Bicentennial Farm, Features Agrifacts . . . The Great Depression saw a massive fluctuation in farm prices Farmer income sky rocketed from S'? billion m 1914 to $l7 billion in 1919, only to plummet to S 5 billion by 1932 COMPLETE FARM PAINTING .«5 „ We Use Quality PAINT AND IT DOES STAY ON" AERIAL LADDER EQUIPMENT * Modern and Efficient Method * Reasonable Prices ♦ Spray On and Brush-In Method • Sandblasting if Necessary FOR FREE ESTIMATES WRITE ESH SPRAY . PAINTING (DanietS Esh) (C Ralph Miller) SPRAY-ON AND BRUSH-IN PAINTER BOX 350 A RONKS. PA 17572 Cmo. FOR TODAYS MOST ECONOMICAL MILK and BEEF PRODUCTION VALUE PLUS - COSTS LES FULL SERVICE DEALER MOPRO LIQUID SUPPLEMENT PENNFIELD feeds AVAILABLE FROM; —: ELMER SHREINIR T-A GOOD’S FEED MILL RDI, NEW PROVIDENCE, PA _PHONE (717) 786-2500 The Good Year blimp, seen here framed by sections of a disc, was at the Ag Progress Show, held at Malta, Illinois on the James Willrett Farm. That in itself was an indicator of the size of the event, because the blimp one of only three Good Year has in the United States does not make appearances just anywhere. q) 710 SEMI-MOUNTED PLOW-5 AND 6 BOTTOM ■ Big and tough, but easy to handle ■ Huge 30-m vertical clearance for heaviest trash ■ Steerable tail wheel for short turns , fully automatic or spring-trip beams ■ On-land or m-furrow hitches ■ Category II or 111 3- pomt hitch or Fast-Hitch 16or18-m bottoms MESSICK FARM EQUIP. ELIZABETHTOWN COPE & WEAVER CO. NEW PROVIDENCE SWOPE & BASHORE, INC. MVERSTOWN RDI (Frystown) 717-933 4138 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER OakwoodLaneatßt 873 Near Neffs (Schnecksville Pa) 215 767 3806 or 437 4813 Built tough for deep plowing INTERCOURSE 717 367 1319 HERITAGE INTERNATIONAL, INC. 717 786 7351 1054 S Stale St 717 733 Z 283 C. B. HOOBER & SON R. S. HOLLINGER & SON MOUNTVILLE ERB & HENRY EOOIP. INC. 22 26 Henry Ave New Beihnville, PA 1 Mile North of Boyertown Phone 215 367 2169 i * * 717 786 8231 Ephrata PA 717 285 4538
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers