local Livestock Market. Auction News St. Louis Auction Octobers Good 800 lbs. 40.25. Load WEEKLY CATTLE mostly good Holstcins 1150 REVIEW: lbs, 40.25, Standard and Good RECEIPTS 8,500; week ago 8,800; year ago 7,000. Compared to last Tuesday, Slaughter steers and heifers uneven, largely steady. Cows mostly 1.00 higher, Bulls steady. Supply mixed Good and Choice 900*1100 lb. Steers 6& 2-4 with Choice 1150-1250 lbs. Scarce. Near 22 percent heifers; 15 percent cows and balance feeder cattle. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 1000-1200 lbs. YG 2-4 48.00- 900-1000 lbs. 47.00- Mixed Good and Choice 900-1200 lbs. 46.00- 48.00. Good 1000-1300 lbs. 42.00- Part load mostly Baltimore USDA Report High dressing dairy breeds CATTLE 400. Salughter 26.00, Cutters 18.50-22.50, steers & hefiers 50 cents to $1 Canner & Low Cutters 15.50- lower. Cows firm to 50 cents i 8.50. BULLS: Yield Grade higher. Bulls steady. Supply n O . i 1400.1570 lbs. 26.50- 35 percent slaughter steers & 27.50; 1000-1400 lbs. 25.00- hefiers, 55 percent cows, 27.60, one at 30.00; one Good balance few feeders and bullock 1000 lbs. at 32.50, few „„„ „ , . Standard 780-1075 lbs. 22.00- STEERS: Couple lots 24.25. FEEDER CATTLE: Choice yield grade 2-3 970- Few Good & Choice steers 1200 lbs. 50.25-51.25, Good 650-900 lbs. 32.50-36.75. 875-1200 lbs. 40.10-46.50, HOGS 750. Barrows & Gilts Standard & Low Good yeild $1 to $1.25 higher. US No. 1-3 grade 2-3 1000-1225 lbs. 35.50- 200-240 lbs. 64.50-65.00, 23 40.00. HEIFERS: High Good head 65.25, No. 2-3 230-260 & Choice yeild grade 2-3 759- lbs. 64.00-64.50, No. 2-4 250- 1200 lbs. 40.00-43.00, Good 280 lbs. 63.00-64.00. Sows 697-1005 lbs. 32.00-37.00, few steady. US No. 1-3 300-600 Standard & Low Good 28.00- lbs. 52.00-53.00, few near 300 30.00. COWS: Utility & lbs. 54.0(W4.50. Commercial 21.50-25.35, few ! * ! ■ JL. SHARON BROWN A two year employee of Babcock Farms, Sharon Brown is a member of our very efficient accounting staff. Mrs. Brown is responsible for the bookkeeping portion of the accounting function. A valuable member of the Babcock Farms team, Sharon is another good reason for you to do business with Babcock Farms. Jjgli P.O. BOX 285 LITITZ, PENNSYLVANIA 17543 TELEPHONE (717) 626-8561 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••«•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1000-1200 lbs. 37.50-39.50. Standard 900-1100 lbs. 29.50- 30.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Couple loads Choice in cluding Prime 950 lbs. YG 2-4 48.00. Choice 800-1000 lbs.G 2-4 45.50-47.75, mostly 46.50- 47.50. Mixed Good and Choice 700-1000 lbs. 43.00- 46.00. Good 38.00-43.00. COWS: Utility and Commercial 22.50-24.50, few 25.00- Cutter 19.00-22.50. Canner and low cutter 15.00- 19.00. Canner 650-800 lbs. 13.00- BULLS: YG 1-2 1100-1800 lbs. 22.00-26.00. K >;H. . qr %•*** t Oklahoma Cattle Oct. 2 Thun. Feeder Cattle Auction Estimated Receipts 9,200 Same day last week 8,669 Trade active, Feeder Steers and Heifers generally steady, instances SO cents off on Heifers under 500 lb. Majority receipts Mixed Good and Choice and Choice 400-800 lb. Feeder cattle and calves. Moderate attendance buyers. FEEDER STEERS: Choice 300-500 lb. 34.00-36.75, part load 369 lb. at 39.00,500- 600 lb. 35.50-37.50, load 552 lb. at 39.00, 600830 lb. 36.00- 38.75, couple lots and part load 613-906 lb. at 39.25-39.60. Mixed Good and Choice 350- 500 lb. 29.50-34.00, bulk 30.00- 32.00, 500800 lb. 32.75-35.75, 600850 lb. 33.00-36.25. Good 400600 lb. 25.25-32.00, largely Lancaster Cattle Friday, Sept, 26 Feeder Cattle This Week 1183 Last Week 1697 TREND: Feeder steers uneven, weights over 700 lb. slow, steady to 1.00 lower. Weights under 700 lb. steady to 1.00 higher, some sales 2.00 higher on early sales. FEEDER STEERS: Lot Choice 900 lb. 39.00;. mixed Good and Choice 800-950 lb. 