Mail Sox Marfcat cgi« . Two borsM, on# ' and on# buagy, 1, ready to drive, In from lowa. B. Lantz, ROl, School Rd., Got (#. P*. Sale • 2 mstemstl Robot miners. Also 8 Frame icaten, suitable for use steam or hot water, n Snader. McAlister- Pa. 463-2806. Sale - Driving horse, ic sale and sound with of snap. Joe H. Zim in, EDI, Leola, Pa. Et. 772, near Car 's Church. - Platform scales SO lb. beam or 100 lb. PH: 717-MMI33. Sale - Ford 5000 Gas ir, wide front end, 8 good rubber, weights, dean, 2100 hrs. Call '-6975 before 8 a.m. . Sale -16 Holstein heifers months to 18 months old. ' Purebred. John E. >r, R 2, Logan ton, Pa. a 2 bedroom bouse, Vh , bsmt., garage, 1 acre, month or 10 acres $225 ith, 10 mile S. of Oxford i 92-2437. Virginian is siring tali, long, strong cattle. In addition, he can be expected to add bone and sub stance, along with the proper set to legs. The "Virginian" udders ore quite pleasing in overall attachments and quality, and are the kind that milk out in a satisfactory manner. Indications are that Virginian is perhaps the best siri of overall type of any of our recent A. I. proven "graduates”. Virginian can add size to small cattle. USDAIO-75 +B9B Milk 29 FAT 75 percent Rep.. DAUGHTER-DAM COMPARISON FOR TYPE 09-75 TQ 28 CLASSIFIED DAUS. ALL DAUGHTERS 16 CLASSIFIED PAIRS PAIRED DAUS. PAIRED DAMS PER. REPEATABILITY 56 PREDICTED DIFFERENCE FOR TYPE +0.93 Moil Box Market For Rent Farm House, nine rooms, two baths, hot water beat, lovely view in Drumore Township. Contact 717-788: 3028. For Sale - Service age Performer Son $390.00 John M. King, RD2, Quarryville, Pa. Wanted - Home grown Rve seed for cover crop. 717-354- 7881. For Sale - 12 String Blong Penco Guitar with case. Excellent condition. $l5O. PH: 717-665-6059. For Sale - New Spring wagon with roller bearing and brakes. Call 859-3328 after 4 p.m. For Sale - Purebred German Shepherd Police pups. Aaron E. Lapp, EDI, Gordonville Pa. Norm of James High’s Mills. Wanted - 12’ Madison or Marietta silo with 10;; flat block. Should be in good condition. Write Occupant 1468 PPond Hoad, Honks, Pa. 17572. For Sale - Four year old standard bred driving horse, traffic safe and sound $3OO. Wanted - Belt pulley for Oliver 550 or 65 Massey. 717- 859-2421. ROUND OAK CATTLE ARE MAKING A DYNAMIC IMPROVEMENT TO THE HOLSTEIN BREED, THEN ADD THE GREAT APOLLO INFLUENCE AND YOU HAVE A DOUBLE PLUS, GOLD MEDAL BULL CALLED 7H146 VIRGINIAN ROUND OAK APOLLO VIRGINIAN 1562352 Very Good (88) Production Qualified 5-75 Jt “ For Sale - 10 A New Idea Manure Spreader, like new. 717-354-9324, For Lease or Sale - Two Purebred Charolaia bulla. One la a three year old the other la younger but la Polled. Call Tollhao Charolaia Farma. 717-865- 4357. For Sale - 8 Surge QTO milkers. 717-776-3883. For Sale - Capons will have some dressed to pick up November 26. Ezra Seller. New Providence Refton and Pennsy Road. Fancy Chickens-Buttercups $lO.OO pair. 717-665-5474. For Sale - 2 grain fed steers roan and black about 1050 to 1100 lb. also butcher hog 400 lb. Aaron H. Zimmerman, between New Holland and Hinkletown. Beef Cattle: Mixed, bred Charolais, % Charolais heifers, Simmental cow; 4 pure Charolais females, 1 Eure Charolais bull. A. J. ireen, Orwigsburg. 