20—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Oct 25. 1975 Senator Scott tours area farm (Continued from fagt 1| had made many “farming friends” in the southeastern Pa, community. Talks to Newsmen During the press con ference, Senator Scott denied reports that he would soon be named as the am bassador to China. The Senator did explain that he had talked to the president about embassadorships but had recommended George Bush for the appointment. "Unless sources know more than I,” the Senator stated, he would be taking the position. When asked if he would be Noah Wenger (right) Stevens, shows Senator Scott one of the farm’s baby beef animals. The Republican minority leader of the Senate, toured Produce prof itab results with Pennf ield's Swim Finisher Program running for office next year, the Senator noted that although the definite decision had not been made, he had set up an office in Erie. He told the newsmen to "wait and see.” Speaking on the failure of some unions to allow grain to be loaded for Rusiia, the Senator, explained that boycotting could only hurt the detents. He also stated that long term agreements for both the European countries and Russia for grains would be the best alternative. During his remarks at the banquet later in the day, the the Wenger farm before speaking at a dinner meeting sponsored by the Lancaster County Farmer's Association on Oct 11. Senator noted his concern over the natural gas situation for this winter. Naming Pa. as the 6th worse state for shortages, Senator Scott, commented on the concern that this might cause for heating. The Senator recommended lif ting price controls and en couraging intrastate trade for the natural material. Secs Beef Cattle Although rain hampered the Senator’s tour of the Wenger farm, the Republican leader, did visit the bam to view a sampling of the Wenger’s beef animals. Posing with the Senator Hugh Scott was the guest the Senator following a tour of the of the Lancaster Farmer’s Noah Wenger farm in Stevens, is Ivan Association for a tour of the county Yost (left) and Don Hershey (right) last Friday (Oct. 17). Pictured with officers of the organization. animals and Wenger’s daughters for pictures, the Senator remarked about the size of the animals noting that they represented a “lot of meat.” Directors Elected Following Senator Scott’s address at the farmer's banquet, new directors for the Lancaster County organization were elected. The following members were named to a two year post - Harold Ney, Marietta Rl; Ralph Hostetler, Mt. Joy R 2; James Shertzer, Millport Rd., Lancaster; Reid Wissler, Ephrata R 2; Lester Wiker, Holtwood R 2; A. Dale Herr, Kirkwood Rl and Robert Wagner, Quarryville R 2. Pennfield #631 Swine Finisher Feed adds the finishing * n P e^et touch to growing and fattening swine weighing 150 improve 1 pounds or more. These pellets contain Tylan®, used to rnea ' e promote weight gain and improve feed efficiency. withdraw< Supplemental Lysine is added to insure good amino Mail* the acid balance. Complete Tvlan* <Tvlosm Elanco Products Co ) FFA film sponsored by (3BA-GEIGY GREENSBORO, N.C. - Fanner and national Star Again this year as every Agribusinessman, year since 1972, the Agricultural Division of This film is designed for Ciba-Geigy Corporation is use by vocational sponsoring the Future agricultural instructors, and Farmers of America Stars others “Crested in showing film the youthful dynamics of The film depicts the farm American agriculture. It is and business operations of produced and distributed each of the four regional Star through a grant to the American Farmers and Star National FFA Foundation. Agribusinessmen. An ad- The 1975 stars film and ditional segment to be filmed those from previous years at Kansas City during the may be borrowed free of cost National FFA Convention by writing Venard Films, will show the selection of the Box 1332, Peoria, Illinois national Star American 61601.
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