3fr—Uwaif r Firming Saturday, Doc. 13. 197 S L |y*t*ock For Solo Livestock For Solo Purebred Duroc Boon and Gills. Doily gains and davs to 230 pounds are available. Confinement raised. Carcass Champions at recent Keystone Expo and Eastern National Livestock Shows. Dutch Valley Farms, R 5, Manhelm, Pa. 17545, Mark NesUeroth 717-B*s/220. For Sale • Good commercial Hereford bulls, buy 1 or a dozen, will deliver within 300 mile radius. Dutchman Hereford Co, Wrlghtsville, Pa. 717-252-1525 day, 717-252- 3925 evenings Livestock for Sale - Reg. Holstein Bulls; one year old and younger - out of dams with records to 24,000 M It 900 lbs. B.F. Stump Acres 717-792-3216 (York Co.) 3 Reg. Holstein Heifers. Sired by Rocket, Lucky, Fury. Good producing Dams. Clarence Martin, Sinking Spring, Pa. 215-678- 7813. 2 very nice ponies, safe for children, make ideal Christmas gifts. Phone evenings 394-3827 Service Sire for sale. Two years of age. Sire: Mayor Royal Design. Dam: Hilltop of Hollow. 373 day - 29,792 milk, 43 test, 1,280 fat. John P. Lapp, 556-6348 For Sale - Chester White and Poland China bred sows and Jilts. Boars and Open Gilts, ames Parlett. Pnone 717- 862-3610. Aimlle, Pa. HEAVY-BONED YORKSHIRE SERVICE AGE BOARS FOR SALE Raised in •group lots for commercial producers Delivery available Write or call IfON L ARNOLD 1245 E CumberiandSt Lebanon, PA 717 273-5880 Charolais-Registered Purebreds bred and selected for Fertility, Calving ease, Milking ability, Gainability, Disposition, and Con formation. John W. Stump Clearmont Mill Road, Street, Maryland 21154. Phone 301- 452-0700. FORSALE Started Holstein Heifer calves. One or 75. These heifers are well started and healthy. Also Wanted to Boy 3 day old heifer calves, registered or grade. Must be at least 90 lbs. at birth and be fed colastrum 3 days. Must be from up standing dam with good udder. Phone 215-689- 9896. Harold E. Dice, Yellow House, Pa. For Sale or Trade - 55 Heifers, some registered. Being bred nojv. Will either sell outright or trade for dairy cows. Call: 301-778-0368 from 12:00 to 1:00 or 7:00 to 9:00. Reg. Appaloosas for sale, yearling gelding, weanling, stud colts. Will consider trading for good used horse trailer. 215-286-9292. For Sale - 6 year old Sad dlebred horse with snap and style. Apply to Daniel Kauffman, RD2, Honey Brook, Pa. Duroc Breeding Stock LAWRENCEARNOLD RDI Box 402 Lebanon, Pa. 17042 717-272-2179 Livestock For Sole For Sale - Registered Ayr -2 Slmr.wntal cows, V* bloods 5 $375 00 each. * calves at JEfte Bo* side. 1373.00 each for calves. ]J? O i ® 330 B * DeL 1-215-307/1M Ul, For Sole CHIANINA World’s largest - Cows with calves at • Bred and Open Heifers TWIN OAK FARMS Quarryville, PA 717-/86-2146 Real Estate JEFFERSON COUNTY, NEW YORK Over 200 acres of excellent tillable loam soil. 45 stanchions, room for more plus heifer barn, double 4 parlor, bulk tank, 4 silos, one 20 z 60, barn cleaner, 3 tool sheds. Nice 11 room Brick house, oil heat and 2 bedroom trailer. Registered Holstein Herd and complete line of machinery. Financing available. 1225,000.06 FARM SPECIALIST REALTY, 1116 Arsenal Watertown, NY 13601 315-782-2270 225 Acres Includes dairy equipment. 39 stan chions and tie stalls. Ontario soil. Gutter cleaner good home $120,000 or with all equipment $162,000. 100 Acres Good cash crop farm, barns, small home priced $60,000. 220 Acres -115 tillable, 40 x 80 barn, productive loam soil, priced $65,000. WJW REALTY Seneca Falls, N.Y. Phone 315-568-5910 or 568-5502 PRODUCTIVE FARMS - YOUR CHOICE Excellent opportunity for qualified buyer. 29 percent down. Balance financed at low interest rate. 144 Acre Dairy or Beef farm with excellent set of buildings, 2 houses, 2 wells, spring, development potential. 1% mile road frontage along Rt. 225. Armstrong Valley. 192 Acre Dairy farm, very good buildings, spring, well, dream. Very productive. One of the better farms in Armstrong Valley. 83 Acre Gentlemen farm. Has beautiful building site with gorgeous view of river and mountains. Has assumable mortgage at 6 percent interest. Near Halifax. 83 Acre Dairy fanr. T\ 'estore & free stall set-up. Good set of buildii OULU _ Rt. 225. 