35.5087.75, 500-750 lb. 32.00- 37.25; Good 500-700 lb. 29.25- 35.00; Good 400-550 lb. 26.50- 31.00, one lot 410 lb. 34.25; Standard and Good 350-600 lb. 21.00-25.00. Babcock Farms completed its fiscal year on September 30,1975. We thank you, our good friends, for your help in making our fiscal year a success. In future ads, we will share with you plans we have to make Babcock Farms a more valuable asset for you, our customers. We are dedicated to the poultry industry and to better serving our customers. The Babcock B-300 layer we are hatching today is the best layer Babcock has produced. May we have your next order for Babcock Chicks or Started Pullets? 27.00-31.00, few scattered sales 600892 lb. Holstclns 21.5026.80. FEEDER HEIFERS; Choice 350500 lb. 25.0027.00, 500750 lb. 27.5031.00. mixed Good and Choice 300500 lb. 22.0026.00. 500700 lb. 24.50 27.50. Good 300675 lb. 19.00 24.50, bulk 20.0023.00. CATTLE FOE THE WEEK: Feeder steers and heifers remained mostly steady, with some sales weak to 50 cents lower on weights under 500 lb. Slaughter cows finished the week averaging about steady, while slaughter bulls closed fully steady. Light supply of slaughter heifers closed generally steady to weak. Salable supply this week numbered near 29,400 compared to 27,200 head last week, and 23,107 last year. New Holland Horse Auction Monday, Sept. 28 Reported reciepts of 522 head of horses, mules and ponies. Market lower than last week. Load of New York driving horses 125-220; load of Illinois driving horses 175- 900 and load of Tennessee riding horses 235-670. Local work horses 280-390; mules 175-230; better horses 255-490; riding horses 150- 225; lightweight killers 17-19; heavyweight killers 22-24; mares 15-40; colts 10-30; geldings 15-35 and larger ponies 50-130. "The Sign of Quality” , Hyisiow of Bkstm V- v*. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Oct 4.1975 Greencastle, Pa. Sept. 29,1975 CATTLE 218. Compared with last Monday’s market, slaughter cows steady to 81 higher. Individual Good slaughter steer at 40.50, few Standard 30.25-37.00, few Utility 20.00-26.75. Individual Standard slaughter heifer at 30.50. Utility and High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 22.10-24.75, Cutters 19.85-21.35, Canner* 18.00- 19.85, Shells down to 14.75. Individual Standard slaughter bullock at 27.60, one Utility at 25.50. Few Yield Grade No. 1, 1200-1900 lbs. slaughter bulls 26.25- 28.85. CALVES 258. Vealera $1 to $7 lower. Few Choice vetlers LANCASTER FEEDER Tnesday, Sept. 30 US 2 44-59 lb. 134.00-144.00, Feeder Pigs 59-66 lb. 120.00-134.00, 71-74 2372 lb. 114.00-122.00, 73-93 lb. 2029 90.00-100.00. Today Two Weeks Ago TREND: Compared to two us 2-3 3246 1b.136..00- weeks ago feeder pigs rw^ 138 ' 00 ’ uneven, mostly steady to 7.00 lb. 117.50-124.00. higher, instances 20.00 US 3 26-50 lb. 133.00-145.00, higher on US 3. All prices on Few 12 7.00-i31.00; 50-57 lb. a per hundred weight basis, i 22.00-128.00, One lot 62 lb. US 1-2 lb. 132.00- 1190 °- 142.00, Couple lots 69 lb. 115.00-129.00 Want to Find a New Recipe? Read Home on the Range. * -v* *l Greencastle 4t.0044.00, Good 37.00-40.00, Standard 27.00-37.00. Utility 90-115 lbs. 24.00-27.00, 7045 lbs. 21.00-24.00. HOGS 45. Barrows and gilts steady. US No. 1-3 205- 230 lbs. barrows and gilts 63.85-64.00, few No. 2-3 195- 265 lbs. 61.25-62.50, lot No. 1-3 155 lbs. at 48.75. US No. 1-3 300-460 lbs. sows 51.5045.00. Few Boars 43.25-44.00. FEEDER PIGS 16. Lot US No. 1-3 30 lbs. feeder pigs at 28.00 per head, few No. 1-3 65- 75 lbs. 53.0044.00 per head, lot Utility 100 lbs. at 55.00 per hundred weight. SHEEP 26. Utility and Good 55-105 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 28.0044.00, individual at 36.00, few Utility 4045 lbs. 20.00-28.00. Utility 29-44 lb. 100.00- 121.00. 7
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