THURS. OCT. 2 • 9:30 A.M. Public Sale of Farm Eaulpmcnt located 8 mllea South of Chamberiburg, Pa.. 1 mile Ea«t of Marion. Juit East off Rte. 81 at Marion eS. Rte. 914. Ralph W. Annual State Graded Feeder Calf Sale at the Danville Livestock Market Friday, October 10, 7.00 P,M. This is one of the top Graded Feeder Calf sales in the state. To get the top dollar for your calves, consign them to Danville. Phone (717) 275-2880 Owners Charles C. Myer Melvin M. Lehman (717) 964-3621 (717) 569-2106 ientleman Fanner To Sell Valuable Properly at PUBLIC AUCTION SAt, SEPTEMBER 13, A beautiful 100 year old farmhouse with adjoining 40 acres in historical setting, Lancaster County, Penn sylvania, will be sold at public auction September 13, 1975 at 2:00 P.M. AUCTIONEER: KERSEY BRADLEY CLERK MISS BRADLEY. 'Auction by order of owner, Murl P. Clerk, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Property includes beautiful farmhouse, eight full-sized rooms, modem baths and kitchen, full basement. Foundation solid with 2 ft. stone walls, slate roof and a huge fireplace. The house is nestled among large shade trees just off driveway entrance. PROPERTY WILL BE OFFERED COMPLETE OR SOLD IN PARCELS AS FOLLOWS: +TWENTY ACRES sub-divided, zoned and approved for building, with water and sewage available. +TWENTY ACRES of rich pasture lands, huge bam and silo (ideal for dairy farming)... Bam modernized for 60 head of cows adjacent to farmhouse. Wonderful location for horse farm. +FARMHOUSE AND LOT 130 ft. x 240 ft., sold separately. Grounds are located at Strasburg, RDI, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, 17579. Property' bordered by North Jackson Street and North Decatur Street ap proximately six miles from rural area of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Inspection by appointment with owner, Murl P. Clark, prior to sale, or September 13th prior to auction. Mr. Clark’s office telephone: 717-687-7615 residence: 717-687-7814. Terms of Sale: 10 percent day of sale. Settlement on or before April 1, 1976. REGISTERED YORKSHIRE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26TH, 1975 Offering 120 head of bred gilts, open gilts, & boars at the LEBANON AREA FAIRGROUNDS, LEBANON CO., 1 mile south of Lebanon oft Rt. 72 on Evergreen Rd. These are heavy boned boars raised on concrete in group lots. Free Lunch For information or catalogue write or call; LEON L ARNOLD 1245 E. Cumberland St. Lebanon, PA 17042 Phone 717-273-5880 SALE BY LAWRENCE. LEON & THOMAS ARNOLD Herat, Sale Manager* Martin, Auctioneer*. JHURS. OCT. 2 7:30 p.m. - feeder and Stocker Calf Sale to be held 1975 2N NN UCT SALE REGISTERED DUROC 7:00 P.M Public Sales Register at the Shenandoah Valley Sales, Inc., 1044 Edom Road, Harrisonburg, t RI. OCT. 3 - Feeder Calf Sale and Show (Show 10 a.m. Sale 1 p.m.) at Farmers Livestock Exchange, Inc. on Rt. 50, West of Winchester, Va. Sale sponsored by Northern Virginia Livestock, Inc. FRI. OCT. 3-1 p.M. Double H Ranch Charolais Dispersal, Harold Heint zelman, owner at the Mid dleburg Auction Barn. Middleburg, Penna. (8 mi. west of Selinsgrove - just south of Interstate 80) Sale managed by Buzz Garey, Momsville, Pa. FRI. OCT. 