Local Livestock Mar Philadelphia Produce APPLES About Steady Ctn Tray Pack SC Red Delicious USCombination Ex Fey St Fey 80*1381 one lot few 8.00- 10.00 US Fey 113 s 7.00. VA Mclntosh USCom bination ExFcy & Fey 113 s 7.00. WASH Wash ExFcy Controlled Atmosphere Storage Red Delicious 100- 113 s 17.50-16.00 Red Winesaps 100-12Ss 12.50- 13.00. Ctn Cell Pack NY Mclntosh US Com bination ExFcy St Fey 100- 120 s 8.50-9.00. Ctn Film Bag 12-3 lb US No. 1 or Better 2Va" & up NY Mclntosh 5.40. SC Red Delicious 5.40-6.00. VA Mclntosh 4.80. Itt Bu Ctn NJ Red Delicious no grade mark 2%” & up 5.00 W*” & up 4.00. PENNA Summer Rambo no grade mark 3” & up 3.50- 4.00. BEANS—LIMA No supplies BEANS—SNAP Offerings Light NY bu crt Round Green Type 7-7.50. CORN—SWEET About Steady Wirebound crt & sks 4 % dozen Minimum Yellow unless otherwise stated. NJ 4.50-5.00 White one lot 5.50. PENNA 5-5.50 mostly 5.00 White 5.50. Can Your HUSKEE-BILT MAN! Huskee Gives You More! • Full 6x6" Poles • American made steel or aluminum • Spacious Doors • Factory Assembled Trusses* • Top grade lumber throughout • Eave heights to 19' Also Ask About Our.. CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT BUILDING A Thrive Cantor contoNad environment buMng maana heavier healthier animal*, induced labor and toad coal* and ahnoal no manor* handing *r odor. Thay pay for ttwmaalv** In no ton*! YOUR HUSKEE-BILT MAN MUSHROOMS About Steady PENNA 4-qt bkt med-Igc 4.50 fair cond 4-4.25 sml-mcd 3.25-3.50 fair cond 3.00. PEACHES About Steady % bu ert & ctn approx 38-Ib Up Szs no grade mark unless otherwise stated. NJ Blake 2V4" 7.50-7.75 fair appear 6.50-7.00 JH Hale 2Mt" 7.00-8.00 2V4” 7.008.00 Jersey Queen 3" 9.00 2%’’ 8.50 2Mf" 8.00 2V4” 7.00 one lot 8.258.50 Monroe 2’’ 5.50 few hgr Rio Oso Gem 2%” 7.50 2V4” 6.50-7.00 mostly 7.00 2W' 6.50 2” 5.00 Redskin US Ex No. 1 2%” 7.50 Summer Crest 2” 6.00 M> bu hmpr Open Face Heaped med-lge 3.00. PENNA Redskin 2%” 7.50 Loring US Ex No. 1 27.50 Redcrest US Ex No. 1 2V4” 7.50. PEPPERS Calif ofslgt Other abtstdy California Wonder Type Green 1 one-ninth bu crt & ctn unless otherwise stated. CALIF bu ctn Ige fair cond 6-6.50 some low as 5.50 poorer cond 4.50. NJ Ige few 5.00 med-lge 4- 4.50 med 3.504.00 mostly 3.754.00 sml-med 2.50-3.00 sml 2-2.50 Mixed Red Ige 4.00 sml-med 2.50 All Red Ige 5.00 Cuban Type med-lge 2.50- 2.75 Long Hots 4.00 fair qual 2.50-3.00. PENNA Ige one lot 6-6.50 med-lge. 5.00 sml-med 3.00 Mixed Red Ige 4.00 sml-med 3.00. /* » j Is Mervin Miller RD2, Keener Road, Lititz, Penna. Phone 626-5204 Middleburg Auction Middleburg, Pa. September 2,1975 CATTLE 209. Compared with la*t Tuesday’s market, slaughter steers grading Standard and Good SO cents to $1 higher. Slaughter cows strong to mostly $1 to %2 higher. Few Choice slaughter steers 43.85-46.25, Good 39.00-43.25, Standard 32.00- few Utility 25.50 30.00, Few Standard and Good slaughter heifers 30.00 33.50, few UtiUty 24.10-27.75. Utility and High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 22.50 25.00, Cutters 21.00-23.00, Canners 19.00-21.50, Shells down to 16.10. Individual Good slaughter bullock at 31.00, few Standard 28.60 30.75, few Utility 26.75-27.50. CALVES 147. Vealers grading Utility $4 to $5 higher. Few Choice vealers . 