6—Lancaster Firming, Saturday, Nov. 22, Uvestoc Pa. Auction Summary Week Ending November 14; 1975 CATTLE 5503. Compared with 5453 head last week, and 4900 head a year ago. Compared with last week’s market, slaughter steers uneven, spots $1.50 higher to $1 lower. Slaughter heifers strong to $1 higher. Slaughter cows 50 cents to $1.50 higher. Slaughter bullocks unevenly steady to weak. Slaughter bulls steady to strong. STEERS: Few High Choice & Prime 48.25-49.85, Choice 44.00-48.75, Good 39.75-46.00, Standard 31.50- 39.00, Utility 27.00-33.00. HEIFERS: Choice 40.25- 44.50, Good 32.25-40.75, Standard 25.00-33.00, few Utility 22.50-27.00. COWS: Utility & High Dressing Cutter 23.00-25.75, Cutters 21.00-23.50, Canners 18.00- 21.75, Shells down to 14.00. BULLOCKS: Choice 37.75- 40.75, Good 30.00-38.00, few Standard 25.00-30.50, few Utility 20.00-26.00. BULLS: Yield Grade No. 1 1000-2000 lbs. 26.00-31.75; yield grade No. 2 900-1600 lbs. 21.00-30.00. FEEDER CATTLE: Choice 400850 lbs. feeder steers 28.0035.50, Good 300850 lbs. 23.5032.00, Medium 300700 lbs. 18.0025.00; Good 300800 lbs. feeder heifers 20.00 27.00, Medium 300650 lbs. 15.0022.00; Good 300850 lbs. feeder bulls 22.0024.00, Medium 15.0023.00. CALVES 4219. Compared with 4432 head last week, and 3199 head a year ago. Vealers unevenly steady, Martinsburg Auction Martinsbnrg,PA November 17,1975 CATTLE 244. Compared with last Monday’s market, slaughter cows steady, spots 50 cents higher. Few Choice slaughter steers 43.35-44.75, Good 38.00-42.50, few Standard 30.0CW8.75, Utility 22.25-28.00. Couple Choice slaughter heifers 38.00 and 39.10, one Good 30.25, two Standard 27.25 and 29.00. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 22.85- 25.35, few Commercial 27.25- 30.00, Cutters 19.50-22.85, Canners 17.25-19.75, Shells down to 13.35. Few Standard slaughter bullocks 29.10- 30.00, few Utility 23.00-26.00. Yield Grade No. 1 1185-1945 lbs. slaughter bulls 26.00 31.00; one yield grade No. 2 1265 lbs. at 22.75. Few Good 300-800 lbs. feeder steers 25.50- Good 300-600 lbs. feeder heifers 20.00-27.50; Good 260-500 lbs. feeder bulls 20.50- CALVES 401. Vealers 4-H BABY BEEF SHOW & SALE MON. & TOES. NOV. 24, 25 Entries from Lancaster, Chester, Dauphin, & Montgomery Counties Sale Tues. 1 P.M. LANCASTER STOCKYARDS INC. Phone (717) 394-2611 1975 v I k market and auction news J spots $1 higher to $1 lower. VEALBRS: Prime 62.00 72.00. Choice 50.0082.00, Good 40.0055.00, Standard 28.00-42.00, Utility 110-130 lbs. 23.0030.00, 90115 lbs. 19.0028.00. 6585 lbs. 15.00 21.00. Farm calves, holstein bulls 90120 lbs. 21.0034.00; few holstein heifers 90115. lbs. 20.0081.50; few beef cross bulls & heifers 60110 lbs. 20.0030.00. HOGS 5768. Compared withs2B4 head Last week, and 5465 head a year ago. Barrows & Gilts 75 cents to $3 higher. BARROWS & GILTS: US No. 1-2 200240 lbs. 54.00 55.50, No. 18 200250 lbs. 52.7584.25, No. 28 190260 lbs. 51.2582.75, few No. 24 250800 lbs. 49.0053.00, few No. 18 130190 lbs. 46.00 51.50. SOWS: US No. 18 300 550 lbs. 42.0051.75, No. 28 300600 lbs. 38.5042.75. Boars 32.0040.00. FEEDER PIGS 1127. Compared with 1546 head last week, and 914 head a year ago. Feeder Pigs mostly $2 to $4 higher. US No. 18 2035 lbs. feeder pigs 16.0034.00 per head, No. 18 3580 lbs. 28.0047.00, few No. 18 50100 lbs. 43.0058.00, Utility 2050 lbs. 13.0024.00 per' head. SHEEP 463. Compared with 711 head last week, and 576 head a year ago. Wooled slaughter lambs steady to $1 higher. Choice 70105 lbs. wooled slaughter lambs 40.0048.00. Good 60100 lbs. 33.0040.00. Slaughter ewes 10.0019.00. mostly steady to $1 lower. Few Choice vealers 55.00 62.00, few Good 40.00-55.00, Standard 30.0040.50, Utility 90110 lbs. 18.5023.00, 7085 lbs. 14.0018.50,5065 lbs. 5.00 13.50. Farm calves, holstein bulls 90110 lbs. 22.0CW3.50; few holstein heifers 90110 lbs. 20.5025.00. HOGS 318. Barrows & Gilts fully |1 lower. Lot US No. 1-2 220 lbs. barrows & gilts 53.70, No. 1-3 200240 lbs. 52.50 52.85, No. 2-3 190250 lbs. 51.4052.50, No. 2-4 250300 lbs. 