3 - 4th Penna. Chester White Invitational Show and Sale to be held at the Lebanon County Fairgrounds, located South of Lebanon, Rt. 72 to Rockerty Road, East. Show Time 4:30 p.m., Sale 7:30 p.m. For Catalogs write Charles E. Griest, R 1 Ab bottstown, Pa. Harry H. Bachman, Auctioneer. FRI. OCT. 3 - 1 P.M. 6th Annual Fall Production Yorkshire Sale to be held at the Farm, Tipton, Pa. Sale by Real Farms, Inc., Tipton, Pa. FRI. OCT. 3 - Penna. Chester White Assoc. Show and Sale to be held at the Lebanon Area Fairgrounds. FRI. OCT. 3- Calf Sale at the South Branch Stockyards, Moorefield, West Virginia. SAT. OCT. 4 - 2:00 P.M. Public Sale of Real Estate located 9 miles south of Lancaster, West of Truce off Rt. 272 at Pennsy Road near village of Rawlinsville, or 1 mile North of The Buck. Sale by Robert L. Haldeman, Jr.; Lloyd H. Kreider, Auc tioneer. SAT. OCT. 4 - 1:30 P.M. Feeder Pig Sale. Located 2% miles South of Bethel from US 22 and 6 miles North of Myerstown, Pa. along US 501. 450 to 500 - 40 to 60 lb. choice feeder pigs Hamp shire, Duroc and York Cross. Sale by Norman M. Martin. SAT. OCT. 4 - 9 A.M. Public Sale of Valuable 160 acre farm, farm machinery, 29 head beef herd, Household Goods, Antiques and Real Estate, located 2 Vz miles North-East of Sunbury off CROSSBREDS Mite Hill Road. Sale for the Estate of William Poparrachncy, deceased - Michael C. Pope, Harry P. Pope and Jonn S. Pope, Executors, Sunbury, Pa. Earl Eash, Auctioneer. SAT. OCT. 4 2:00 p.m. - Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate and Persona) Property, 4 acre farm, Vh story frame dwelling, bam and 3 story chicken house located IMi miles south of New Holland, turn off Rt. 23 on Brimmer Ave. to New Holland Road. Terms by Moses Z. Sensenig. Robert E. Martin and Frank L. Steller, Autioneers. SAT. OCT. 4 - 9 A.M. Public Sale of 40 Acre Farm, Household Goods, Antiques and Collectibles, Farm Equipment and Tools on the premises located just off Route 209, % mile Northeast of Elizabethville, Pa. in Washington Township, Dauphin County, ap proximately 40 miles North of Harrisburg, Pa. Sale by T. Frank & Mary Branchick, Estate; Adams and Shoop, Auctioneers. TUES. OCT. 7 5 p.m. - Big Antique and Ist Anniversary Sale at the Farmersville Auction located at Far mersville, 3 miles East of Brownstown, Lancaster Co. Sale by John J. Rutt, Richard Murray, Auc tioneer. WED. OCT. 81p.m. - Penna. Feeder Calf Sale of 250 head at Brookville, Emericksville Sportsman Club. FRI. OCT. 10 7:30 p.m. - Penna. Feeder Calf Sale of 500 head at the Danville Auction Barn. FRI. OCT. 10 1 p.m. - 36th Yorkshire Swine Sale to be held at the farm, Brooks End and Par Kay Farms, Reno H. Thomas, Sale Manager, Beavertown, Penna. SAT. OCT. 11 - Sale of 80 acre farm located along Rothsville Road, near in tersection of Rt. 272 (old Rt. 222) and Rothsville Road, Vz ALAN D. YODER MILKING HERD & BRED HEIFER DISPERSAL FRIDAY, SEPT. 19 (12:00 Noon) SELINSGROVE, PA At the farm. From the north, on Rte. 11-15 turn right or west just before Selinsgrove on Rte. 522, proceed about 2 miles, then turn right on Salem Rd follow 1 mile, turn left on old Rte. 522 to farm. From south, turn left or west on Pine St. [2nd red light] in Selinsgrove, go to Rte 522 and then same directions as above Watch for signs. 