109 Acre Hog or B« “ reductive Lykens Valley farm. Remodeled CQI l) lovely atmosphere, quiet setting - Priced 116 Acre Beef farm near Frystown. Remodeled home with tasteful atmosphere, swimming pool, private road. Lancaster County, Clay & Elizabeth Twp. Two adjoining farms steer feeding operation with good facility. 70 Acre, nice home, excellent set of buildings, stream & pond. 90 Acre, stone home, another home finished very nicely, 2 unfinished guest homes. Barn, tobacco shed, pond & stream. Both farms have woodland. Can be bought together or separately. Also have buyers for 250 to 500 Acre Central Penn sylvania with stream & partially wooded. .JSLAIUjHL mumEnsrocK &|*rfl REALTORS IvUaINSURORS 717-733-6556 or Ask for Associate J. Ziegler 717-838-1275 or D. Brosemer 717-859-2775 - Also Beefalo. Real Estate Farms Wanted Wanted - Farm to rent for Wanted to Buy - Workable hogs and steers with option farm approx. 100 acres more to buy. Write Box 1178, or less. 717-072-6712 Stewartxtown, Pa. 17363. 717-786-2201 Real Estate BEAUTIFUL FARM HOME Franklin County, 130 acres limestone soil, a beautiful brick, country home, 10 roans and 2 baths. 00 free stall dairy operation, 24 stall milking stable, pipeline, 20x60 silo, bunk feeder. If you prefer this farm could be easily converted to beef. Financing by owner available. Columbia County, 375 acres, 350 tillable, was dairy now beef, 40 x 210 bam. 40 x 90 hay bam, 40 x 00 loose bousing and 24 x 00 machine shed. A lovely 4 bedroom home. Financing by owner available. Bradford County, 770 acres, 500 tillable, housing for 200 bead of dairy cattle, 4 silos, 2 harvestores. A very modem operation with 4 beautiful houses. Financing by owner available For information on farms call Clarence Lyons 717-569-9675 HIGH DENSITY FARMING 23 acres, currently setup for chickens and hogs with good 2Vi story house, barn and other out buildings, with 1500 ft. hard road frontage. A real money maker, near Glen Rock, PA $79,000. 110 Acres of beautiful rolling farm land, 15 acres of large valuable timber, 225 year old log house with frame addition in very good condition. 40 x 60 bank barn, wagon shed, Spring house with fireplace and several other out buildings. 5 Springs to supply plenty of clean fresh water. Ideal farmer’s farm or gentlemen's farm. 3 miles West of New Freedom. $159,900. RON BRADLEY & ASSOCIATES Southern York County 1-717-235-3814 Real Estate Real Estate FARM FOR SALE 64 Acres In Unityvlll®, PA 17 acres In timber, 0 rooms and bath 2 story house, oil heat, spring water, a drilled well Bam and other out buildings. Write or call before C P.M. Mrs. Fannie Stackhouse Benton, PA RD3,17814 Phone 717-458*5451 FARM AND HOME CENTER Lancaster, PA Modern Office Space (2100 and 1625 sq. ft. areas) Incl. pvt. offices, heat, air cond., parking and janitor service - now available. PHONE: 392-4911 Dairy farm for rent. 100 A plus. 50 free stalls. Presently on grade A market. Located in South Central Pa. Write Box 266 K, oo Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Pa. 17543 In Perry County west of Loysville. 144 Acre farm, 110 acres tillable, Beautiful Mountain Stone House, 48’ x 70’ Bam, 10 x 35 Silo, Im plement sheds, milk nouse, work shop, Vz mile Shermans Creek frontage, Vz mile Township road fron tage, mountain brook within 50 yds. of house, several good springs on property, land gently rolling and level. Also adjoining this farm 135 acres .of woodland, approx. 1 mile Sher mans Creek frontage. Also good springs on this parcel. By Owner Phone A.C. 717-789-3474 Or Write Edgar S.Murtoff RDI Box 230-A Loysville, Pa. 17047 Protects Your Farm Against Power Failure Your profits go down when power goes off Let us show you how you can protect your family and farm from costly annoying power outages try leasing or buying a Wmpower alternator "fK# oM raliwhli' DISTRIBUTOR MARVIN J. HORST Dairy Equipment and . \ Amana Appliances R D #1 |tona| Lebanon, PA Phone (717| 272 0871 Located on Route 897 between Schaefferstown and Lebanon over 30 '/ears in business at same place
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