46—Unc<»t»r Farming. Saturday. Oct. 25. 1975 Society 15 Berks Co. Mn. Doris Thoms* of the Society 8 Firm Womcn S°«wy 8 rcccnU >' mct at **» home Of demonstration on preparing •»„ g .m Mnliburv Xr.burg. Severn meal at the Meeting of Farm mcmbcrf wc “ c t W«*** 'h A ham and roll sale will be * l U 3O ? 1 *£ « Cit,Cy “S? held on Nov. 15 following the on Route 472, QuarryviUc H 2. , UCCCM of mlc K hcld Hostesses were Nancy carlicr the faU . ’ u Dor » lH * rvcy * President, LaVcrne ***£■ Herr & Mary Boyce Batthaser, announced that Members responded to roll Berks Heim bingo night caU by giving suggestions for wouldbeNov l 3 next year s meetings. Following the business Devotions were given by meeting( G ail Malsbury Nancy Boyce followed by Wessner gave a flag salute. demonstration on candle Minutes were read by Alma Maude, Mary Howetl *rh e nex t meeting will be gave treasurers report. She held at home of Mrs reported contributions to Dorothy Hoffman on Oct. 28. Meals on Wheels, $50.00. Bed Pads for sick friend, $49.50. United fund $25.00. Miss Solanco pageant, $lO.OO. Thank you notes were read by the secretary. Jeanne Barnes, chairman of trip committee reported $62.80 had been cleared at the Harvey Ferguson sale. Mary Boyce as sunshine com mittee chairman reported having sent cards & flowers. Happy Birthday song was sung for Mary Boyce, Ruth Crawford and Dorothy Johnson. Kathryn Wagner the tripping committee chairman mentioned plans for a trip to the Bakers Dinner Theatre and show. “Fiddlers on the Roof”. Martha Herr gave the following names as nominees for the office of secretary, Jean Ressel and treasurer, Millie Rinehart. They were elected as presented. The President, Mrs. Kathryn Homer gave a report of the county executive meeting. She urged members to respond to the contribution of foods for the food table at the county convention on Nov. 1 Mrs. Harry Usner, Mrs at Farm & Home center and Weinhold, Mrs. Earl to put prices on articles. Miller and Mrs. Walter Plans were made for the Shaub will be in charge of the cfatp Convention in table of seasonal decorations Hamsburg oil ?*5 5& 6 at Homemakers Day at the Delegates will be Alma Farm & Home Center, Nov. Clendenin, Anna Herr and 13. Sadie Greenleaf. Members entertained their November meeting on husbands, Friday evening, Nov. 20 at Union Church. October 17 at dinner and the Bertha Conrad will races at Penn National demonstrate making china. Raceway at Grantville. The speaker ,vas Mrs. C“" /pA|#X/ 1 Lloyd Weaver from the , —wfc It Ephrata Area Social Ser jPS and tricks vices. Take advantage of special Next meeting Will be NOV. off-season weekend rates and 15 at the home of Mrs. package plans offered by Melvin Nolt, R 1 Ephrata. It many hotels and motels will be creative day and Write for free brochures, members are to bring for directly to the places you’d display items they have like to stay or to state or city made or their hobby travel departments RED WING AAA-EEEE Sizes 6 18 WAYNE'S DRY GOODS W. Mam St, Kutztown Ph.(215)683-7686 Parking at Rear of Store Society 3 Society of Firm Women 3 met Saturday, October 18 at the home of Mrs. Carroll Myers, 1127 Lincoln Hts. Ave., Ephrata. The following business was conducted by the president, Mrs. Jesse Balmer. Election of officers for 1976 - Pres., Mrs. John Edwards, R 1 Ephrata; Vice-Pres., Mrs. Luther Moore, R 4 Lititz; Sec., Mrs. Earl Miller, Hopeland; Corresponding Sec., Mrs. Carroll Myers, Ephrata; Treas., Mrs. Ivan Eberly, Ephrata. Delegates elected to the State Convention of the Society of Farm Women in January at Harrisburg are: Mrs. Robert Hollinger, Elm; Mrs. Luther Moore, R 4 Lititz; Mrs. Walter Shaub, Reamstown alternate. A contribution of $5O was made to the United Way and $25 to the Ephrata Area Social Service. *( cTwing ' \HQi I IT SOFTENERS" work on hard surfaces ) Tired feet taking away your good disposition 7 Red Wing has the answer l Our popular service oxford provides cushion comfort all day long Styles to match any uniform 1 Junior Cooking Editions™ Age 14 East Earl, Pa XXX Chicken Crunch Casserole 2Mi cups cooked, diced chicken 1 10-oz. can cream of mushroom soup 1 cup milk Mi teaspoon salt 3 cups crushed potato chips 4 tablespoons shredded cheese Combine chicken, soup, milk and salt; heat to boiling. Spread IMr cups potato chips on bottom of greased 2 quart casserole. Pour in mixture. Cover with remaining chips. Sprinkle Members of the American with cheese and paprika Angus Auxiliary are urged to over top. Bake at 350 degrees attend and take part in the for 25 to 30 minutes, annual activities of the group Edwin N. Martin, Jr. during the American Angus Age 12 Association annual meeting East Earl, PA scheduled during the North xxx American Livestock Ex position, Louisville, Ken tucky, November 16-18. In an effort to avoid other show activities, the Auxiliary is planning an open board meeting at 2 p.m., Sunday, November 