Pa. HARRISBURG-Grain* in ■orage in Pennsylvania ■vc increased seven per snt over last year, ac LIVESTOCK TRAILER ★ The handiest way to move livestock or supplies on and around the farm. ★ Trailer bed lowers to ground level for loading, levels automatically, raises hydraulically to transport. ★ Operates from any standard single or double acting hydraulic system, pulls behind tractor, pick-up or auto. it Available in 12 and 14-foot lengths. 6 ft. width with side panels 42 inches high. it Open panel design provides air movement to keep livestock cool on hot days. ★ The entire rack may be easily removed to make a flat bed trailer PECiFICATIONS Weight LW 12 1800 lbs (12 foot bed) LW 14 2000 lbs (14 foot bed) !“ NEW & USED TRACTORS I LjifW&USED^ANURESPREADERS__[ A. C. HEISEY Farm Equipment Inc. RDI, Jonestown, PA 17038 Phone 717-865-4526 LOCATED J / 2 MILE SOUTH OF FREDERICKSBURG OFF RT. 343 FARM * Need more room? Farm Families have a "before you know it" way of growing and homes have a way of get- ting smaller. Save your family the inconveni- ence of cramped living space and ask us to- day about a loan for expansion. We have help- ed many young families live more comfort- ably with convenient financing. grain storage cording to the Pennsylvania Crop Reporting Service, Stocks of corn (old corn), oats, barley and wheat in WALK—ON Capacities: Swine 20 market hogs. 12 400-lb sows Cattle 8 yearlings Sheep 35 market lambs, 25 ewes Pennsylvania aa of October 1, 1975 touted 43.5 million buahlea. Old crop corn In atorage at FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT YOUR LOCAL COUNTY OFFICE. increased 11.034.000 buahcla were up 50 percent from 1074. Off-farm stocks at 1,233,000 bushels compared to 1,558,000 white farm stocks of 9,801,000 far exceed last year's 5,678,000. Stocks of oats at 15,745,000 bushels were only two percent over last year. Off farm stocks of 1,216,000 bushels compatcd to 1.076.000 last year, while farm stocks oif 14,530,000 compared to 14,303,000 bushels in 1974. Total stocks of barley were down three percent of 5.354.000 bushels. Off-far, stocks were 842,000 bushles from last year's 920,000 while farm stocks at 4,512,000 compared to 4,606,000 bushels a year ago. Wheat stocks of 11,321,000 bushels were down nine percent from 1974. Off-farm stocks fell by five percent to 7.506.000 bushels while farm stocks were off 16 percent to 3.815.000 bushels. Nationally, stocks of the four feed grains (com, oats, barley and sorghum) in all positions totaled 26.0 million metric tons, 10 percent less than holdings on October 1, 1974. Old crop com stored in all positions on October 1 totaled 359 million bushels, 26 percent less than a year earlier. Corn stored on farms, at 190 million bushels, was down 34 percent from last year. Stocks in off-farm facilities were down 14 percent from a year earlier. Oats in storage October 1, 1975 totaled 624 million bushels, one percent less than a year earlier. Farm stocks at nearly 512 million bushels were three percent above a year earlier but off farm stocks at 131 million bushels were down 16 per cent. Barley stored in all positions on October 1 totaled 350 million bushels, * CREDIT Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Nov. 8.1978 Tobacco loan rates proposed WASHINGTON - Proposed schedules of grade loan rates for all types of 1975-crop cigar tobacco, which average about 12 percent above 1974-crop levels, as required by law, were an nounced recently by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The 1975 rates, per pound, (with 1974 rates in paren theses), are: For Ohio, filler, types 42-44, from 30.0 to 50.0 cents (23.5 to 44.0); for Wisconsin, type 54 and New York and Pennsylvania, type 53, from 25.0 to 55.0 ccents (23.0 to 48.0); for Wisconsin, type 55, from 25.0 to 72.0 cents (22.0 to 66.0); for Connecticut valley Havana seed, type 52, from 44.0 to 84.0 cents (39.0 to 75.0); for Connecticut valley broadleaf, type 51, from 44.0 13 percent above a year earlier. Farm stocks at 223 million bushels were up 22 percent, while off-farm stocks were virtually un changed from a year ago. Disappearance during Jidy- September was 107 million bushels, down nine percent from the 119 million bushels during the same period a year ago. All wheat storage on October 1, 1975 totaled 1,874 million bushels, 21 percent above a year earlier. Off farm stocks at 1,129 million bushels were 28 percent larger than a year ago. Farm holdings of 745 million bsuhels were 11 percent above a year ago. Dissap pearance from all storage positions during the July- September quarter was 584 million bushels, 19 percent more than the 491 million bushels in the comparable quarter of 1974. toBB.ocenta (39.0to80.0); for Puerto Rican, type 48, from 23.0 to 57.0 centa (21.0 to 50.0). The proposed rates reflect average support levels of 48.0 cents per pound for types 42-44 and 53-55, 66.5 cents per pound for types 51- 52 and 49.9 cents per pound for type 46. Comments regarding the proposed rates will be considered If submitted in writing by Dec. 1,1975 to the Director, Tobacco and Peanut Division, Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D, C. 20250. The comments will be available for public in spection in the Office of the Director, Room 6741 of the Department’s South Building. The cooperative associations through which price support is made available will be authorized to deduct one cent per pound to apply against overhead costs. The reasons for greater occurrence of sulfur deficiencies in todays soils are: .. Increased use of high analysis sulfur - free fer tilizers. .. Increased crop yields and double cropping in crease the withdrawal of plant nutrients including sulfur from the soil. . Increased consumption of low sulfur fuels and greater emphasis on control of air pollution, reducing this atmospheric source of sulfur. 19
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