Agway men re-elected The three top officers of Agway Inc. were reelected Oct. 31 following the Agway annual meeting in Syracuse, N.Y. They are: George Steele, chairman of the board and president; Henry W. Bibus, vice chairman of the board; and Ronald N. Goddard, executive vice president and general manager. Agway is guided by an 18- member board of directors, all of whom are farmers. Steele, a Pocopson, Pa., dairyman, has served as board chairman since 1971. Prior to the founding of Agway, when he became one of its directors, he served as vice president of Penn sylvania Farm Bureau BIG HUB TIRE SERVICE LOCATED 1 MILE WEST OF BLUE BALL ON ROUTE 322 PHONE 354-4931 Cooperative Association, one of Agway's predecessors. A member of the Agway board since 1964. Bibus, a Wrightstown, N.J., vegetable and grain grower, was first elected vice chairman in 1971. For 18 years he had been a director of Cooperative GLF Ex change, another of Agway’s predecessor organizations. Goddard, the organization’s chief executive officer, has been with Agway since 1937. He held a number of key positions in the cooperative’s retail, planning, and marketing operations before being named assistant general manager in 1968 and general manager in 1969. National Red Poll sale slated Thirty-eight Red Poll breeders from twelve states will sell more than 100 lots of registered Red Poll cattle at Troy, Ohio, on November 13. The cattle will be judged during the forenoon of sale day by Dr, Richard Vat thaucr, extension animal scientist, University of Wisconsin. The auction is schduled to begin at 12:30 p.m. e.s.t. A likely-headliner in the sale is Bordendale 0. Blue Boy, a proved six-year-old sire consigned by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. W. Hoffine, Lafayette, Indiana. Not only is this bull a proved sire of top cattle in the Hoffine herd, the bull himself won the grand champion award at the 1971 National Red Poll show. His dam was national grand champion female two years later. The grand champion Red Poll bull of the 1975 Min nesota State Fair, the reserve junior champion bull of the 1973 Indiana State Fair and the junior champion bull of the 1975 Illinois State Fair are among the consigned bulls to be competing for show and sale honors. Vying with the Hoffine bull for prime attention, will be the young cow Pinpur Heritage Starletta GR22- CR162735, reserve grand champion Red Poll female 1975 National Red Poll show. The cow is consigned by her institutiaonl breeder, Pinney Purdue Agricultural Center, Wanatah, Indiana, an outlying experimental and demonstration farm of Purdue University. The cow will sell with a bull calf at side. The Pinney Purdue station is noted for having When you are right no one remembers; when you’re wrong no one forgets! done a more complete job of beef performance testing of its Red Poll herd over the years than is known to have been accomplised with any other herd of any breed, in the world. Sixteen head of 91 females consigned, in addition to the national reserve champion, have placed highly in ‘.V'uE* 4 Pinpur Heritage Starletta was the reserve grand champion female at the 1975 National Red Poll Show held at the Indiana State Fair earlier this Look neighbor TH / / Jamesway* II silage distributor-unloader gives you fast feeding and less climbing. YOU CAN COUNT ON US AGRI-EQUIP. I- G.'s AG. SALES RD2 Farmersville Ephrata PA ZOO, Stlverdale PA 717-354-4271 215-257-5135 ROY 0. CHRISTMAN LANDIS BROTHERS INC. RDI (Shartlesville) Hamburg PA 19526 1305 Manheim Pike 215-562-7218 or 215-488-1904 Lancaster PA 717-393-3906 DEPENDABLE MOTOR CO. HENRY S. LAPP East Mam Street Honey Brook. PA RDI Cams Gap PA 17527 215-273-3131 717-442-8134 ERB & HENRY EQUIP., INC. CARL L. SHIRK 22-26 Henry Avenue New Berlmville PA 5 Colebrook Road. Lebanon PA 215-367-2169 717-274-1436 GRUMELLI FARM SERVICE M. E. SNAVELY Robert Fulton Highway Quarryville PA 455 South Cedar Street, Lititz PA 717-786-7318 717-626-8144 WEAVER STAR SILO INC. M. S. YEARSLEY & SON RD4 Myerstown PA 114 E Market St 717-866-5709 West Chester PA 19380 215-696-2990 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Nov. 8,1978 various major county breed several states. Twelve of the 16 bulls have weaning weight records obtained in the breed’s own programs. Unadjusted weights at 205 days of age average 644 lbs. with a top of 749 lbs. Seven of these 12 "Gain Registered" bulls also •l Stop In Today for Free have 356-day weights, which average 1127 lbs. to a top of 1201 lbs. ■talc and ihowi of Among the females, 49 head have official weaning weight records, averaging 450 lbs., unadjusted. Twenty three of the female records Indicate 2.0 lbs. per day or more of average gain to a top of 2.S lbs. year. She has been consigned to the 32nd annual National Red Poll Sale, to take place in Troy, Ohio, on Nov. 13. 15 * *4
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