90— Lancaster Farming. Saturday. August 9.1975 Cowtown rodeo results The star wrestling event seemed by far to be the moat difficult one Saturday night at the Cowtown Rodeo. Out of 17 steen to be thrown only 3 Cowboys managed to hold on to the horns of the animals long enough to throw them. Fred Davies was one of the luckey ones and won top money of $179.28 in a longer than average time of 16.1 sec. There was only .08 of a second separating first and fourth money in the girl’s barrel race, with Dale Bibbo and Judy Gement pushing season's top money winner Diane Sleeter to third place for the first time this year. STROBEL'S 414 S. Railroad St, Myerstown WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF SEWING ★ WHITE CABINETS! ... ★ RICCAR We Repair All Makes of Machines ECKO ARROWHEAD CUTLERY MACHINES AND Heavy 3-Ply Stainless Steel COOKWARE CALL NOW FOR MORE INFORMATION IN THESE AREAS: Myerstown 866 6274 Elizabethville 362 3110 Lititz 626 2318 Williamstown 647 9191 Camp Hill 737-5744 Pine Grove 739 4114 Schuylkill Haven 385 4848 Lebanon 272-4025 FARMs Dale Bibbo ran the race in 18.15 seconds and won the event for 1131.32. Wally Goff had to ride two Bare Back Broncs for hia winnings of 1158.78. The Judges awarded Wally a re ride after his first horse decided to roll over on him and Wally marked a 61 the second time around. John Risoli made a high mark of 69 in the bull riding event and took home $237.16. The cornerstone of all rodeo events, Saddle bronc riding, was won by Grant Harris with a mark of 56 for $96.04. Bob Roberto tied Junior Lattella’s season’s arena See Us at the Lebanon Area Fair, Au| 11 to IS Fine CHINA VIKING ELNA 1 - Grant Harris, Cowtown, N.J.; 2 - Wyatt Crotta, Bethany, Conn.; 3 - Rocky Foster, Newark, Del.; 4 - Ground Split between 3 others. 1 - Bob Roberto, Haskell, N.J.; 2 - Quinn DTmperio, Cherry Hill, N.J.; 3 - Steve Stevenson, Neschanic Sta. N.J.; 4 - Bud Bramwell, Norwalk, Conn. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT YOUR LOCAL COUNTY OFFICE. calf roping record of 11.6 Seconds and made $237.16. Pick-up man Hartley Hilea fell from his horae. aparcntly from heat exhaustion, was treated at the Salem County Memorial Hospital and released. 2,360 people came to see the 99 contestants ride, wrestle, rope and run for the $2,478.65 in prize money. Steer Wrestling 1 - Fred Davies, Far mingdale, N.J.; 2 - Tom Halikman, Monroeville, N.J.; 3 - Andy Harris, Cowtown, N.J.; 4 - Ground Split between 14 other contestants who failed to throw their steer. Girl’s Barrel Race 1 - Dale Bibbo, Spring Valley, N.Y.; 2 - Judy Clement, Thorofare, N.J.; 3 - Diane Sleeter, Laurel Springs, N.J.; 4 - Lorriane Alexander, Newton, N.J. Brahma Bull Riding 1 - John Risoli, Madison, Fla; 2 - Andy Harris, Cowtown, N.J.; 3 - Hartley Morris Jr., Deepwater, N. J.; 4 - Jeff Cassaway, Allen town, Pa. Bare Back Bronc Riding 1 - Wally Goff, Ft. Worth, Tex; 2 - Jack Meli, St. Cloud, Fla.; 3 - Jimmie Lee Walker, Cowtown, N.J.; 4 - Jay Stover, New Holland, Pa. Saddle Bronc Riding Calf Roping VI IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE JUST THE TWO OF YOU FACING THE FUTURE. Sheep fertility improved FORT COLLINS, COLO. - A now experimental treatment could improve the fertility of sheep and other livestock given hormones to synchronize estrus, says Dr. Harold W. Hawk, a physiologist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Livestock treated with hormones to synchronize estrus, may have a low fertility rate caused by poor transport of sperm to the cervix and oviducts where fertilization of the egg takes place. Fewer sperm greatly reduces the chance of an egg being fertilized. Low fer tility may also occur for this reason in livestock bred shortly after giving birth. In experiments at the USDA’s Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, MD, ewes were injected with different levels of estradiol, a natural estrogen com pound, 4 hours before mating or shortly after mating. Tests showed that 30 micrograms of estradiol per ewe increased the number of sperm transported from the h CREDIT The needs of your family are never-ending. Equipment. Home appliances. Feed and seed and fertilizer. Doctor bills. College,.educations. Trucks and tractors. Remodeling the house, The people Farm Credit understand farm families and their special Jieed% After all; they've been working with families like yours for years. They work with you to help you reach your goals. And it's good to know that they believe in constructive credit . the kind that helps you get further ahead instead of deeper in debt. So the two of you don't have to go it alone. Not when there's a Farm Credit man who's a real professional when it comes to helping farm families like yours. The Go Ahead People FCS vagina to the cervix, uterus and oviducts. Experiments with up to 190 micrograms of estradiol showed no adverse effects on sperm transport, ovum fertilization or embryo survival. "Injecting sheep with 30 mlcrograms of estradiol after mating increased the number of sperm found in the cervix by 3-fold and by 10-fold the number found in the uterus and oviducts,” Hawk said. "Treatment of animals with 30 micrograms of estradiol at the time of mating might be a simple, inexpensive procedure for increasing fertility in estrus synchronized livestock,” he said. At present, treatment with estradiol is in the ex perimental stage and has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use in increasing fertility in sheep or other livestock. Dr. Hawk reported his research before the annual meeting of the American Society of Animal Science. Dairy Club formed A local 4-H dairy dub formed in the southwestern part of York county this spring has recently been named “Da Lund des Millich und Hunlg” Dairy Club (Pennsylvania Dutch for The Land of Milk and Honey dairy club). Officers are as follows: Pres. - Gary Thoman; V. Pres. - Tom Perry, Sec.-Treas. - Ann Miller, News reporter • Nancy Krone. The club recently toured the Turkey Hill dairy farm located at Conestoga, Pa. Leroy Bupp presented a demonstration on trimming feet at the July meeting held at his farm. Members will be showing their animals at the Dallastown Fair Aug. 5 - 9. Previous meetings held include a fitting and showmanship demonstration at the Harold Feeser farm, and a meeting at the Perrydale farm. TRY A CLASSIFIED
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