4—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Oct 25.1975 Poultry Market Reports Weekly New York Egg Market Monday, October 20 to Friday, October 24 Mon. Toes. Wed. Tbura. WHITE EX. Urge 61 61 61 61 61 Urge 59 59 59 59 59 Mediums 56 56 56 56 56 Pullets 45 46 46 46 46 Peewees 32 33 33 33 33 BROWN Urge 64 64 64 64 64 Mediums Unquoted Pullets Unquoted Peewees Unquoted Off Grade Large 54 54 54 54 54 Checks 37*6 37% 37% 37% 37% Tone Irregular on large; balance steady. Copyright 1975 Urner Barry Publications New Holland Dairy Wednesday, Oct. 22 Reported receipts of 106 500-910; load of Cumberland cows, 5 heifers and no bulls. Co. cows 425-645 and load of Market reported steady. Pa. cows 300-595. Load of Franklin Co. cows Locally consigned cows 550-940; springers 550-830; 350-800 and springing heifers load of Pa. cows fresh 575- 375-485. HAY, STRAW & EAR CORN SALE Every Wednesday at 12 Noon. We Give the Buyer and Seller Our Personal Attention. PAUL Z. MARTIN SALES STABLES 2 miles East of Intercourse SALE MANAGED BY HARVEY Z. MARTIN r : ' New Idea’s Manure Spreaders USED SPREADERS! Money-Saving Values In Top Quality Reconditioned Manure Spreaders If you need a top-performing manure spreader, but don’t want to buy a new one, now’s the time to see us' Chances are we have a reconditioned, quality-built New Idea spreader of the size and type that’s just right for your farm Come in and look them over They’re priced right l First in Spreai since 1899' We make your job a little easier. L L ECKROTH FARM EQUIP , INC New Ringgold Ph 717 943 2367 N H FLICKER & SONS INC Maxatawny Ph 215 683 7252 MILLER EQUIPMENT Bechtelsville Ph 215 845 2911 STANLEY'S FARM SERVICE RD Khngerstown Ph 717 648 2088 SHARTLESVILLE FARM EQUIPMENT Sharhesville PA 215 488 1326 H Daniel Wenger Prop 780; load of Wisconsin cows A C HEISEY FARM EQUIP INC RDI Jonestown Ph 717 865 4526 STANLEY A KLOPPINC Bernville Ph 215 488 1500 UMBERGERS MILL RD4 Lebanon (Fontana) Ph 717 867 5161 ZIMMERMAN'S FARM SERVICE Bethel Ph 717 933 4H4 New England Weekly Shell Egg Report Tuesday, October 21,1975 Prices paid per dozen Grade "A” brown eggs in cartons delivered to retail stores: EX. LARGE LARGE MEDIUM SMALL MASS.+ 72-77 68-76 62-73 46-55 Mostly 73-75 69-71 63-65 49-51 NEWHAMP. 70-77 66-73 60-67 46-53 Mostly 70-71 68-69 60-63 48-49 R. I. 76-77 72-73 66-67 52-53 VERMONT 74-80 70-77 64-71 Mostly 74-75 70-73 64-68 MAINE 74-76 70-72 64-66 -Hncludes Central and Western Sections Only. Frl. Fogelsville Sale of Tuesday, October 21 Prices paid dock weights, cents per pound, except where noted. No market report available at press. Directions Take Rt. 22 thruway. Exit at FOgelsville Exit. North to stop lite in Fogelsville, turn left, proceed one block, turn left again at Cracker Barrel Restaurant. Auction right side 100 ft. from your last left turn. Martinsburg Auction Martinsburg, Pa. Oct. 20,1975 CATTLE 349. Compared 2 week’s ago market; Choice slaughter steers 44.25-47.00, Good 40.00-45.00, Standard & Low Good 30.00-41.25, Utility 25.00- Choice slaughter heifers 39.25-42.85, few Good 28.00- few Standard 24.00- few Utility 20.00- 27.00. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 24.00-26.00, few Com mercial 23.75-29.75, Cutters 21.00- Canners 17.00- 20.85, Shells down to 15.00. Few Good slaughter bullocks 31.00- few Standard 23.00- few Utility 20.00- 26.00. Couple Yield Grade No. 1 1455 and 1560 lbs. slaughter bulls 30.25 and 31.35; couple yield grade No. 2 1125 and 1295 lbs. 27.50 and 29.75. Medium & Good 400- 800 lbs. feeder steers 26.00- 29.00, lot Choice 34.75; Good & Choice 340-560 lbs. feeder heifers 24.00-28.00; few Good & Choice 430-670 lbs. feeder bulls 23.00-27.50. CALVES 317. Few Choice vealers 54.50-63.50, Good 44.50-56.00, Standard 30.00- 42.00, Utility 110-130 lbs. 25.00- 90-120 lbs. 18.00- 26.00, 60-85 lbs. 14.00-21.50. Farm calves active, holstein bulls 90-120 lbs. 22.00-32.00; few holstein heifers 100-120 lbs. 18.00-27.00; few beef cross bulls & heifers 17.50- 27.00. HOGS 471. US No. 1-2 200- 240 lbs. barrows & gilts 60.20- 60.70, No. 1-3 200-240 lbs. 59.70-60.30, No. 2-3 230-260 lbs. 59.00-59.60, No. 2-4 250- 300 lbs 54.00-58.00. US No. 1-3 300-590 lbs. sows 52.25-53.85, few No. 2-3 