4—Unotf f Farming, Saturday. Nov. IS. 1978 Poultry Market Reports Weekly New York Egg Market Monday, November 10 lo Friday, November 14 Moo. Toe*. Wed. Than. Frl. WHITE Ex. Urge 61 Urge 66 Mediums W Pullets S 3 Peewees 34 BROWN Large 68 Mediums Unquoted Pullets Unquoted Peewees Unquoted Off Grade Large Tone Full iteady to firm. Copyright 1975 Urner Barry Publications East coast cariot meats November 12 East coast carlot meat trade caf Boston to Washington area inclusive. Compared to Tuesday’s close: Trading very dull this session for good and choice steer beef; both report quotes of 50 lower, moderate supply, light demand. Cow beef & bull beef steady; lamb 1.00-2.00 lower. Fresh hams steady to 4.00 lower; bellies steady to 6.00 lower; butts 10.00 lower; spareribs steady to 75 lower; picnics 75-1.00 lower; pork loins 17 down steady to 1.00 lower & 17-20’s steady - 1.00 higher. Steer Beef Choice YG 3 6-800’s 74.00- 74.50, 1 load 73.00 mostly 50 lower; Good YG 2&3 5-600’s 68.00 50 lower; Good YG 3 6- 800’s 69.00-69.50. Cow Beef Utility (Brkg.) 350-700’s 46.00*46.50 steady; Utility (Bong.) 350-700’s 46.00-46.50 steady; Canner & Cutter 45.00-45.50 steady. Bull Beef Yld Gr 1&2 500-1000’s 49.00- 49.50 steady. Lamb Ch & Pr YG 2&3 35-65’s 98.00-99.00 1.00-2.00 lower. Domestic Boneless Beef-Trimmings 90 pet. Visual Lean 63.25- New Holland Daily Wednesday, Nov. 12 Reported receipts of 139 cows, 4 heifers and 3 bulls. Market lower than last week. Load of New York cows - fresh 550-1100 and springers 500-725; load of Franklin lane aster.. farnii ng| P.O. Box 266 - Lititz, PA 17543 Office; 22 E. Main St., Lititz. PA 17543 Record-Express Office Building Phone: Lancaster 717-394-3047 or Lititz 717-626-2191 Dieter Krieg, Editor Melissa Piper, Associate Editor Jack Farmakis, National Sales Manager 151 Danforth Drive New Canaan, Conn. 06840 Ph. 203-966-1746 Subscription Price $3 per year Established November 4,1955 Published every Saturday by Lancaster Farming Lititz, PA Second Class Postage paid at Lititz, PA 17543 Members of Newspaper Farm Editors Assn Pa Newspaper •: Publishers Association and National Newspaper Association :• 68 71 71 61 64 64 39 39 39 64.00; 85 pet. Visual Lean 62.00*3.00; 50 Pet. Visual Lean; 50 Pet. Visual Lean 41.00- Fresh Pork Cuts Loins (Reg, 8-14's 107.50 1.00 Iwr. high quote, 14-17’s 106.50 1.00 Iwr. high quote, 17-20’s 91.50-92.50 stdy. -1.00 hgr. Picnics(Reg.)4-B’s 68.50 75- 1.00 lower; B’s & up 61.75 10.00 lower. Spareribs 1%-3’s 91.50- 92.25 stdy. -75 lower; 3-s’s 83.00- Hams (Skd.) 14-17’s 104.- 104.50 steady; 17-20’s 88.50 4.00 lower; 20-26’s 82.50 2.- 2.50 lower. Bellies (sdls. skin on) 10- 12’s 82.00*2.25 steady; 12- 14’s 82.00*2.25 steady; 14- 16’s 77.00 5.00 lower; 16-18’s 75.00 4.00 lower; 18-20’s 68.50 5.75-6.00 lower. CT Butts (Froz. Bnls.) 1%- 7’s 119.50 5.00 lower. Pork Tnngs. 50 pet. In r 54.25 steady; 80 pet. In fr. 72.25 steady. Bnls. pic. cushion in fr 90.50 steady. Lard: CP-DR 26.50-27.50 2.50-3.50 lower. Skd. Jowls - Fresh 52.00- 53.00 steady -1.00 lower. Transmitted from Plula. Livestock Market News Office. county cows fresh 690-1300 and springers 610-825; load of Pa. cows fresh 500-790 and springers 550-700; load of Wisconsin cows 510-1025. Locally consigned cows 350- 720 and bulls 115-175. New England Weekly Shell Egg Report Tuesday' November 11.1*7S Prices paid per dozen Grade "A" brown eggs In cartons delivered to retail stores: EX. LARGE LARGE MEDIUM SMALL MOST NEW ENGLAND PRICES NEW HAMP. NOT AVAILABLE DUE TO 78-79 72-73 OBSERVANCE OF MASS.