, 18 ft New Holland tripod and motor complete, $390, 215- 4454816. For Sale - *5l Dodge Wayfair; Four ewes and one ram; David Bradley side rake; phone 717-8653886. For Sale - 6 sows due in January, Jonathan JG. Lapp, RD2, Myerstown, Pa,, between Schaefferstown and Reistville. For Sale - Several Holstein Bulls, dams records to over 23.000 lbs. milk, 1,000 lbs. fat, John Stump, Benrvllle, Pa., phone 215488-1965. For Sale • Grandfather clock, cherry raised panel front, and aides, beignth • 86&”, Western German movement with moon dial and Westminister chimes, custom'bullt, $5OO, call 717- 733-7578. For Sale - Stewart Clip master cow clippers, model No. 51, price $3O, phone 717- 626-4217. Wanted - Used bulk tank, direct expansion 400 to 600 Sal., open compressor esired, call 215-683^7214. Wanted - Set of steel wheels for John Deere 2010, would trade rubber, 717-859-1971. For Sale - Brown Swiss bred heifers. Tobacco press. One pair HR 70.15 radial tires, uke new, phone 717-665-4245. For Sale - 1500 Babcock jmllets, ready to lay. 717-786- Wanted - Chain for Farmway or Better Built bam cleaner. Joseph Fisher, 215-932-8499. Wanted - Jamesway bam cleaner. S. Joseph?. Fisher. 215-932-3352. For Sale - Top quality range Hereford bulls from Reg. stock, free delivery. 717- 252-1525 day, 717.-252-3925 evenings. Used Silomatic 20 ft. silo unloader basic unit; used Starline 16 ft. dual auger basic unit to be sold at David Good’s Sale on Sat. Dec. 20, Leola, Pa. For Sale - 1965 Ford FlOO pickup truck, 53,500 miles, good rubber, radio, good motor, body is ruff $4OO. 717- 872-5712. Wanted - Approx. 40 ft. of 4” or 5” auger, flex or regular. 717-529-2512. Wanted - 20 to 40 feeder pigs. 717-656-6291. Found - Black mare pony Lititz area. 717-626-1736. For Sale - Antique Walnut 8 day Grandfathers Clock, good condition. Wanted to Buy -1920 to 1940 car or truck to fix up. Condition unim portant. 717-442-4279. Saint Bernhard puppies, AK- C. Furry Little Teddy Bears. 6 wks. at Christmas. Choose yours now $5O. Manheim 665<- 5770. For Sale - 8 case refrigerated egg machine with lights. Ideal for store. Call 717-866- 2603,Ducth Way Farms. For Sale - Two clean stock boars; one hampshire and one york & duroc. Service age. Call 215-267-2251. For Sale - Home made Baked Goods for Holidays. PH; 301- 398-7023. Wanted to Buy - Wood Tub Maytag Wash Machine. Also Butter chum & meat grin- Moil Box Morfctf der. Howard GibbU.Rl Bos 388, Mt Joy, Pa. 17K2. Hive room to board heifers; good food It cart. For Sale - Coduhutt 40 tractor. Beat offer over 11100. Phone 717- 2854222. - For Sale - lit; 2nd; and 3rd cutting clover hay not rained on. Phone 3454100 For Sale - 25 Acre Horse or Beef farm. Home, Bara, and other buildings in good condition. Newly fenced pasture. Oxford, Pa. 1-215- 032-2393. For Sale - Utility livestock Trailer 57”x7’-0 bed, ramp tail gate, bad 9000 lb. gross wt., excellent condition, titled, $2OO. Phone 215489- 6110. We pay top prices for raw furs - also deer hides and sell topping supplies. Phone 717- For Sale • Reo 6 h,p. Snowblower, like new $200.00; Double Snowmobile trailer, good condition $175.00. Call 626-5475 after 5 p.m. For Sale - 7 sows due in January. Jonathan G. Lapp, R 2, Myerstown, Pa. 17067 between Schafferstown & ReistviUe. For Rent -12 acre Farmette 7 room house, bam, 2500 hen capacity chicken house, roadside stand. Joe Stoltz fus, Vz mi. east of Wakefield, Pa. along route 272. For Sale - John Deere “H” tractor w-16” mounted plow & 2 row cultivators. Good Condition. Call 215-562-4225. For Sale - Black Saddletoed gelding horse, 5 yrs. old. Well-built to drive. Ruebetf' A. Stoltzfus, - Morgantown. .PH: 215-286-5609. For Sale - New Holland 145 bushel left hand deliveiy tank manure spreader. 215- 869-9027 Skid loader for sale - Case Model 1537 Uni-Loader, nice shape. 717-665-7857- after 6 p.m. To Give Away - - Mixed German Shepherd puppy, about 10 weeks old. Male . Ira H. Nolt, PH: 354-7687. For Rent - Air compressor with jack hammer. PH: 733- 0575 or 733-1048. Farmers! Roasted Soybeans are delicious. Cows prefer them so they eat more - S reduce more. You grow lem - we’ll roast them. 717- 786-3435. For Sale - 2 black bulls half Angus, Service age, blood tested. Also N.H. Model 460 Haybine, good condition. 215- 269-3442. For Sale - John Deere No. 55 combine with cab, 12 ft. platform and 335 - 3-row 30” com head in A-l Condition. 717-866-6218 after 6 p.m. For Sale - Yorkshire service age boars. Aaron Z. Martin, East Earl, R 2, Pa. PH: 445- 4825. Wanted - Liquid protein feeder. 768-8011 For Sale - Natural Sheep skins, Wool yam, natural colors. Nix Besser Farm, 3 mi. East of Blue Ball. PH; 717-354-5640 For Sale - 1 Tank type manure spreader in ex cellent shape. New bearing & flails, ISO bu. capacity. Best Offer. Call 215-562-7239 For Sale - Rockwell 4 inch jointer with stand and motor, excellent,condition. $162.50 PH: 445-5720
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