Cf <?KCt fl xU iVerjiieJ 32—Uncutter Firming. Saturday, 0«c 13, 1975 Farm Equipment USED EQUIPMENT J D F 145 Jl 5H How w slata JI) 4-row Plntclcss Planter J I) 14T Haler w-englnc Heuton SUkhand No 10 J D M Harvester w-2 row head Cockahut Grain Drill Hc»lon 320 SP Mower- f'ondiUoocr trillion New Cul 11 packers. Cultlmukhcrs Hesston Mower Con ditioners StakhanAs. Stakhand movers WENGER IMPLEMENT INC. The Buck. PA 254-4 MI MONTGOMERY EQUIPMENT TRACTORS Case 530 Tractor w/hyd Case 58U l racior Loader & 3 Ford Major T'acfor LoJder & Backhoe $2BOO Wise VG 4D Power 1 r «t w/starter generators and hydraulics like new M F 304 Diesel Tractor Loader SOLD Farmall Cub Tractor w/plow Disk Cultv & Mower David Brown 990 AC Dl7 AC Model B w/l b mtd plow AC 175 D low hrs SOLD A C WD Case 1070 Cab 6 Air Cond A C 6040 Diesel Tractor A C 185 Diesel Tractor A C 170 Tractor 3 pt M F Model 40D Tractor I oade r f 1 ot & PTO , $4 995 „ It WAGONS - ■ .n Box w/gear sss Lsed Badger Box w/gear $1395 Farmhand Forage Wagon $795 A C Forage Wagon, rear unload SISOO HARVESTERS Used A C 780 w/2 row corn head 5995 Used N H 818 w/pickup & corn attach $995 MISC EQUIPMENT A C 58 Plow $895 AC 4row 500 Corn Planter A C 480 PTO Blower A C 140 Spreader N H 469 Haybine (nice) V Snow Plow for Loader A C 44 Bale Thrower for late AC Balers lot 430 Baler w/thrower Int 37 Baier w/thrower J D 32 ft field cult Used Elevators New Gravity Boxes Used Tank Spreaders New Chisel Plows m stock Used Chisel Plows m stock Used 10 ft Bullion Cultipacker Used 16 Disk Int Gram Drill NEW EQUIPMENT Special Paces Hawk Bilt 157 Tank Spreader $1495 Bearcat 13 ft cultimulcher $2500 NEW EQUIPMENT IN STOCK 13 ft S Oise 14 ft Cultipacker NEW HOLLAND \h STOCK • ••you are always first in line at your own mfs grain drying and storage system MAKE MOKE PROFIT IN 1976 AND AVOID WAITING IN ELEVATOR LINES THREE REASONS TO BUY YOUR BIN NOW 1 Investment tax credit 2 Winter discount is now 10°c 3 Steel pnees have increased and prices on our bln wiß be 7% Higher Jan I, 1976. Order now and take delivery before Jan. 31, 1976 and save. THOMAS A BACHMAN -. 2501 FALLSTON ROAD fallston. Maryland 21047 PHONE: 301-557-7529 301-831-7478 TRACTORS John Deere 33,24,421,222 for 300 and (new arrivals) 5 (new) 82. Gleaner F 335, A 330, C 4430, 4230 power shift, II 430 used 30 acres. 8430 four wheel drive with Oliver 544. International 23” duals fully equipped, 763 six row, 743 four row, used 4630, 4430, 4320 with 227, 228,3 row for 38” for Cab used 506 hours like 315. new, 4320 no cab, 4620 CORN PICKERS (New) power shift, 4620 with New Idea 2 row 30” and Cab, 5020, late model 40” pull with 8 and 12 row 4020, (3) 1968 - 4020, 3020 beds, 4 like new wide and diesel, (2) 3020 gas for narrow row with 8 and 12 $4000.00,2510.4010 (sold), roll beds and shellers, 2020,1020 with 48 Loader, also 4 good used wide and 830 diesel with 300 hours, narrow machines, 3 row 630. (New) White 2-150 pull picker with sheller. with Cab, 2-105 with Cab; New Idea mounted with 4-150 four wheel drive. 