520-575 lbs. 48.75- 52.85, few Utility 295-440 lbs. 30.50-48.00. Boars 32.00-38.00, few light weights 40.50-54.00. FEEDER PIGS 75. US No. 1-3 25-30 lbs. feeder pigs 30 00 per head, No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 33.50-34.00, lot No. 1-3 60 lbs. 52.50 per head SHEEP 13 Few Choice 85- 110 lbs. wooled slaughter lambs 38.00-45.00, couple Good 80 and 120 lbs 25 00 and 26 00 Few Slaughter ewes Delmarva Broiler-Fryer Market Wednesday, Oct. 22 Ready to cook movement continues light however lower asking prices stimulated interest in some quarters. Slaughter schedules increased slightly overall. Today’s less than trucklot asking prices ranged unchanged to 1 cent lower on both plant and US grade A. Advance interest fairly active at 45 cent level. Live supplies adequate at often heavier than desired weights. Undertone steady. Negotiated trucklot prices 2-3 lb. ready to cook broiler fryers for delivery next week: Plant Grade 45. Current broiler-fryer negotiated prices for im mediate delivery mostly multiple-drop shipments to New York City from Delmarva. Range; US Grade A 47-48; Plant Grade 46-47; Premium US Grade A 49-55; Premium Plant Grade 48-53. Wtd Avg. US Grade A 47.33; Plant Grade 46.35; Premium US Grade A 53.71; Premium Plant Grade 52.74. Baltimore Eggs Wednesday Oct. 22 Market steady. Demand fair for larger sizes fairly good on mediums and smalls. Floor stocks adequate with shipping point offerings fully adequate. Cartoned Eggs: Prices to retailers, state graded (min one case sale) White: Grade A Large 63-66; Grade A Medium 58-61 Why Have Your Eggs Roll Down a Bowling Alley? Your eggs can be packed and graded with T L C * when you process with Staalkat equipment The Staalkat is designed with controlled egg handling accuracy to give you, the egg processor and producer full efficiency performance Each part of the Staalkat has been de signed with simplicity of maintenance, operating cost savings and maximum utilization of egg handling capac ity And with all this you still get plenty of TLC* Models available for any size operation *Tender Loving Care Staalkat NEST RUN EGGS Prices are from Egg Clearinghouse, Inc., (EC!) Durham, N.H. and reflect trading prices for gradcablc nest run eggs (GNR) on ECI, a natloimldetradJng center for producers, packers and marketers. GNR eggs arc classified by weight In 30-dozen cas«, and traded In lota of cither 300 or 750 cases. Prices are FOB buyers dock, and arc computed Tuesday and Thursday of each week. This week’s prices for each classification were: Classification P ' r £“ ,e Thursday Extra Large ® 0 Class 1 • Large f jj* so Class 3 ■ Medium JJlbs. 47 48 Qass 4 • Small 37 Breaking Stock JJ 46 Checks 461bs - 3 » 39 50-52 Eastern PA &NJ Philadelphia Eggs Live Hen Report Wednesday, Oct. 22 Prices steady. Cartoning , i, . . nn demand fair at best. Of. Prices held unchanged on ferings Qf aU light type hens. Offerings a( |equa£e to ample. Un increased somewhat dertoM nQ better th however generally short of a ste _ dv fairly good demand. Of ferings of heavy type barely Prices to retailers: Sales adequate for a fair steady to volume buyers, consumer interest. grades white eggs in cartons. .. . . r ... Delivered: Store Door Prices paid at farm: Light type hens 7-9, mostly BM>-9 in A Extra Large 64-65% a Pa., mostly 8%-9 in NJ. Large 63-64%, A Medium' Heavy type hens TFEWR. 58%-60. Know Where the Activities Will Be? Read the Farm Women Calendar. P.O. Box 266 - Lititz, PA 17543 Office: 22 E. Main St., Lititz, PA 17543 Record-Express Office Building Phone: Lancaster7l7-394-3047 | or Lititz 717-626-2191 j:': Dieter Krieg, Editor Melissa Piper, Associate Editor | Jack Farmakis, National Sales Manager 151 Danforth Drive New Canaan, Conn. 06840 Ph. 203-966-1746 Subscription Price: $3 per year. £ jij; Established November 4,1955 jj % Published every Saturday by Lancaster Farming •£ Lititz, PA $ Second Class Postage paid at Lititz, PA 17543 £ Members of Newspaper Farm Editors Assn Pa Newspaper Publishers Association and National Newspaper Association New Weight X \W// Va 215 Diller Ave. New Holland, Pa 17557 Phone 717-354-4576 V ASAfSs//Sj>' Wednesday, Oct. 22
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