717-366- 2938. Top Quality Heg. Holstein service age bull. Very good Dam 356 D-23, 690 M 4.1 percent 980 F. Timothy C. Brown RDI, littlestown, Pa. 717-3594878. Xv r ** ' l ~ i * Mail Box Market AVG PERCENT AVG.AGE-ADJ ABOVE SCORE SCORE BRD-AVG 81.5 82.4 79 81.6 82.6 88 81.5 81.2 50 Mail Box Market Wanted - Used New Idea Flail Chopper. 445-5706. For Sale - Puir of sorrel mules, five years old with plenty of snap. John W. Zimmerman, RD2, Goods Rd., Ephrata, Pa. 17522. For Sale - English setter 6 weeks old. 717-733- For Sale - 16 feeder pigs approximately 40 lbs. each. Black and white riding horse, gentle, family horse $250. 717-546-3154. Wanted • Caretaker for country place near York. Ideal for elderly couple. House available. Write li J. Fritz, RD2, York, Pa. 17403. For Sale - 4 Rugged Berkshire boars 1 Feb. 1 MaV 2 April, are running together. Russel Combower, New Freedom, Pa. 717-235- 1549. For Sale - N.H. baler, no thrower, almost x new and Oliver 4 x 16 trip bottom trailer plow. Call 215-488-1733 Bernville. John Deere Spring harrow for sale, Excellent shape. Patz Silo unloader 12-16 ft., good shape. 36 ft. Starline conveyor. 717-786-7654. DOUBLE PLUS BUli *B.OO per Amp. Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Nov. 22,1975—39 Moil Box Morket For Sale • Moridge 400 bu. Batch Dryer, New this fall. 215-860-0287. For Sale - 845 gal. Esco Milk Tank with heavy duty 3 h.p. compressor. Walker ap proved. Excellent condition. Thomas Ensor 301-452-5837. Wanted - Cream Separator. Write, giving price and condition. Menno D. Peachey, R 2, Box 375, Mifflintown, Pa. 17059. ' Wanted - Three point, 2-16 Rollover plow in good con dition. Samuel S. Sweigart, Rl, Box 103, Morgantown, Pa. 19543 PH: 215-286-9446. For Sale - 22 ft. Grain Elevator. Josenh B. Esh, Christiana Rl, Box 215, along 896 near Andrews Bridge. For Sale - A 6V« horse Petter diesel recently overhauled. $475.00. Henry Fisher, West Eby Rd., Bird-in-Hand, Pa. For Sale - Fawn Male Chihuahua dog. Sell for breeding purposes. 7 month old small, $20.00. 1-717-529- 6335. For Sale - Pure Bred Suffolk Ram. One of Triplets. 8 mo. old. M. Hafer, R 3, Glen Rock, Pa. PH: 717-235-3706. For Sale - Veal Calf Stalls. A steel sectional good shape. $lOO. Mark 1-215-255-4378. Will deliver. For Sale - Navy Arms replica 1851 Colt Percussion revolver, wooden case. Acc. $lOO. Write MSHMC, Her shey, Pa. 17033. 110 Acres Dairy and Tobacco Farm For Sale dose to Quarryville. Daniel K. Esb, May Post Office Road, R 3, (Quauryville, Pa. For Side-Good Hoist & 18 ft. grain hed. Good 1963 Cadillac needs front fenders. 717-235-1833. For Sale - Purebred Tolouse Geese. Coonhound pups. 3 mo. old Leopard Cur. Make extra good tree dogs. $2&. PH: 717-464-3203. Steel pieces for a building 24’ x 50’ or larger consists of 4 trusses 27’ with 2’ slope, 4 columns B”xlo”x23’, 26 9” channels 24’ x long; 100 pcs. corrugated galv. roofing or siding 2’ x 9’ x 18 guage. Ray L. Miller, 717-229-2131. For Sale -10’ 6” Goble offset disc. 30’ reversible con veyor; used burlap bags, Pat. Potato scoop (84”) fits front end loader. 