November 13 CATTLE: Receipts this week 5200; last week 5600; last year 4000. Compared with last weeks close, Slaughter Steers SO, instances 1,00 higher. Slaughter Heifers steady to 50 higher. Cows 1.00-2.00 higher. Bulls 1.00-2.00 higher. Receipts about 70 pet. Slaughter Steers, 20 pet. Slaughter Heifers and the balance mainly cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Couple loads Choice and Prime 1300-1370 lbs. Yield Grade 4, 40.50-48.75; couple loads and part load 1200-1225 lbs. 40.00, Choice 1000-1200 lbs. Yield Grade 2-4, 44.50- FARMERS!!! SSAVES SSAVES SSAVES ORDER YOUR HOFFMAN’S LIQUID FER TILIZER AND SEED CORN NOW. Benefit from our early order discount prices. Ask about our group buying plan. Also see our Help Wanted Advertisement in the Classified Section. HOFFMAN HI—SCORE PRODUCTS, INC. 11l W. Newport Rd. Lititz, PA 17543 PHONE: 717-626-24570 R 717-626-8909 mamam WAIVER OF FINANCE, INTEREST FREE ON ALL NEW CASE & DAVID BROWN TRACTORS TILL MARCH 1, 1976 PARTS • SERVICE • RECONDITfONED-EQUIPMENT _____ CONVENIENT FINANCING Lii* I*l*3 Your Complete Tractor Headquarters fl. L HERR ZIMMERMAN’S & BRO. FARM SERVICE 312 PARK AVE QUARRYVILLE, PA. [7l7] 756-3521 CaW 47.50, mostly 44.50-46.50; 950- 1000 lbs. 42.75-44.50. Mixed Good and Choice 900-1200 lbs. 41.50-45.00. Good 37.0043.00. Standard and Good Holsteins 1000-1200 lbs. 37. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS; Choice, few Prime 850-1000 lbs. Yield Grade 24, 42.50- 45.00; late 42.50-44.75. Monday few 900-1000 lbs. 45.2545.50. Small pkg. 46.00; 775-050 lbs. 41.5043.00. Mixed Good and Choice 750-950 lbs. 35.0042.00. Good 30.00-37.00. COWS; Utility and Commercial 19.50-23.00, few 23.50-24.00. Cutter 16.00-21.00. Canner 12.00-16.00. BULLS: Yield Grade 1-2, 1100-1700 lbs. 24.00-28.00. Expires Dec. 31 BETHEL, PA |7l7| 933-4114 fl/l that's New ...] Til ng Trencher A new, high production, PTO-driven farm tiling machine has jiu. recently been introduced by Vermeer Manufacturing Company, Pella, lowa. Designed for tractors with up to 125 hp, the new Ver meer PT-18 Tiling Trencher digs down to six feet deep (depending on hitch height) and from 10-18 inches wide (depending on cutter pat terns.) The digging chain on the unit has 150,000 lbs. of tensile strength. When laying plastic tile, a plastic tile layer is available to lay four, five and six-inch diameter tile. A tile layer for clay or concrete tile is also available. The PT-18 is equipped to handle two methods of laying tile to grade: a bar-string system and the Vermeer Laser-Transit system. Both methods are extremely accurate and easy to use. -A hydraulically-controlled BINKLEY & HURST BROS. 133 ROTHSVILLE STATION RD. LITITZ, PA. [7l7] 626-4705 crumber shoe forms a clean ditch bottom and helps the operator maintain proper grade by angling the shoe up or down to raise or lower the trencher boom. The unit’s fold-up rubber belt conveyor places the spoil to one side of the trench and leaves enough space between the spoil pile and the trench edge so that working around the trench is easy. And since the conveyor folds, the machine stays within legal width limits for transport. * Viewpoints liiil Fight it out on this line if it takes all summer Gen U S Grant urging troops 1864 start your Christmas Club today BLUE BALL NATIONAL BANK BLUE BALL 354-4541 Mon Tues Wed Sam 4pm Thurs Fn Sam g3O p m Sat <Dnve up It Walk Ip W indow Service Onlv i tarn to II a m ' Lancaster Farrrtlni ■ *3 CITIZEN S CORNER * W} mi mil llil V (OkMI'H Mill kfIIRIMINT V Medicare Services To help nuke sure lh;il health care furnished to Medicare beneficiaries is of acceptable quahtv per sons or organizations pro vidmg services mast meet all licensing requirements of Slate or local health .luthonties Persons and organizations shown below also must meet Medicare requirements be fore pav menls can be made for their services —Hospitals —Skilled nursing facilities —Home health agencies —lndependent diagnostic laboratories and organizations provid ing X-ray services —Ambulance firms —Chiropractors □3BNB MORGANTOWN 286-5101 Mon Tues Wed lam 2pm Mon Tues Wed lam 2pm Thors Fn lam 2pm Thurs Fn tarn 2pm \nd spm 7pm And spm 7pm Sal * Drive Ip 4 Walk Up Sar i Drive-Up 4 Walk Up W i ndow Ser> ice Only > Window Service Only) lam Ham lam 11am f.Saturda; —lndependent physical therapists —Facilities providing kid ney dialysis or trims plant services All hospitals skilled nur sing facilities and home health agencies partic ipating in the Medicare pro gram also must comply with title VI of the Civil Rights Act which prohibits discrimination because of race color or national origin Kscepl for certain sit uations Medicare cannot pay for care you get from a non-participating hospital You .should always make sure that the persons or organizations providing ser vices are approved for Medicare payments >(e < ’ rtt S® 1536 Christmas Club Members in 75 with 5 347,000 to spend for the Holidays A. d 76 TERRE HILL 445-6741 > * ¥■ *
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