47.0051.00, No. 1-3 100 180 lbs. 42.5049.50. US No. 1-3 300-500 lbs. sows 42.50-46.75, No. 2-3 300-560 lbs. 40.00 40.25. -Boars 30.0035.00, one at 51.00. FEEDER PIGS 110. US No. 1-3 2035 lbs. feeder pigs 14.5026.50 per head. No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 28.0041.50, No. 1-3 50-75 lbs. 36.00-45.00 per head. SHEEP 1. Not enough of any one grade to establish a market. East coast Wednesday, Nov. 19 Compared to Tuesday’s dose: Trading active this session, supply moderate, outlet broad for good and choice beef. Choice steers YG 3, 600900 steady to 1.00 higher; good steers YG 3’s 600800’s 1.00-1.50 higher. Cow and bull beef steady. Lamb quoted steady to 4.00 lower. Fresh porfcrfoins 1.00 4.75 lower, picnics, steady to 1.00 lower, sparerfbs steady, hams steady to 2.50 higher, bellies steady to 1.00 higher, butts 1.00 higher. Steer Beef Choice YG 3 O9oo’s 75.50 76.00, steady -1.00 higher;- Choice YG 4’s 6800’s 71,00 72.50; Good YG 3 6-800’s 71.0072.00, 1.001.50 higher; Good YG 3&4 6800’s 70.00. Heifer Beef Choice YG 3 5-700’s 74.00 74.50; Good 5-700’s 68.00 69.50. Cow Beef Utlty JBrkg.) 350-700’s 45.00-46.00 steady; Utlty (Bong.) 350700’s 45.0046.00; steady; Canner & Cutter 350 700’s 45.0046.00 steady. Bull Beef Yld Gr 1&2 5001000’s 49.00 49.50 steady 80 lower. Staaikat carlot meats Ch & Pr YG 2&3 3585’s 98.00 steady -2.00 lower; 55- 65’s 96.00 2.004.00 lower; 65- 75’s 94.00. Choice Primal Beef Cuts-Yld Gr3&4 Steer Hinds 120190’s 88.00 90.00; Heifer Hinds 120165’s 82.50; Armcbucks BOl3o’s 58.0080.00; Ribs 2482’s 113.- 115.00; 3243’s 113.-115.00. Domestic Boneless Beef-Trimmings 90 pet. Visual Lean 64.00 65.00 steady; 85 pet. Visual Lean 63.0064.00 steady; SO pet. Visual Lean 41.0042.00 steady. Fresh Pork Cuts Loins (Reg.) 8-14’s 96.50 4.758.00 lower; 14-17’s 93.50 94.50 3.754.75 lower; 17-20’s 81.25 1.00 lower. Picnics (Reg.) 48’s 65.50 1.00 lower; B’s & up 59.25 stdy. at low quote. Boston butts 48’s 88.001.00 higher Spareribs 1%-3’s 96.50 steady; 38’s 81.50 steady. , Hams (Skid.) 14-17’s 107.00 stdy. at high quote; 17-20’s 99.50 2.-2.50 higher; 20-26’s 90.00-90.50 1.50-2.00 higher. Bellies (Sdls. skin on) 10- 12’s 83.5084.00 steady; 12-. Your eggs can be packed and graded with T.L.C.* when you process with Staaikat equipment. The Staaikat is designed with controlled egg handling accuracy to give you, the egg processor and producer full efficiency perform ance Each part of the Staaikat has been designed with simplicity of mainte nance, operating cost savings and maximum utilization of egg handling capac ity And with all this you get plenty of T.L C.* Models available for any size operation. Lamb These prices are made up of the average prices quoted by a number of participating local feed and grain con cerns. It should be noted, however, that not every dealer or broker handles each commodity. All prices are per bushel except ear com- which is per ton. 14’s 87.0087.50 50-1.00 higher; 14-16’s 85.50 steady; 16-18’s 8280 50 higher; 18-20’s 78.50 50-1.00 higher. C T Butts (froz. Bids.) 1%- 7’s 119.50 steady. Pork Trrngs. 50 pet. In fr 53.50 steady; 80 pet. In fr 71.50 steady. Local Grain Thursday, Nov. 20 THINK AND THANK! We all have much to be grateful for to our God. "Forget not all His benefits." Psalm 103:2 S. K. SHOTZBERGER, INC. ESTOCK TRANSPORTATION Gene Zwally, President Marvin Johns, Secy .-Treasurer, P.O. Box 925, Lancaster, PA 17604 Phone: 393-4641 (day or night) 'Tender Loving Care Hershey Equipment Co. 215 Oilier We. New Holland, «'a 17557 Phone 717-354-4576 The average local grain prices quoted Thursday, Nov. 20, 1975 arc as follows-. 1 Bld+Offered+ Ear Cora New 46.00 54.00 Old 67.50 78.00 Shelled Com 2.39 2.60% Oats Local 1.89% 1.60% Western 1.77% 1.95 Barley 1.86% 2,03 j Wheat Millers 2.79 2.93 Feed 1.75 1.85 Soybeans 4.05 4.25 | -1-Bid is the price the dealer will buy from t]j|l former delivered to the mil Offered is the price the dealer will sell for at his mill. .
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