•fife* What it is: A free-flowing water soluble Neomycin Sulfate product for controlling intestinal infections m poultry and livestock Each packet contains 50 percent Neomycin base What it does; For use in cattle, calves, swine, sheep, horses, and goats for aid m control and treatment of bacterial enteritis (scours, diarrhea, bloody dysentery, vibnontc dysentery, winter iOMVCIN HITMTL dysentery, white scours, colibacillosis, salmonellosis, ~ diarrheas caused by E coli, vibrio, and salmonella organisms), also exterotoxemia (Clostridium) m lambs 1 ~unn (Hid .raw pm kt t MORE HOG RAISERS FEED Bros. IE: 354-0301 IDONVILLE oddard Farm & Garden, Inc. PHONE 717-529-6Z12 UNION, PA Wenger’s Feed Mill Inc. PHONE: 367-1195 RHEEMS A BREAKTHROUGH BY PURINA HOG RESEARCH IN ENERGY LEVEL REQUIREMENTS AND RELATIONSHIP TO AMINO ACID BALANCE ENABLES PURINA TO EMBARK ON A NEW PURINA NEOMYCIN SOLUBLE CONCENTRATE CONTACT YOUR NEAREST PURINA DEALER Mm B. Kurtz PHONE: 354-9251 R. 0.3, EPHRATA GENERATION OF HOG CHOWS. Since 1969 Purina Hog Research has been on a closed door crash program to determine the hog energy fractions of all kinds of common feedstuffs, and also the energy requirement of hogs, its dollar value and inter-relation to the ammo acid balance Until the Purina Research breakthrough on hog energy requirements, very little was known about it. The energy requirements for poultry have been established for sometime, but energy level for hogs has very little relationship to that of fowl or other 'ivestock. One of the reasons that little has been known about energy requirements was due to the extreme difficulty and cost of researching energy To gather energy data, an accurate measurement of the gross energy content of the test feed ingredients must be determined The hogs must be raised in special cages so energy loss through feces and urine can be measured Once ingredient energy inputs and (expected) losses have been determined, quality control standards must be established and procedures set up to actually test by feeding at the Purina Research Unit at Gray Summit Research Farm to establish product standards To further complicate the situation, the amino acids must be re-balanced for each energy level. Purina Hog Researchers’ extensive knowledge of amino acid requirements at standard energy levels enabled them to have a substantial headstart when they embarked on the probe of-energy level and its inter-relationship to the ammo acid balance Now, Punna’s breakthrough in energy levels and energy amino acid balance enables a practical ration to be produced with substantially higher net energy. ADVANTAGES: - Economical - Dissolves readily - easy to mix. - Easy to use in drinking water, milk or milk-replacer - Fights a wide variety of intestinal bacteria - Non-toxic and non-irritating - Concentrates in stomach and intestines for fast kill of bacteria causing scours. - Can be used in water proportioned - Highly stable - Does not favor development of resistant strains THAN ANY OTHER BRAND Ira B. Landis John J. Hess, 11, PHONE: 665-3248 PHONE: 442-4632 BOX 276, MANHEIM RD3 PARADISE incaster Farming. Saturday, August 9, McCracken’s Feed Mill, Inc. 2 NEW CHARLOTTE ST., MANHEIM PHONE: 717-665-2186 West Willow Fanners Assn., Inc. PHONE: 464-3431 WEST WILLOW
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