Meats judge (Continued from Pift ]) experience but did our best by putting our heads together." Cathy placed seventh in individual competition at Penn State and the team placed sixth. "We had to Judge a number of different cuts of meats along with carcasses and giving reasons.” “I was afraid of giving reasons but I tried my best and found it wasn’t too bad after all.” Travels to Colorado Another 4-H activity which took several days of Cathy’s summer was the 4-H ex change trip to Colorado. "I stayed with a family that lived near Durango,” she commented. “Their life style was somewhat dif ferent and the surrounding were quite different but I enjoyed my visit.” Cathy noted that most of the geography was centered around the mountains and plateaus. “Everything was green but irrigation was necessary all the time,” she explained. “We had the opportunity to see Indian cultures and also Middieburg Auction Middleburg, Pa. August 26,1975 CATTLE 295. Compared with last Tuesday’s market, slaughter steers $1 to $4 higher. Slaughter cows $1 to $2.50 lower. Slaughter bulls 25 cents to 50 cents higher. Choice slaughter steers 45.60-47.75, Good 42.00-45.00, Standard 35.00-38.50, Utility 22.50- Good slaughter heifers 37.50-39.75, Standard 30.00- Utility 25.60- 28.75. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 22.00-24.85, Cutters 19.00- Canners 15.00- 19.25, Shells down to 12.50. Good slaughter bullocks 32.50- Yield Grade 1-2 slaughter bulls 24.75-31.00. CALVES 125. Vealers RD4, LITITZ, PA traveled to Meta Verde National Park.” "The 4-H in Colorado it really based a lot on the community type club, in fact they Just could believe that we had over 100 members In our beef club." Senior at Hempfield Although most of Cathy’s 4-H work has been completed for the season, the young lady will be busy when school begins again. As a senior at Hempfield High School, Cathy will be working on the yearbook staff and in the home economics club. Cathy’s future plans are not definite yet, but the Lancaster County miss would like to either go into home economics or maybe look toward agriculture as a career. Whatever her plans, Cathy has spent a busy summer working with the 4-H program. Whether in beef or sewing, the young lady has taken a pride in her projects and activities that has been reflected in her achievements. unevenly steady. Good vealers 40.00-45.00, Standard 28.50- Utility 85-100 lbs. 15.50- 70-85 lbs. 12.00- 15.00. HOGS 366. Barrows & Gilts unevenly steady. US No. 1-2 200-235 lbs. barrows & gilts 59.00- No. 1-3 200-245 lbs. 57.50-58.75. US No. 1-3 300-575 lbs. sows 54.00-56.00, No. 2-3 300-600 lbs. 43.75- 49.00. Boars 37.25-40.00. FEEDER PIGS 70. US No. 1-3 25-35 lbs. feeder pigs 24.00- per head, No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 45.00-50.00 per head. SHEEP 15. Choice 70-90 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 35.00- Utility 50-70 lbs. 28.00- wins at state Cathy Brubaker, 345 Running Pump Rd., Lan caster, was a member of the Meats Judging team from Lancaster County at 4-H State Days. St. Louis Auction August 28 Weekly Cattle Review Receipts Last Week Year Ago Slaughter steers and heifers compared to last Tuesday, 1.00-3.00 higher, mostly 2.00 higher, most advance on choice. Standard and good steers steady to 1.00 higher. Cows 50-1.00 higher than late last week, bulls fully steady. Bulk of steer supply mixed good and choice 900-1100 lbs, yield New Holland Horse Auction Monday, August 25 Reported receipts of 421 horses, mules and ponies. Market steady. Load of Kansas riding horses 160-355; load of Tennessee riding horses 230- 315; local consigned work horses, 320-560; mules 150- 200; driving horses 160-500. Riding horses 140-240; better horses 275-520; heavyweight killers 22-25; lightweight killers 17-19; mares 15-40; colts 5-25; geldings 15-35, and larger ponies 50-100. grade 2-4 with near 22 per cent heifers; 13 percent cows; near 25 percent feeders. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Part load choice including prime 1230 lbs. yield grade 3- 4 48.50 on Monday. Choice 1000-1200 lbs. yield grade 2-4 46.50-49.00, closing 47.00- 49.00; choice 850-1050 lbs. 45.00- Mixed good and choice 900-1200 lbs. 43.00- 46.50, closing mostly 45.00- 46.00. Good 1000-1300 lbs. 39.00- 850-1000 lbs. 35.00- Standard and good holsteins 1000-1200 lbs. 31.00- mostly 32.00- 35.00. part load mostly standard 1050 lbs. 30.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 800-1050 lbs. yield grade 24 44.00-46.00. Choice 750-900 lbs. 42.0044.50. Mixed good andjchoice 750-1000 lbs. 41.0044.00. Good 36.0041.00. 8,000 6.500 7.500 COWS: Utility and com mercial 20.00-23.50. Cutter 17.00-21.00. Cantor 13.00- 17.00. BULLS: Yield grad*. 1-2 1100-1700 lbs. 21.00-25.tU), couple individual 1 1600-1800 lbs. 26.00-27.00. VEALERS: Good and choice 25.00-30.00. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 30,1975 Provisions announced WASHINGTON Secretary of Agriculture Earl L. Butz today said there will be no set-aside requirement for the 1978 feed grain, wheat and upland cotton programs. It will be the third consecutive year for the feed grain and wheat programs and the fourth for the upland cotton program in which no set-aside was required. Feed grain and wheat producers are not being encouraged to take cropland out of production next year, Department officials ex plain, because even though this year’s corn and wheat crops are expected to be at record levels, export demand is strong. For upland cotton, reduced 1975 plantings will result in a crop approximately two million bales smaller than in 1974; also, the Department forecast’s an increase in domestic usage and movement into export. As announced in 1973, there will be no conserving base requirement for the duration of the Agriculture and Consumer Protection Act of 1973 (through the 1977 crop year). The Secretary announced also at that time that effective through the 1977 crop year he will not use his discretionary authority to limit feed grain and wheat plantings to a percentage of allotments and upland cotton planted in excess of the base allotment. Berks Co . Berks County 4-H Swine Sale Leesport, PA August 27,1975 27 HEAD: Grand cham pion 230 lbs. at an average price of $1 per lb. Reserve Champion 215 lbs. at an average price of 85 cents per lb. All hogs brought an average weight of 205 lbs. with an average price of $64.71 per lb. Local Grain Thursday, August 28 These prices are made up of the average prices quoted by a number of participating local feed and grain con cerns. It should be noted, however, that not every dealer or broker handles each commodity. All prices are per bushel except ear com which is per ton. The average local grain prices quoted Thursday, August 28, 1975 are as follows: Bid+ OfferecH- Ear Corn 72.00 80JD Shelled Com 2.91 ,-J.lO Oats '' Local 1.51 j 1.69 Western IJ7O 1.90 Barley 1.80 1.94 Wheat Millers 3.27 The bid price for wheat this week ranged from a low of 2.80 to a high of 3.50. +Bid is the price the dealer will buy from the farmer delivered to the mill. Offered is the price the dealer will sell for at his mill. In 1976, as in the present year, producers may sub stitute any non-conserving crop marketing quota crops) or any con serving .crop ( including approved volunteer cover) used for hay or (or grazing in order to preserve their wheat, feed grain or cotton allotments. Secretary Butz said today’s announcement will provide farmers with in formation they need to make their 1976 crop planting 'decisions. The programs are designed to provide fanners decision-making freedom to produce for the market place. Additional program provisions will be announced after the Department has had an opportunity to review additional 1975 production data. Leesport Auction Leesport, PA August 27,1975 CATTLE 337. Supply in cluded 89 head feeder cattle. Compared with last Wed nesday’s market, slaughter steers uneven. Slaughter cows uneven, Utility steady to 50c lower, Canner and Cutter steady to 50c higher. Choice slaughter steers 47.00- Good 41.00-45.50, Standard 29.35-39.50, Utility and Low Standard 24.00- 28.35. Choice slaughter heifers 36.00-39.50, Good 31.25- Standard 24.00- 30.50. Utility and High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 22.50-25.00, Cutters 20.85-22.50, Canners 18.50- 20.60, Shells down to 15.00. Few Choice slaughter bullocks 34.50-42.00, Good 28.25- Standard 24.50- 28.00, few Utility 18.00-24.35. Yield Grade No. 1, 1300-1720 lbs. slaughter bulls 26.00- 29.85. Few Choice 340-580 lbs. feeder steers 30.00-34.00, Good 300-600 lbs. 25.50-30.00, Medium 300-850 lbs. 22.00- 26.25. Good 260-530 lbs. feeder heifers 20.00-24.50, few Medium 285-350 lbs. 17.50-20.00. Good 380600 lbs. feeder bulls 22.00-25.50. CALVES 160. Vealers about steady. Few Choice vealers 50.00-56.00, Good 40.00- Standard 28.00- 40.00, Utility 110-130 lbs. 22.00- 90-110 lbs. 17.00- 22.00, 7065 lbs. 12.00-18.00. Farm Calves; Few Holstein bulls 90-120 lbs. 19.00-23.00; few Beef cioss bull? and heifers 70-200 ibs. 21.00-44.00. HOGS 237. Barrows and gilts about steady. US No. 1-3 195-255 lbs. barrows and gilts 59.25- No. 2-3 180-260 lbs. 58.25-59.25, No. 2-4 240- 290 lbs. 55.25-58.25, No. 16 110-180 lbs. 50.0057.75. US No. 16 300-540 lbs. sows 45.0050.75, few No. 26 300- 435 lbs. 41.5044.75. Boars 135- 610 lbs. 38.0046.00. FEEDER PIGS 344. Feeder pigs were active. US No. 16 2065 lbs. 23.0040.00 per head, No. 1-3 (lot) 10 lbs. at 21.00, No. 16 3545 lbs. 36.0042.00, No. 1-3 80-100 lbs. 45.0059.00, Utility 1060 lbs. 13.00- per head. 3.48 SHEEP 56. Few Choice 85- 100 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 37.00-43.00, Good 30- 100 lbs. 25.00-33.00, Utility and Good 30-60 lbs. 20.00- 25.00. Slaughter ewes 5.00- 19.00. 11
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