16—LancatUr Farming. Saturday, September 6,1975 Riding side-saddle is becoming popular and one of the first in the area to try it is Karen Christensen, Horses (Conßmicd from Page 15). “We feel that quality is more important than quantity,” related Mrs. Christensen. “We’d rather have better horses then just a lot of lower quality animals,” Mr. Christensen added. Although successful at shows, the Christensen’s also enjoy teaching others about horses and their riding. Giving a respect and ap preciation of horses to others has been one of their main goals. And to carry out their thoughts, the Christensen’s are preparing to start a Horse Club for those people of the area wno enjoy riding and showing or just like Poultiy and Livestock Systems Advanced Air-Systems Featuring The Automatic Air Inlet Controlled Feeder System for Breeder Pullets and Hens Agri •am Southeast dairy show (Continued from Page 19] the county group com petition. The Master Fitter of the contest was John Marsh. JERSEY Junior Call Kent Heffner, Pine Grove. Intermediate Calf 1. Bruce Andrien, Jr., West Chester; 2. Patricia Ann Jenkins, Toughkenamon. Senior Calf Eileen Kurtz, Pine Grove. Junior Yearling Kathie Kay Rhein, Pine Grove. horses. The first meeting will be held Sept. 16 at 7:30 p.m. at the Silver Meadow farm near Elizabethtown. Feed Storage & Flex Auger Delivery System for Confinement Feeding Adult Turkey Completely Automatic Confinement Feeding System Featuring Production Systems The CHORE-MATIC Equip., Inc. • SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE on all Chore-Time Equipment AD2 EPHNATA, PA 17522 (FARMEKSVILLE) _ 15. Karen enjoys riding and showing the family's horses. Senior Yearling (No blue ribbons). 1. Denise K. Andrien, 2. Catherine E. Wollaston, Toughkenamon. 1. Karen Waltermyer, Collegeville; 2. Bruce An drien, Jr. Catherine E. Wollaston. The Champions Karen Waltermyer’s three and a half year old daughter of Nancys Sleeping Ad vancer was chosen as grand and senior champion, beating Bruce Andrien’s Top-O-Hill Rosebay Hopeless daughter which Cage Layer Systems & Components Featuring POCKMAN "Galv-A-Weld” Cages offers complete PHONE lUS 7 17 354-4271 Two Year Olds 3 and 4 Year Olds Aged Cow was named to the reserve spot in both cases. Miss Waltennyer’s junior yearling, a one and a half year old daughter of Tristram Kelly, was named junior champion. Kathy Rhein showed the reserve animal. County Groups 1. Chester, 2. Mon tgomery, 3. Schuylkill. Master Fitters Kathleen Kopistocki, Royersford; Cynthia Waltermyer, Collegeville; Karen Waltermyer, Catherine E. Wollaston, Denise Andrien, Bruce Heller, and Patricia Lynn Dreisback, Hamburg. Master Showmen Bruce Andrien, Jr., West Chester; Catherine Wollaston, Toughkenamon; Holly Ann Scheib, Phoenixville; Denise An drien, West Chester; Terry Lee Rhein, Pine Grove; and Cynthia Waltermyer, Collegeville. AYRSHIRE Junior Calf 1. Kennard Henley 111, Cochranville. Senior Calf 1. Judith Ann Young, West Grove; 2. Steven Mack, Pen Argyl. Junior Yearling 1. William Henley, Cochranville; 2. Judith Ann Young, West Grove. Two Year Old 1. Edward A. Kulp, Pottstown. 3 and 4 Year Olds 1. Sharon Lynne Henley, Cochranville. Aged Cow Judith Ann Young, West Grove. The Champions Grand and senior cham pion banners went to Sharon Lynn Henley who showed a 3% year old daughter of Oak Ridge Flashy Kellogg. The reserve senior champion i was Edward Kulp’s two-year old, a daughter of River Run League Leader. The junior champion, a junior calf bred, shown, and owned by Kennard Henley, was also picked to be reserve grand champion. She is a daughter of the Kellogg bull. Bill Henley showed the reserve junior champion. In county group com petition, the recognition went to Chester County. Master Fitters and Showmen were: Kennard, William, and Sharon Henley, with William the only one to win both titles. Mr. and Mrs. John Christensen, Manheim R 2, are shown with one of their award winning Arabian fillys. The couple is planning to start a horse club in the near future. jmmmmamaaßam
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