48.00-50.00, Good 38.00-46.50, 'Standard 30.00-39.00, Utility 90-110 lbs. 20.00-25.00, 70-85 Jbs. 16.50-21.00. Farm Calves: Holstein bulls 90-115 lbs. 22.00-30.00. HOGS 337. Barrows and gilts 50 cents to $1 higher. Few lots US No. 1-2 210-225 lbs. barrows and gilts 60.30 61.00, No. 1-3 195-245 lbs. 59.50-60.30, No. 2-3 240-260 lbs. 57.80-59.40. US No. 1-3 300-600 lbs. sows 48.00-55.25, few No. 2-3 350-500 lbs. 39.00 45.50. Boars 38.25-44.00. FEEDER PIGS 59. US No. 1-3 25-30 lbs. feeder pigs 29.00- per head, No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 36.50-44.50 per head. SHEEP 27. Choice 85-100 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 38.0041.00, few Good 80-100 lbs. 30.00-36.00. Slaughter ewes 9.00-14.00. ON ALL Km UNILOADERS WE WILL TAKE OFF OUR REGULAR LOW PRICES ON THE FOLLOWING MODELS: THIS VALUABLE OFFER IS GOOD FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY mi The better way to get things done! BINKLEYS DURST BROS. 133 Rothsvilfe Station Rd Lilitz, Pa |7l7| 626-4705 et. Auction News Belleville Auction Belleville, PA Septembers CATTLE 146. Compared with last Wednesday’s market, slaughter cows uneven, 50c lower to 50c higher. Individual Choice slaughter steer at 44.10, couple Good 40.60 and 41.75. Few Standard slaughter heifers 28.90-30.75. Utility and High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 22.40-24.90, Cutters 21.00-22.70, Canners 18.00-20.80, Shells down to 15.50. Few Utility slaughter bullocks 23.75-27.20. Few Yield Grade No. 1,1600-2100 lbs. slaughter bulls 28.70 29.90. CALVES 172, Vealers grading Utility $1.50 to $3 higher. Couple Choice vealers 56.00-61.50, few Good 50.00- few Standard 30.0035.00. Utility 90-110 lbs. 19.00- 7085 lbs. 15.50 18.50. Farm Calves: Holstein bulls 90115 lbs. 22.00-32.50. HOGS 174. Barrows and gilts 50c to 75c higher. US No. 18 185-240 lbs. barrows and gilts 60.1060.70, few lots light No. 28 180195 lbs. 59.90 60.30, lot No. 24 275 lbs. at 54.00. US No. 18 350600 lbs. sows 46.2582.25. Few Boars 36.0040.00. FEEDER PIGS 325. US No. 18 2085 lbs. feeder pigs 25.0043.00 per head. No. 18 35-50 lbs. 37.0050.00, No. 18 80125 lbs. 51.0062.00 per head. SHEEP 45. Few Choice 80 100 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 36.0040.00, Good 70 100 lbs. 29.0034.00, Cull and Utility 60-85 lbs. 22.0027.00. Few Slaughter ewes 10.00 17.50. """BIG T0 ™ 1700's - *5OO OFF 1830 • *6OO OFF 1500 Series • $ 6OO OFF A. L HERR & BRO. 312 PARK AVE QUARRYVILLE, PA 17171786-3521 Lancaster Farming, Saturday. September 6,1975 Peoria Cattle Sept. 4 Weekly Summary CATTLE: Receipts this week: 3700 Last Week: 4900 Year Ago: 4300 Compared with last weeks close slaughter steers mostly steady, except few loads Choice and Prime 2.004.00 lower. Slaughter heifers firm. Weak to 50 lower. Bulls steady. Receipts about 70 percent slaughter steers, 20 percent slaughter heifers, balance mainly cows. A noticeable decrease in the number of slaughter steers under 1000 lbs. and heifers weighing under 800 lbs. this week, while Choice and Prime slaughter steers over 1200 lbs. under pressure. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice and Prime 13101375 lbs. Yield Grade 34 52.00 53.50; Choice 10001150 lbs. Yield Grade 24 47.5050.50; 11501300 lbs. 49.5051.00; 800 1000 lbs. 44.0047.50; Mixed Good and Choice 9001300 lbs. 43.0048.50; Good 36.0044.00; Good Holsteins 36.0087.00, few Choice 38.00; Standard and Good 34.0086.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice and Prime 9001050 lbs. Yield Grade 34 47.50 48.00; Choice 8001050 lbs. Yield Grade 24 44.5047.50; Mixed Good and Choice 750 1100 lbs. 35.5045.00; Good 29.0035.50. COWS; Utility and Commercial 18.00-21.50; High-Dressing Utility 22.00 22.50; Cutter 15.00-20.50; Canner 12.0015.50. BULLS: Yield Grade 1-2 11001800 lbs. 23.0026.00, few Yield Grade 1 27.0028.00. ZIMMERMAN’S FARM SERVICE BETHEL, PA. 17171933-4114 Leesport Auction Leesport, PA Septembers CATTLE 356. Compared with last Wednesday’s market, slaughter steers uneven, Good and Choice 50c to $1.50 lower, Utility and Standard 50c to $1.25 higher. Slaughter cows mostly steady to 75c lower, Cutter spots 75c higher. Slaughter bullocks unevenly steady. Few High Choice slaughter steers 48.85-50.75, Choice 45.50-48.85, Good 39.0(M6.00, Standard 30.00-40.00, Utility 25.25-30.00. Choice slaughter heifers 37.25-40.00, individual at 44.25, few Good 34.50-36.10, few Standard 29.00-30.50, few Utility 24.75-27.00. Utility and High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 22.60-24.75, individual’s 25.50 and 26.75, few Commercial 22,00-23.35, Cutters 21.10-23.35, Canners 17.75-20.35, Shells down to 15.00. Choice slaughter bullocks 35.00-38.85, Good 28.60-34.00, Standard 25.75- 28.25, one Utility at 22.00. Few Yield Grade No. 1,1135- 1410 lbs. slaughter bulls 26.1032.00. Good 640-800 lbs. feeder steers 26.50-32.50, Medium 340030 lbs. 22.00- 25.25. Medium and Good 315- 700 lbs. feeder heifers 21.25- 23.50. Medium and Good 320- 785 lbs. feeder bulls 22.25- 27.50. CALVES 164. Vealers mostly steady to $2 higher. Couple Choice vealers 47.00 and 57.00, Good 40.00-51.00, Standard 30.00-40.00, Utility 110-130 lbs. 24.00-30.00, 90-110 lbs. 20.50-24.00, 65-85 lbs. 16.00- Farm Calves: Few Holstein bulls 85-115 lbs. 21.00- few Beef cross bulls and heifers 80-110 lbs. 21.00- HOGS 175. Barrows and gilts 50c to 75c higher. US No. 1- 190-235 lbs. barrows and gilts 60.75-61.00, (3 lots 61.35- 62.00, No. 1-3 190-1235 lbs. 60.10-60.75, two lots No. 1-3 150-160 lbs. 56.50-57.00. US No. 1-3 270-525 lbs. sows 47.00-50.00, few to 52.00, No, 2- 325-630 lbs. 42.0048.75. Few Boars 38.00-42.00, light weights 43.50-54.00. FEEDER PIGS 165. US No. 1-3 20-35 lbs. feeder pigs 27.00- lot at 44.00 per head, No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 35.00- 46.00, few No. 1-3 50-60 lbs. 49.00- per head. SHEEP 18. Few Choice 90- 110 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 38.00-40.00, individual 45 lbs. at 50.00, few Good 65- 85 lbs. 27.50-38.00, few Utility 33-53 lbs. at 25.00. New Holland Horse Auction Monday, Sept. 1 Reported receipts of 437 head of horses, mules and ponies. Market stronger than last week. Load of Tennessee riding horses 175490 and 200-260. Local work horses 395425; better horses 265-800; driving horses 175-570; riding horses 165-240; lightweight killers 18-20; heavyweight killers 24-26; colts 10-30; geldings 1546 and larger ponies 66-140. TRY A CLASSIFIED 7
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