609-259- 7492. For Sale - % blood Sim mental bulls - ready for service. Also just weaned % Simmental dud calves. J. E. Etter, Box 84, Blain, Pa. 17006. 717-535-3554 eves. For Sale - Tractor tire chains, 11 or 12 x 38. Old wooden wagon wheels. PH: 717-898-7386. For Sale- AKC Reg. German Shepherd pups. Abner K. Click, Rl, Box 257, Christiana, PA 17509. For Sale - Delaval Pipeline milker, complete with automatic washer. 250 ft. of 1%” glass, vacuum line, 2 extra receiving jars. Also 2 HP compressors with Una Cons. Standard equipment bam cleaner unit and ISO ft. chain good condition. PH: 609-935-3323. Help Wanted • Room & Board free in return for work. Handy man with farm background helpful. Longwood area. Write Mrs. S. A. Milliner, R 4, West Chester, PA 19380 or Call 215- 793-1370. FREE Subscribers to Lancaster Farming will receive one advertisement Free each month in our Mail Box Market Subscribers using the Mail Box Market will be governed by the foliowing rules Limit your advertisement to 20 words, afl advertisements must be in our hands by Thursday noon or same will be held over for next week's paper; no business ad vertisements accepted Chow-Chow AKC Stud Service. Puppies for sale now. Cocker Spaniel AKC Stud Service. Reasonable. PH: 717-665-5770. For Sale - Small Herd of Holstein cows. All from artificial breeding. Also milking equipment. Call evenings only 301-578-1224. For Sale - Large Safe, Platform scales, sash weights, motors, window sad), push truck, shutters, garage doors, wheel barrow, vans, humidifier, 26 ft. elevator, table 6534264. For Sale - Dual Wheels w-18- 4-34 tires. Stanley Crone, PH: 717-275-1738. Border Collie puppies - purebred - males $45.00. Females $40.00. Allan Case, Brodbecks, PA. 717-235-2050. For Sale - Bred Heifer, $325; Dearborn corn picker, $150; Wagon, $225; False Endgate & chuck wagon; JD 25 Combine,.sl%; Gm blower & pipe 8 & 9”. Phone 717-733- 7793. For Sale - 4 year old pony, broke to ride & drive, gentle around children. Also, ARC Cocker Spaniel puppies. Call 215 445-5475. For Sale - One 1972 Datsun Model 1600 pickup truck with cap. Call 215-273-3460 after 6 p.m. For Sale - Caterpillar bulldozer D 4, 7U Series. Very good undercarriage. Also, Rowtivator bed shaper, 1 row heavy duty. Calf6o9-769-3183. For Sale - International 656 Diesel, excellent condition. Also, Fox self propelled harvester with or without heads, ph. 215-932-8999. For Sale - ‘63 Chevy % ton pick up, 6 cylinder, motor needs work, cheap, Manheim, 717-665-3865. For Sale - CAPONS, live - 65 cents per lb., or dressed - 95 cents per lb., RDI, Stevens, Pa., phone 215-267-6029. For Sale - St. Bernard pup, 3 mos., female. Registered, $25. phone 717-7334)767. For Sale - N.H. 145 Bu. left hand delivery tank, spreader. Also, 5 standard water bowls, phone 215-569- 9243. Wanted - New Idea corn picker, model No. 7 or No. 10, phone 215-267-2663. For Sale - Int. 234 mounted com picker, A-l condition, asking $2,500 or best offer, 717-933-8713. For Sale • Black & Tan miniature Dachshund, female, 1 year old, call 717- 665-3197,
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