+ R.I. VERMONT MAINE "VETERANS DAY" +lncludes Central nod Weatern Section* Only. tt*x-x*x*x*x*x; Fogelsville Sale of Tuesday, November 4 Prices paid dock weights, cents per pound, except where noted. Hens, Heavy type 14-27, mostly 16-21; Pullets 45tfc-47; Roasters 42-46%; Capons 59; Ducks 51-54; Drakes 58; Turkeys, Hens 43-49; Rab bits 31-68, mostly 60-65; Guineas 1.00-1.20; Pigeons (per pr.) 1.41-4.50. Total coops sold 295. Sale of Tuesday, Nov. 11 Hens, heavy type 11-22, mostly 15-20; Pullets 45-50, mostly 45-47; Roasters 40-57, mostly 40-45; Ducks 46-55, mostly 52-55; Drakes 51-70, mostly 56-60; Geese 63-68; Turkeys - Toms 43; Turkeys - Hens 43-50; Rabbits 54-72, mostly 65-70; Guineas 1.00- 1.06; Pigeons (per pr.) 1.25- 4.70. Total coops sold 329. Directions Take Rt. 22 thruway. Exit at Fogelsville Exit. North to stop lite in Fogelsville, turn left, proceed one block, turn left again at Cracker Barrel Restaurant. Auction right side 100 ft. from your last left turn. Eastern PA & NJ Live Hem Report Wednesday, Nov. 12 Prices continue to hold steady on light type hens. Farm offerings while in creased still short of full processing needs. Offerings of heavy type short of a* fair call. Prices paid at farm: Light type hens 8-10 mostly 9-10 in Pa., mostly 9-10 in NJ; Heavy Type Hens TFEWR. Lancaster Feeder Cattle Friday, November 7 Feeder Cattle 898 1268 Today Last Friday TREND: Feeder steers and feeder heifers moderately active; steers 50- 1.00 higher; heifers fully steady. FEEDER STEERS; Choice 640-990 lb. 35.50-37.50; mixed Good and Choice 600- 950 lb. 30.25-35.10; Good 600- 850 lb. 25.75-28.75; Choice 420-565 lb. 29.25-36.00, one lot 335 lb. 28.50. FEEDER HEIFERS: Choice 400-580 lb. 18.00-22.50; Good 500-530 lb. 14.25-15.50. READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS Ready to cook movement generally slow in most quarters. Slaughter schedules reduced with occasional plant not operating today. Today’s less than trucklot asking prices unchanged to 1 cent lower on both Plant and US Grade A. Advance interest continues to take a wait and see position. Live supplies adequate at generally desirable weights. Un dertone weak and unsettled. Negotiated trucklot prices 2-3 lb. Ready to cook Broiler- Fryers for delivery this next week:N Current Broiler- Fryer negotiated prices for unmediate delivery mostly multiple-drop shipments to New York City from Delmarva. Range: US Grade A 48-49, Plant Grade 47-48, Premium US Grade A 56-54, Premium Plant Grade 49-52. Wtd. Avg.: US Grade A 48.68, Plant Grade 47.65, Premium US Grade A 52.15, Premium Plant Grade 51.79. Prices unchanged. Demand fairly good. Of ferings adequate to barely adequate. Undertone firm. Prices to Retailers: Sale to volume buyers, consumer grades white eggs in cartons, delivered: Store Door. A Extra Large 67M>-72M>, A Large 66%-71M>, A Medium 59^-64. 76-71 58-59 Delmarva Broiler-Fryer Market Wednesday, Nov. 12 Philadelphia Eggs Wednesday, Nov. 12 V 9 Staalkat NEST RUN EGGS Price* ire from Egg Clearinghouse, Inc., (ECU Durham. N.M. and reflect trading price* for gradcable ncit run eggs (CNR) on ECI, a nationwide trading center for producer*, packer* and marketer*. GNU egg a arc classified by weight in 30-doicn cases, and traded in lots of cither 300 or 750 cose*. Price* are FOB buyer* dock, and arc computed Tuesday and Thursday of each week. This week's price* for each classification were: Classification Extra Large Class 1 - Large Gass 3 • Medium Gass 4 * Small Breaking Slock Checks x-x-XvX-XvX-Xy-y"^ Baltimore Eggs eggs: Prices to Wednesday, Nov. 12 retailers, state graded (min. Prices Unchanged, one case sale). adequate, mediums fully W Grade A Medium 83-66. DEAD STOCK REMOVED LJi PROMPTLY ANYTIME - ANYWHERE A. F. BRANDT’S SONS RENDERERS ELIZABETHTOWN, PA (717) 367-6026 Hershey Equipment Co. Inc. 215 DILLER AVE. NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 PHONE 717-354-4576 New Weight Per Case 51 lb*. 4Stbs. 42 lbs. 39 lbs. 48 lbs. 48 lbs. Tuesday Thursday 0 0 57 59 SO 52 40 41 47 48 39 40
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