63 REGISTERED HOISTEINS (57 Milking Age - 6 Bred Heifers) AH tests up to date for immediate interstate shipment. DAUGHTERS OF FAMOUS SIRES SELLING!! 7 Dtrs. &11 Gr’dtrs. of “Kingpin” —8 by “Lucky” —l6 by “Gent” —ll by “Vem” —6 by Galaxy—3 by Superb—2 by Transmitter —Elevation and others. SERVICE SIRES INCLUDE 17 to Shadyvale Royal Birch - ll to Lucky Typeblazer—4 to Marbeth Stand In —Charmcross Pencor and others. Cows sell with records to 20,745 M. 801 Fat. 4 recs. over 16,000 M. 3 over 15,000 M. 12 over 14,000 M. THIS IS A GOOD HERD A REAL PLACE TO PURCHASE FINE REPLACEMENTS!! 11 fresh in June, July, Aug. -12 due Sept. - Oct. - 9 due Nov. - 6 due Dec. MAKE YOUR PLANS NOW TO ATTEND AND BUY!! Sale starts 12:00 Noon - Lunch Available. R! AUSTIN BACKUS INC. PENNA. HOL. ASSOC. ALAN D - YODER Sale Mgrs. & Auctioneers 839 Benner Pike Owner, Mexico, NY State College, PA RDI . Selinsgrove, PA 717-374-8411 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Saptambar 13.1978—59 mile west of Goister Dairies, Goods, Farm Machinery. Ephrata R 2. Sale by Arthur Tools, Building Supplies and Z. Wolf, Executor of the New Merchandise. Con* lizzie B. Rcttcw Estate, signments accepted at low Dale L. Putt, Auctioneer. commission rates or donations accepted. For sat OCT it - fl'Ofl a M information call 768-3896, Sharp. Paradise Lions dub thL» Community Auction & Flea J 27 - pl * n .*® Market. Located at Paradise r K * u Park, Rt. 30 east of Lan- 1 caster. Antiques, Household other local auctioneers. COMPLETE DISPERSAL WEDNESDAY, SEPT. at 1:30 Sharp 50 Registered ft Hi-Grade Holstein* 50 12 Reg. and Hi-grades 38 Herd consists of 15 fresh or close cows. Balance in all stages of lactation. Interstate tested, pregnancy examined, charts day of sale. Sires represented: Simpson Farm Tidy Gent; Mil- Maple Sammy Watch Boy; Pabst Sir Leader Rag Annie: Vieo Citerion; Forest Lee Centurion Rocket; Penstar Star Dust; Harborcrest Marilyn Dandy; Mil- Maple Philstate Star. J.D. 4000 w-38 loader 1370 hrs.; N.H. Super 717 chopper w-pickup & 1 row corn head; N.H. 276 baler w thrower 3 yrs. old; N.H. 27 Whirl-a-feed blower 2 yrs. old; N.H. 469 haybine; 2 Papec self-unloading wagons w-heavy duty tires & running gear; J.D. 4 bottom 3 pt. hitch plows 2 yrs. old; J.D. 17 disk grain drill; J.D. 2 row corn planter; J.D. 7 ft. mower; I.H.C. 5 bar side rake; I.H.C. 3 section harrow; blower pipe; I.H.C. 400 tractor needs a lot of repairs; old M Farmall for parts only. Sales Mgr. note: Reason for selling, Mr. Wilcox has sold his farm. Most of these cows have good potential if given the proper feed & care. Several pieces of equipment is new in the last 2to 3 yrs. Machinery will sell at 1:30 sharp; cows at approx. 2:15. See you Wed., Sept. 17. Terms: Cash or Good Check. Sale under Cover Auctioneer Arlow Kiehl Sales Manager Gordon Wood - Mansfield, PA Phone 717-549-4901 For the most in advertising coverage and preparing your sale call Wood’s Auction Service. WILCOX MACHINERY Lunch available Owner: Charles Wilcox Wellsboro, PA 17
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