Cnambersburg Cbambersburg, Pa. CALVES 428. Vealcrs $2.90 Oct.ll.lt7S to $9 hightr. Few Prime CATTLE 296, Compared with last Thursday’s market, slaughter steers grading Standard and Good about steady. Slaughter cows strong to 75 cents higher. One Choice slaughter steer at 46.85, Good 41.00-45.50. Standard 33.50-40.75, few Utility 27.25-32.75. Couple Good slaughter heifers at 40.50, few Standard 34.50 35.50, few UtiUty 25.00-29.00. Utility and High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 23.50 25.85, couple to 26.50, Cutters 21.60-23.85, Canners 18.85- 21.60, Shells down to 16.00. Individual Good slaughter bullock at 31.25, few Stan dard 28.35-31.00. Few Yield Grade No. 1, 1150-1550 lbs. slaughter bulls 25.50-30.00. low-cost portable ■ > t* \ ■ *m Carry warm weather . r >. Hfiai! wherever you go <S ROOCtf ■ ■W»eaO* ...indoors or out. . HOBT6R • Powerful .. . provides 50,000 BTU's of fan circulated heat. • Portable . . weighs 45 lbs. Less than 30" long. • Peace of mind . features an automatic protec tion system. • Economical uses low-cost kerosene/No. 1 fuel oil for pennies per hour comfort. Ask for a f r ee demonstration. GERMAN BROS. Sales & Service 1 Ml. NO. OF TERRE HILL ON RT. 897 PHONE (215) 445-6272 Isy. [UET /L...8F2 HAS DONE THE ✓ WATER HEATING COSTS NOW? CHECK WITH US. YOU HAVE EVERYTHING •»»- Call (717) 768-7111 vealers 65.00-70.00, Choice 55.00-67.00, Good 45.0055.00, Standard 35.5045.00, Utility 90-110 lbs. 24.90-29.00, 7085 lbs. 20.00-24.00. Farm Calves: Holstein bulls 100 110 lbs. 25.5028.00. HOGS 92. Barrows and gilts $6 to $7 lower. US No. 1-3 210225 lbs. barrows and gilts 56.35-57.50, few No. 2-3 230 240 lbs. 55.75-56.00. US No. 1-3 300575 lbs. sows 50.0054.00. FEEDER PIGS 83. US No. 1-3 (lot) 15 lbs. feeder pigs at 19.00 per head, No. 1-3 25-35 lbs. 29.5038.50, No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 36.0047.00 per head. SHEEP 38. Good 7095 lbs. wooled slaughter lambs 33.0038.50. Few Slaughter ewes 10.5013.50. DAIRY FARMER WHAT ARE YOUR WE WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO SAVE *300.00 to *7OOO per year. TO GAIN. 28.00. Cows - High Yearling Commercial 25.00-26.50; Cutters 24.00-24.75; Canners Low Cutters 22.00-23.50; Shells 12.00-20.00. IT AGAIN!! NEW "Sector ist~Livestock Auction Report Slewartatown, PA CALVES 192 Calves • October 20,1975 Choice and Prime 60.00- CATTLE 360 Steers -High Choice and Prime $50.00- 52.00; Good Choice 48.00- 49.50; Good 45.00-47.75; Standard Good 40.00-44.00; Holateins Good 35.00^38.50; Standard to Good 22.00-34.00. Heifers - High Choice and Prime 40.00-42.75; Good to Choice 36.00-39.50; Good 35.00- Standard Good 30.00- Holsteins Good 28.00- Standard Good 24.00- Feeder Steers - Good and Choice 37.00-39.25; Standard Good 34.00-35.75; Utility 24.00-30.00. Bulls - Good and Choice Commercial 32.00-35.00; Standard to Good 30.00-31.50; Utility to Standard 22.00- C OMMERCIAL, HOME, FARM v BUILDERS INC. DESIGNERS - BUILDERS Homes Farm buildings -CALL OFFICE 717-786-1403 HOME— 717-786-4479 717-786-4314 717-529-2388 RD2 BOX 190 QUARRYVIUE, PA 17566 %" spicwAOM^ USED BULK TANKS 63.50; Good and Choice 55.00- 58.50; Standard and Good 48.00-54.00; Utility to Good 110-140 lbs. 35.00-44.00; Utility 90-110 lbs. 28.00-34.00; Culls 5.00-20.00. HOGS 147 Hogs-U.S. No. 1 and 2,190-220 lbs. 59.50-60.00; U.S. No. 1 and 3, 190-230 lbs. 59.00-59.25; U.S. No. 1 and 3, 180-250 lbs. 58.50-58.75. Sows - 250-375 lbs. 48.00- 50.00; 400-500 lbs. 45.00-47.00. Boars - 300-500 lbs. 40.00- 44.00. SHEEP 8 Lambs - Good to Choice 40.00-45.00; Medium and Good 30.00-38.00. Ewes ■ 6.00-18.00. Private Treaty Fat Hogs, Select No. 1 and 2, 200-215 lbs. 59.25-59.50. Private