16, at the Executive Inn. This meeting will be devoted to the various Auxiliary business and election of officers for 1976. The following morning, November 17, a breakfast meeting hosted by the Tennessee Angus Auxiliary will be held at the fairgrounds at 7:30 a.m. The open class heifer show will begin at 8 a.m. All Augus Auxiliary members and friends are invited to the activities. This week we ore featuring some recipes for meat dishes and desserts. Our Junior cooks have really been busy sending In their recipes for the fall months. For some Interesting ideas and recipes for cooking lamb - see our Home on the Range column. Lemon Pudding Cake 4 eggs, separated 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind 1 tablespoon melted butter 4 teaspoon salt one-third cup lemon Juice 14 cup sugar 4 cup sifted flour 14 cup milk Beat together egg yolks, lemon juice, lemon rind and butter until thick and lemon colored. Combine sugar, flour and salt. Add to the egg mixture alternately with milk beating after each addition. Beat egg whites until stiff. Blend into batter using low speed. Pour into 8 inch square pan. Set in a pan of hot water and bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes or until golden. Serve warm with whipped cream. Mervin S. Zimmerman Age? New Holland, PA XXX Peanut Batter Pie Filling for pie: 3 /i cup confectioner’s sugar Vi cup peanut butter two-thirds cup granulated sugar 3 tablespoons cornstarch 1 tablespoon flour Farm Women Calendar Saturday Oct. 25 Society 5 entertains Society 22 and the County of ficers. Society 4 meeting at 1:30 p.m. at the Landis Valley Museum. Monday Oct. 27 Society 5 of Berks County meeting at 7:30 p.m. for a Halloween party Tuesday Oct. 28 Society 27 entertains 13 and county officers at St. PROVIDENT BOOKSTORE 47TH ANNIVERSARY BEGIN YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING NOW! EPHRATA - LANCASTER - NEW HOLLAND ■ PARK CITY Finch of toll 3 egg yolks 3 cups milk 2 tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon vanilla Beat 3 egg whites until stiff. Add teaspoon cream of tartar and cup sugar. Cream confectioners sugar and peanut butter until crumbly and set aside. Stir next eight ingredients together in sauce pan. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly. Bring to just below boiling point and cook a few more minutes. Sprinkle two-thirds cup peanut butter mixture into baked pie shell. Pour custard over this. Spread beaten egg whites on top. Bake at 350 degrees until brown. Ella Mae Zimmerman New Holland, PA XXX Beef Croquettes 3 cups ground leftover beef M: teaspoon salt 3 /* cup gravy 1 tablespoon minced onion 1 cup dried breadcrumbs 1 egg 3 tablespoons water Shortening Mix together the beef, salt, gravy and onion. Chill several hours so you can shape croquettes easily. To coat; roll croquettes in breadcrumbs, then dip into liquid (3 tablespoons water added to slightly beaten egg). Fry in a generous amount of shortening. Richard John Lugo Age 13 East Earl, PA Mark’s U.M. Church, in Mt. Joy Wednesday Oct. 29 Society 24 meeting at 7:30 p.m. Thursday Oct. 30 Society 11 meeting at 1:30 p.m. Lancaster County Farm Women Society Con vention at the Farm and Home Center. IS CELEBRATING ITS GREAT SAVINGS FOR YOU SAVE THROUGH-OUT THE STORE Now in progress thru Saturday, November Ist 4 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU BANK AMERICARD - MASTER CHARGE WELCOME XXX Hamburger Noodle Casserole 2 lbs. ground beef, fried with a bit of onion 1 (i ib,) bog noodle*, cooked 1 (l lb.) Jar Chccz Whiz 1 can cream of mushroom soup 1 can cream of celery soup 1 can tomato soup 1 can vegetarian vegetable soup Saturday Nov. 1 WITH Angus activities scheduled Farm Activities A family style turkey supper will be served at the Old Penryn Fire Hall on Nov. 1, time 4:00-8:00 p.m. Dinner will be served by the Ladies Auxiliary to the Penryn Fire Co. Proceeds to benefit the Ladies Auxiliary. CUT HEATING COST, STAY WARM DURING POWER FAILURES, with this HEATEIW li • Bi metal thermostat • Cast-iron grate • Firebrick liner • Heavy metal jacket • Shipping wt, 178 lbs. • Immediately available FIRE GRATE DOUBLES FIREPLACE HEAT OUT°UT • No installation • 61 watt blower • 2 in tubes • Shipping wt„ 67 lbs. • Immediately available Fuelmiser Furnace Heat-Reclaimer -I CONSERVE ENERGY AND SAVE MONEY - Operates solely on heat that is normally wasted Reduce your heating budget 15 to 30 percent and enjoy some free heat COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC - EASY TO INSTALL - HEAT BASEMENT, GAME ROOM, GARAGE, OR ROOM OF YOUR CHOICE HOT WATER SYSTEMS - SUPPLEMENT WITH RECLAIMED HOT AIR HEAT - Solve hard to heat areas The FUELMISER is installed into the exhaust stack of your furnace SEE ON DISPLAY AT ROOT'S AUCTION CONTACT HIESTAND DISTRIBUTORS MC RDI, Marietta, PA 17547 Phone 1717| 426-3286
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