—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Oct. 4, 1975 12 If you were the soil, this is what you could expect coming straight at you in the Midwest once crops were harvested. This plow had 14 bottoms. A 600- horsepower tractor pulled it with ease. The Ag Progress show was seen by nearly half a million people, many of which flew directly to the site in private planes. On the first day of the show, traffic was lined up for seven miles in spite of rains which turned the grounds to mud. Lancaster Farmii* Photo by Dieter Kriec mmmm to Fit Your Exact Needs. 961 bu. *575. 1205 tu. *625. , SUPPLY CENTER {agway) 1027 Dillerville Rd street Highway (.ancaster Pa Tem p,e, Pa 717-397-4761 215-929-5794 Open Friday Eve. til 8 p.m. 0 Mon thru Fri 810 5 Mon. thru Thurs. Bto 5 Sj , gto Noon Sat. 8 to Noon Farmers Fertilizer Works, Inc. in Elizabethtown has been selected as your Certified Crop Care Center. i I t | t'uy, n M if 'f Ed Millhouse In recognition of professionalism as a supplier of farm services Ed Millhouse of Farmers Fertilizer Works, Inc. has been named as a •member of the new Certified Crop Care network. Crop Care is a unique concept in farm supply service, especially designed for you, the progressive farm businessman Management takes time Time to plan Time to think Time to make decisions Good management also takes professional help and advice when and where it is needed Your Crop Care dealer offers these services, designed to give you the kind of professional hefp you need to better manage your cropping programs 1 Complete, accurate, soil testing service. Your Certified Crop Care dealer will assist you in obtaining soil samples and will send them for you to a leading soil analysis laboratory The laboratory soil analysis and computerized fertilizer recommendations will be reviewed with you and an application plan developed 2 Plant analysis. Your Crop Care dealer will help you take samples, and handle ail details of the tests He will provide you the printed report analysis along with expert interpretation This service pinpoints deficiencies in uptake of plant food nutrients 2 One-source responsibility for your farm chemicals Your Certified Crop Care dealer offers weed and pest control programs as well as fertilization of your crop land Your Crop Care dealer is qualified to render a complete range of services from planting to harvest Your Certified Crop Care dealer pledges to offer farmers: • Products and services best suited for maximum, efficient crop production under local growing conditions • Sound counsel on crop production, based on soil test and plant analysis services • Product application equipment and services that fit customer needs • A staff of professional people with the experience, knowledge and capability to relate to local grower requirements • A progressive retail business dedicated to building and maintaining high standards in quality of products and services 4 Professional counsel. Your Crop Care dealer is well informed on all matters associated with efficient and profitable crop production He is a most valuable source of information about successful farming ideas used in the area And he can draw on the experiences and techniques of other Crop Care dealers, too 5 Skilled, professional application. As a part of his total Crop Care service, your dealer offers custom application of fertilizer and other farm chemicals Application may be made by one of your Crop Care dealer crews Or he may arrange for application by a qualified applicator The services your Crop Care dealer offers are designed to help you get maximum yield, and to free up your time to do what yoCi do best Manage. Your Certified Crop Care dealer can provide professional advice and services to help you do it better. Remember, you get Certified Crop Care Center services only where you see this sign <g> Crop Care ■ Center
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