Treaty Fat Hogs, No. 1 and 2, 220-230 lbs. 59.00-59.10. Private Treaty Fat Hogs, No. 1 and 3, 220-240 58.50- 58.75. THE BULK MILK COOLER THAT HAS EVERYTHING. including AUTOMATIC WASHING SYSTEM! Model M Model V If you are in the market for a bulk milk cooler and you don’t check all the advantages of the Mueller Models "OH” and “MHL," you may be buying an obsolete cooler. New 18 can (Can Coolers) QUEEN ROAD REPAIR Box 67, Intercourse, PA 17534 OR Answering Serv.ce 354-4374 24 Hour Service We Stock Hess’ Farm Supplies, Check Our Prices on Animal Medications The Mueller Model “OH” with HiPerForm cooling, Mueller-Matic Automatic Washing System, and built in freeze protection control is the most advanced bulk milk cooler in the world. The nation’s most progressive dairymen are using it. Shouldn’t you be? 400 gal. Mueller Mod. M 400 gal Girton (2) 300 lb. Sputniks After 5 P.M. JOHN D WEAVER 656-9982 - KENNETH M GROFF 354-0473 GIO DIENNER 768-8521 I < , » Lancaster Farming. Saturday. Oct 25. 1975— 9 Farmers Made Sport Of Their Work, Life Lift' nnd work on forms More nnd after the He volu tion was tedious, time-con- Miming and often back-break ing To relieve the monotony of this labor, curly farmers often made sport of their tasks, p irtirulnrlv at harvest time 1 sen into the mid-1800‘s. iradlmg was stdl the general method of grain harvesting A skilled irmller uv erased about 2 to 2' at res a day But a champion Pennsylvania crad It r was pul to the test From sunup to sunset one day, he tradled 12 1 acres, harvesting 1 IHO sheaves of wheat When flailed, it yielded 262 bushels of grain The one man kept four other men busy binding the sheaves behind him Some large farmers used horses to thresh gram On one farm. 24 horses were hitched in four spans of six each and were trotted over wheat sheaves in a circle 400 feet in circumference A total of 416 bushels of wheal were so threshed in a single day It seems the threshing overseer had a bet with a neighboring farmer Sickles were used in the 1700’s to cut wheat Upwards of 100 people might t e found working in a field One day, 20 acres of wheat were cut and sheaved by noon Rum or ’schnaps” pure rve whiskey was served as refreshment throughout a har The man who built France’s famous prison, the Bastille, was the first person confined there •HiPcrFoi Model OH —USED DIESELS— Phone 717-768-7111 v day One farmer accustomed to the tradition made a bet in a Philadelphia tavern that he could drink a gallon of Cyder Hoyall within an hour and a half Me did and after exclaiming. ' I finished it." fell down and expired While most early livestock was seriously neglected, a fat cattle crure developed between 1790 ond 1830 Animals were force fed year-round with In dun corn meal, ground oats, potatoes, pumpkins and hay just to see how large a speci men could be raised About IKOO. one farmer exhibited an ox six feet high weighing more than 3 000 pounds Another had a si\-vear-old steer weigh ing 2.387 pounds After metal plows became perfected, contests were held One noteworthv accomplish ment was the ' ploughing" of three sixteenths of an acre of herd and timothy sward seven inches deep in 21 minutes Kven the sire of family gatherings became somewhat competitive Large families were practical to provide the labor needed on a farm and families of 16 to 18 children were common Some gather ings included 150 children, grandchildren and great grandchildren One farmer proclaimed his good fortune to have his wife have twins, his cow two calves and his ewe two lambs all in one night in the month of March - PILE C , .Kg' Model RH V. A. Lister Ruston Deutz T, m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers