12—UmcMtT Farmlnt. Saturday, Oct. 25. 1975 Gary Stauffer is shown with his FFA North Atlantic Regional Proficiency Award that he won prior to being named as an American Farming Degree recipient. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Eli B. Stauffer, New Holland Rl, Gary is employed by M. M. Weaver. Auto Service Tips BRAKB FLWP SHOULP BE CHECREP AT REGULAR INTERVALS, WITH A SCREWDRIVER, PRV OFF THE RETAINING 1 l) INIRE CL/R THATHOLPS 'J) hHe cover on tee Nov MASTER CVUNPER ANP \y]/^ POUR IN ENOUGH FRAME NL ' FLU IP TO REER COMPARTMENT FILLER 15 WITHIN 1/4 INCH OF THE HOP Put a new mm 200 High-Density ||| Stack System on your farm today... Pay no finance charges until April 1,1976. That's right' If you purchase a John Deere 200 Stack Wagon 200 Stack Mover, or 230 Shredder/Feeder and arrange for financing through John Deere Finance Plans you pay no finance charges until April 1 1976 Why not put this money-saving stack c v sm on 'ik job novv at a time when the o; w li probably never be lower Stop in and us Tor complete details today Landis Bros. Inc. Lancaster 717 393 3906 Adamstown Equipment Inc. Mohnton, RD2, Pa 19540 I near Adamstownj 215 484 4391 M. S. Yearsley & Sons West Chester 215 696 2990 Agway, Inc. Allentown Equipment Center Chapman. Pa 215 395 3381 X'v - - A.B.C. Groff, Inc. New Holland 717 354 4191 Pikeville Equipment Inc. Oyster Dale Road Oley RD2, PA 215 987 6277 Neuhaus’es, Inc. Glen Rock, Pa 717-235 1306 Stanley A. Klopp, Inc Bernville, Pa 215 488 1510 I. G.'s Ag Sales Sifverdale, Pa 18962 215 257 5136 Youth captures ag award (ConliriMd from Pigs .( Weaver's a Massey* Ferguson dealership near New Holland. Gary, who has demon strated outstanding abilities in mechanical work, is serving the dealership as a sales and service employee. The youth has been responsible for setting up equipment, demonstrating machinery to buyers and even constructing equipment as it comes from the factory. Gary’s work at M. M. Weaver’s and also on two dairy farms, helped the young man to be selected for the award, in the work ex perience category. Gary wasn’t sure that he’d won the award until he was notified earlier this month. “I was happy when I received the letter because I knew there were some areas that I hadn’t done a lot of work in, but I kept hoping.” During his high school career, Gary served the Grassland FFA Chapter as student advisor and also served as chairman of the earnings and savings committee, which involved quite a lot of attention. The young man also participated on the parliamentary procedure team, the livestock and poultry judging teams for the chapter. There’s been a lot of talk about the Individual Retirement When it's finally time to retire, there's a chance your social security check alone won't be enough. So if you're not covered by any pension plan except social secur ity, you should know about our new Individual Retirement Account. We'll help you choose the retirement savings plan best suited for your needs. A plan that will pay the maximum inter est permitted by law. And, if you would like to deposit on a regular basis, when the balance in your IRA savings account reaches $5OO you may transfer the funds into a Farmers First Certificate of De posit. This will increase your earnings toward retirement ’ Federal regulations p ouide substantial penalties for early withdrawals from your IRA Gary received the Keystone Fanning Degree in 1972 during his senior year and was selected as the North Atlantic Regional Proficiency Winner for work experience the following summer. Gary also garnered EVEN THE EARNINGS ARE TAX-FREE UNTIL YOU RETIRE The People Bonk FARMERS FIRST MK numerous awards for Ws record books which received several gold medals. While attending Garden Spot High School. Gary also served on various FFA committees which ranged from citrus sales to planning the annual banquet. While the youth was Basically this new account allows you to deposit as much as 15% of your income, up to $l5OO per year, into a retirement savings plan. The deposits made during the calendar are deductible from income. This your gross savings for you Remember, the money you put away and the earnings on it won’t be taxable until you retire.* And by then, chances are you'll be in a much lower tax-bracket. To get the facts and see how you talk to banker can save taxes, your personal at Farmers First today. Member F D I C pleased that he had been chosen for the award, the honor did not Interrupt him from going ahead with his work. Gary recently traveled to Ohio and Canada to pick up machinery for farmers served by Weaver’s and has also been busy demonstrating equipment and helping to service the machinery for area farmers. NEW & USED SNOWMOBILES New: 71 Moto Ski Elec. $795 72 Polaris 530 Mustang $1195 73 Polaris 340 SS $985 ■74 JD XS $1125 74JD295S $1385 Used: 74 JD 600 $BOO 71 Ski Doo Nordic $485 '6B Polaris Charger*. Wankel $685 '6B Moto Ski Twin 600 $495 70 Polaris Charger Elec. $475 '6B Arche Cat 295 Elec, $385 KERMIT K. KISTLER Lynnport, Pa. (2151298-3270 new Account year means a tax
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