12 roll bed, (New) 323 nut (New) Oliver 1755, used row, also Farmall 2255 with Cab and duals with New Idea moun* like new, 1855 with cab picker (sold), Farrr (sold), 1850, 1800, 1650, 706 with 310 motor Wi 2150. Farmall (new) 1466 International 234 picke. with cab and air, 966 with (sold), also 2 MH. John Cab, 100 hydrastat, used Deere 237. Kill Brothers 1066 with cab like new, grain boxes. New Holland 1066 hydrastat with Cab, 276 baler with thrower 1206, 856, 806, 826, 756 (like new). (sold), 706, 656 utility CORN PLANTERS (New) hydrastat diesel with White 4 row plant aire. loader, 560 diesel and (New) International 4 gas, 460, 424. Case (new) row Cyclo Aire, used 1070 with Cab, used 1370 John Deere 6 row 30” with Cab and duals, 530, plateless with monitor, 4 830,1200 four wheel drive. row 1240 plateless, 4 row Alhs Chalmers (new) model 1300 fully equip -7030 with Cab, 200, used ped. 7050, 210, 220, XTI9O, 180, HARVESTERS New Dl9. Massey Ferguson - Holland 770 like new, 717. 1155, with Cab and duals John Deere-38 with 2 row like new, 1150, 1080, 175, head, also John Deere 38 180. (New) Ford 8600, with 244 two row for Hi used 8000, 5000. David Moisture cob corn. Fox 2 Brown 1200. row with 30” head. New COMBINES John Deere Holland 27 Whirl A feed 7700 diesel hydrastat, blower. (New) New Idea 1975 J.D. 4400 diesel haybine, (new) Hesston (sold), 1974 J.D. 4400 gas 1014 hydraulic drive fully equipped, 4400 haybine. diesel with 315 hours, 4400 DRILLS John Deere FBB. gas never used in com, International No. 510. 6600 diesel, 105 corn PLOWS (New) White 5X special diesel, 95, 40. reset, (new) John Deere Gleaner 1972 G diesel 4XIB, SXIB trips. All fully equipped, G gas, C makes used 4,5, 6,7 X 11. Massey Ferguson 510 trips and automatic diesel cab and air, 300. reset, late model Oliver Case 1660, 1160. In- 8X on land hitch. John temational 315, 205. New Deere and Athens 10, 11, Idea 701 with Combine, 12, 13 chisel plows. 702 with sheller. Also 729 DISCS John Deere 1630 A, 729 Uni shellers with 3 plowing disc 13 and 15 row 30” and 40” heads. toot Oliver 20 foot wing CORN HEADS John disc. All makes com- Deere new and used 643, bines, New Idea equip -843,443,444,343,244, used ment and tractors 435, 434, 335, 334, 235, 234, coming in and out daily. 205 Massey Ferguson 44, For your needs call: PAULSTITZEL 734 Windsor St. Hamburg, PA 19526 Phone Business 215-562-8377 Home 215-562-7451 InjrmiuipJ imol -* r’ * , •* - I *-2r» I - JL-»- A. Form Equipment A.C. Model B power unit w •tartcr and PTO Mycr’s Pump Jacks No 0 and 10 New Idea Spreaders New and used wagons McCormick Deenng Corn Binder I>oadcrs Wisconsin 4 cyl. engines Meyer conditioner parts Oliver 2B 12". 14" and 16" Plows We build sprayer and booms to (it your needs. BEN FISHER 73 South Ronlu Road RDI, Ronks, PA Abmkley & HURST BROS. NEW TRACTORS 1 - David Brown 990 1 - Oliver 550 Utility w- Loader 1 - David Brown 1212 1 - Case 1070 Without Cab 2 - 885 David Brown 1 - Case 380 1 -1816 Uniloader 1 - Case 680 Backhoe 2 - Case 580 Backhoe Case W-14, 4 wheel loader NEW EQUIPMENT 1 - Century trailer sprayer, 300 gal., 200 gal. 3 - Century 3 pt. sprayer, 300 gal., 200 gal., 125 gal. 2 - Pittsburgh disk harrows, 8’8,9T0,12’ 1 - 3 pt. Pittsburgh disk harrow 5 ft. 1 - Bear Cat 10 ft. cultipacker 3 - Bush Hog 5 ft. rotary cutters 1 - Case Plow 3 pt. demo. 1 - Sjieed King elevator 2 - Cobey Spreaders 208 and 340 bu. 1 - Case (4000 Series) Chisel Plow 4 - ’ ’uiham Running ■c.s " (2-8 Rotary vIcC-rch 7 ton .nurs l . 