Middleburg Auction. MUdlebar&PA - 34.75-41.50, few Standard November 1&, 1975 30.75-37.76. Few Yield Grade CATTLE 279. Good steers 39.0045.50, Standard 33.50-38.50, few Utility 28.60-33.75. Couple Choice slaughter heifers 39.50 and 40.50, few Good 34.23-38.00, Standard 30.00- 34.50. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 22.75-24.50, Cutters '20.85-23.00, Canners 18.50- 21.00, Shells down to 18.00. Few Good slaughter bullocks cg> Crop Care * Cantor Heisey Farm Service Mt. Joy, Pa. (717) 653-1568 r t\ ri \ \ No. 1 1460-1760 lbs. slaughter bulls 28.00-31.26; one Yield Grade No. 2 1865 lbs. at 27.25. Few Choice 400-650 lbs. feeder steers 38.50-43,00; one lot Good 400 lbs. feeder heifers 22.00, one lot Com mon 500 lbs. 13.75. CALVES 148. vealera 50.00-81.50, Good 39.00-49.00, Standard 28.00- 38.00, UtiUty 90-110 lbs. 20.50- 25.00, 70415 lbs. 17.00-21.00. LIQUID CORN STARTER ANHYDROUS AMMONIA LIQUID NITROGEN available now for fall storage. PESTICIDES fall order program available on all nationally COMPLETE DEALER; Heisey Farm Service RD2, Mt. Joy, Pa. (717) 653-1568 Finn calves, few Holstein bulls 85-110 lbs. 21.00-2f1.00. HOGS 344. US No. I*2 210- 230 lbs. barrows & gilts 54.80- 55.10, No. 1-3 190-240 lbs. 53.3043.80, No. 2-3 225-255 lbs. 52.6043.10, one lot No. 2-4 279 lbs. 51.20. Few US No. 1-3 300400 lbs. sows 45.0049.50. Few Boars 36.2540.75. FEEDER PIGS 119. US No. 1-3 5-15 lbs. feeder pigs 8.00-16.00 per head. No. 1-3 20-25 lbs. 18.00-28.00, No. 1-3 3045 lbs. 34.5044.50 per head. Choice FALL FOR Look at it before you buy - You can't afford not to. - Contains sulphur - Soil temperature now suitable for fall application. Cali us r we will arrange professional custom application. AMMONIA James Groff Strasburg, Pa. (717) 687-7176 ORGANIC PLANT FOOD CO. APPLICATION 1976 CORN: advertised products. APPLICATION SERVICE Luke Good Lititz, Pa. - (717) 626-7503 2313 NORMAN ROAD Thomasville Auction ThomasvDle,Pa. Nov. 19,1975 CATTLE 130, Compared with last Wednesday's market, few Choice 1085-1200 lbs. slaughter steers 43.25- 45.10. few Good 40.1042.60, Standard 32.00-38.75, few Utility 26.25-28.75. Few Choice 800-1000 lbs. slaughter heifers 37.0041.50, few Good 31.75-35.00, one Standard at 25.00. few Utility 19.50- Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 22.75-24.75, one at 25.50, Cutters 19.50-22.10, Canners 17.00-19.35, Shells down to 14.35. Few Standard slaughter bullocks 29.00- 31.00, few Utility 20.75-24.35. Few Medium 400400 lbs. feeder heifers 15.00-2040; few Medium & Good 425440 lbs. feeder bulls 23.00-28.25. CALVES 86. Vealers grading Utility steady to |2 lower. One Choice vealer at 47.00, few Good 38.5042.00, few Standard 26.50-36.00, Utility 90-110 lbs. 19.00-24.50, 7045 lbs. 15.00-20.00. Farm calves, few Holstein bulls 80- 120 lbs. 23.50-28.50. HOGS 44. One lot US No. 1- 3 240 lbs. barrows & gilts 53.00, few lots No. 24 265-270 lbs. 513052.75, one lot No. 14 185 lbs. 47.35. Few US No. 14 400450 lbs. sows 42.0044.75. One Boar at 35.00. FEEDER PIGS 37. US No. 14 2545 lbs. feeder pigs 20.50- per bead, few Utility 15-20 lbs. 9.00-14.50 per head. NEW FOR 76 14* LIQUID NITROGEN SERVICE Harold B. Zook 220 Lampeter Rd. Lancaster, Pa. (717) 394-5412 Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Nov. 22, 1975 Carlisle Auction Carlisle, PA November 18,1175 CATTLE 308. Few Choice slaughter steers 40.5043.00, Good 37.2541.25, Standard 31.0046.25. Few Good & Choice slaughter heifers 31.7546.00, few Standard 25.50-27.75. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 22.10-23.75, few to 25.25, Cutters 20.25-22.50, Canners 18.00- Shells down to 14.00, Two Standard slaughter bullocks 28.50 and 30.50. Two Yield Grade No. 1 1330 and 1380 lbs. slaughter bulls 24.10 and 29.85; two yield grade No. 2 970 and 1005 lbs. 22.75 and 28.75. CALVES 196. One Prime vealer at 64.00, few Choice 50.0047.00, Good 43.0041.00, Standard 31.5041.50, Utility 110-130 lbs. 24.0041.50, 90-115 lbs. 20.00-24.50, 6545 lbs. 17.00- 50-70 lbs. 12.00- 16.50. HOGS 151. US No. 14 200- 245 lbs. barrows & gilts 53.10- 54.00, No. 24 200-250 lbs. 51.7543.50, No. 24 270440 lbs. 39.2549.00. US No. 14 350465 lbs. sows 36.0042.75, few to 45.50. Few Boars 35.75- 40.00. FEEDER PIGS 206. US No. 14 2545 lbs. feeder pigs 27.0047.50 per head, No. 14 45-50 lbs.. 38.00-51.00 per head, lot No. 14 70 lbs. 59.00 cwt., Lot Utility 20 lbs. 18.00 per head. (Per lb. act nitrogen) (F. 0.8. tank, Lancaster or Mt Joy) Harlan Keener Willow St., Pa. (717) 464-2669 LANCASTER, PA. Trojan , Clemens combine Trojan Seed Company of Olivia, Minnesota, and Clemens Seed Company of Beaman, lowa, both sub sidiaries of Pfizer Inc., have been merged to form Pfizer Genetics, Inc. The new company is headquartered at Olivia. Trojan, a major seed com producer and marketer with production plants throughout the Midwest, recently an nounced the addition of hybrid sorghum to its product lineup. Hybrid seed corn and hybrid sorghum will continue to be sold under the Trojan brand name. Clemens, a leading soybean and oat seed producer in lowa, will continue to market under the Clemens brand name. The new organization was formed in response to fur ther plant involvement in all areas of seed genetics by Pfizer, to better service existing customers and potential customers, and to develop new and improved, products through increased* genetic research. TRY A CLASSIFIED # Crop Care * Cj wrt*r Paul Clugston Bird-in-Hand, Pa (717) 656-9993 PH: 397-SIS2 9
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