1) TRACI ORS 1 - Case 600 USED EQUIPMENT 1 - John Deere KBA 28 Disk 1 - Case 1530 Uniloader Kelvinator Appliances in stock 133Rothsville Station Road m. ERB & HENRY EQUIP., INC. New Berlinville, PA 19545 Phone (215) 367-2169 fife*. ★ tillage equipment in stock for fall ★ 370 Disc Harrow, 10T, 11’6", 12’5” 710 Plow, 5 Bot, 16” . 1 Hi 475 Disc. Harrow, 20’ 710 Plow, 4 Bo!., 18” Ul 500 Disc Harrow, 10’9” 510 P,OVI, > 4 B °L 16 ” 401 Harrows 440 plow - 3 Bot - 16 ” 710 Plow, 3 Bot., 16" 760 M** l Disc Harro * 14 W VSTtf ' -m m e n 770 Offset Disc Harrow 10’9” UiH—ll—U—LU /10 Plow, 5 Bot., 20" 470 Disc Harrow, 15 ft <- ‘ . 350 Disc Harrow, 9T” ★ USED EQUIPMENT ★ i D 485 Haybme Allis Chalmers Haybine J D 38 with 2 Row Head & Pickup Myers Silver Cloud Sprayer LH 460 Utility (2) Farmall Super H c' ,? v l !® ... „ , , 503 Diesel Combine with 4 row cornhead and Farmall Cub with Cult. & Plow 16 ft platform 65 Massey Ferguson with 3 Bot 14” Plow ERB & HENRY IS HEADQUARTERS FOR; DE I AVAL FMC BEAN VICON SrftEflOERS BUTLER-JAMESWAY TRY t 9 INTERNATIONAL PARTS t •*% 4 Form Equipment Form Equipment SERVING FARMERS IS OUR BUSINESS. SPECIAL SALE THRU NOV. AND DEC. ON ALL NEW BALDOR 2-3-5 & 7 H.P. FARM LINE MOTORS BALDWIN ELECTRIC MOTOR DIV. Complete Electric Motor Rewind 4 Repair New 4 Rebuilt Motors in Stock For Service Call 354-5566 RD2 Narvon. PA 17555 24 Hour Service One mile west ol Honey Brook on Rt 322 BRAND NEW FORD 5200 Loaded, high clearance platform. 16 speed dual power, load monitor with cylinder, front & rear weights, power adjust wheels, power steering, diff. lock, Factory warranty, 10 percent tax investment credit. 1975 FORD 5000 67 H.P., all purpose diesel, 16 speed dual power, power adjust wheels, control valve, front weights, power steering, diff. lock, less than 250 hr., eligible for 10 percent tax investment credit, full one year factory warranty. *9lOO 1972 FORD 7000 83 H.P., all purpose diesel, 8 speed transmission, power adjust wheels, loader monitor with cylinder, diff. lock, power steering, front & rear weights, new tires, radio, like new condition, 90 day warranty. *9500 1952 INTERNATIONAL 8275 DIESEL 3 pt. hitch, wide front. LAWN & GARDEN TRACTOR SPECIAL 1974 International Cub Cadet 14 H.P. with mower. *l7OO —PARTS SPECIAL \ BALER TWINE : . (Spring Delivery] 10 to 15 percent discounts i I TRACTOR HALF CABS I f ALL MODELS 10 percent discount | TRACTOR BATTERIES 10 percent discount i PERMANENT ANTI-FREEZE $3.55 per gal. j DEL-MAR FORD TRACTOR, INC. HESSTON FARM EQUIPMENT *11,300 *lBOO Rte. 42 JUST WEST OF U.S. 13 CHESWOLD, DEL 19936 PH; 302-678-8484 jjSSS J
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