—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. July 26, 1975 54 York DHIA Monthly Report Lynn Wolf Nova 3 5-5 268 BonnieS 3-2 305 Becky 3 3-2 305 BerthaS 2-11 305 Melvin Diem Jr. Shirley 3 4-9 305 Betty 3 4-5 305 Daniel A. Rohrbaugb 47 3 3-0 305 11 3 2-1 305 24 3 3-5 305 34 3 2 305 Melvin R. Lehr 20 3 4-3 Horace E. Heindel Pearl 3 7-3 Topaz 3 4-4 Jiffy 3 4-9 Bea 3 5-5 BeatrcS 7-6 Carl Anderson 55 3 7-3 Elvin R. Deiter Girtie 3 5-8 Greta 3 5-8 Charles A. Parrish 62 3 2-10 Charles Herr & Son Joan 3 4-3 Harold Good No. 3 1 2 6-11 9 2 7 37 2 7-10 90 2 4-2 257 2 9-1 Mcßal Dairy Farm Chatty 3 8-10 Mae 3 8-9 17 3 8-5 22 3 7-6 Sally 3 4 i"a. In 1804, a Bible was printed that suggested that “The murderer shall surely be put together ” ”New Idea s 1 Uni-Forage Harvester Superchopper Best selling Forage Harvester 15% more capacity! The Uni-Forage Harvester has non-stop cutting and plug-free chopping ability, too. More than 60 tons an hour in com. Four feed rolls and six spiral knives give you top performance hour after hour —with a more uniform cut (down to 3/16' for better silo packing). And it’s part of a great system of self-propelled harvesting equipment requiring only one interchangeable Power Unit. The Uni-Forage Harvester, with 2-row wide or 3-row narrow row crop heads, comhead adapter for making ear com feed, wind row pickup, direct cut attachment ... all good reasons why Uni-System just plain makes more sense. LLECXROTH FARM EQUIP., INC New Ringgold Ph 717-943-2367 N.H. FLICKER t SONS INC. Maxatawny Ph 215-683-7252 MILLER EQUIPMENT Bechtelsville Ph 215 845 2911 STANLEY’S FARM SERVICE RD Klmgerstown Ph 717 648-2088 I Continued from Pace 53| 13,383 18,675 16,990 16,070 13,013 14,826 14,023 12,940 13,384 15,976 16,370 305 275 305 282 305 15,231 14,106 14,650 15,567 14,714 15,564 17,426 12,871 305 301 10,754 293 14,111 289 305 305 305 305 16,013 11,464 9,562 13,343 11,547 20.558 13,149 15,915 16,652 17.559 305 305 305 305 305 Jr?; 0' A. C. HEISEY FARM EQUIP. INC. RDI Jonestown Ph 717-865 4526 STANLEY A. KLOPP INC. Bernville Ph 215 488-1500 UMBERGERSMILL RD4 Lebanon (Fontana) Ph 717 867-5161 ZIMMERMAN'S FARM SERVICE Bethel Ph 717 933 4114 4.3 3.3 3.6 3.3 571 624 618 530 Keystone Grange Fair has become an annual event in the historic Trappe & Collegeville area. The fair will be held on August 2,1975 from 11:00 a.m. until dusk at the Boro Park, West Ist Avenue, Trappe. Raindate is the following Saturday. General fair chairman, Albert Zvarick of Collegeville has announced the approximate schedule of events for the day. Grounds open at 11:00 a.m. Parking fee is $l.OO. No other ad mission charge. 12:00 Noon Opening ceremonies in cluding mayors of the boroughs of Trappe and Collegeville and the in troduction of Grange Fan- Queen, Miss Robin Jackson. 1:00 p.m.: demonstration of antique farm machinery, engines, and grain threshing. 2:15 p.m.: introduction and recognition of guests including Montg. Co. Dairy Princess, Miss Judy Batista, King of Prussia. 4.0 3.6 516 527 4.0 4.1 4.0 3.3 557 535 536 523 574 597 512 541 599 570 667 562 509 841 562 515 612 620 3.5 4.2 4.1 3.8 3.5 717 558 659 632 609 & a i i Keystone Fair features antique farm machinery DIFOLATAN. THE FLOWABLE FUNGKIDE THAT HELPS STOP PLANT DISEASES. Omni Chevron Chemical Company KNOCKS OUT EVEN RESISTANT GREEN PEACH APHID • OUTSTANDING CONTACT KILL • RESIDUAL ACTION • LOCAL SYSTEMIC ACTIVITY • EASY TO HANDLE FORMULATION MONITOR. THE MORE EFFECTIVE INSECTICIDE FOR POTATOES. -* £ lWaiw^^l DISTRIBUTED BY: 2:30 p.m.: antique car parade. 3:00 p.m.: repeat of threshing demonstration, childrens games. 4:15 p.m.: walking plow demonstration. 4:45: cow milking. 5:15p.m.: musical and variety show. The old time farm machinery and engines have been a highlight of the last two fairs and will be con tinued on a larger scale. Samuel Kriebel, Mainland, is a collector of many pieces of equipment and engines dating from many years ago. A special feature will be a 1917 Case traction engine (tractor) which was used originally in eastern areas as a 40 horse power source of belt power to run various farm machinery. Sam and bis son Roger will be exhibiting a number of engines circa 1909, an 1892 Heebner thresher manufactured in Lansdale, and an 1884 corn grinder. When used as directed, ORTHO DIFOLATAN 4 Flowable offers vegetable and melon growers these pluses... o Effective, broad-spectrum disease control, n A convenient liquid formulation that eliminates the messy, time-consuming job of mixing slurries. □ A built-in spreader-sticker that resists washing off... to assure full protection between recommended spray intervals. □ A flowable formulation that sprays fast and evenly. □ Full-season protection you can apply it up to the day before harvest, □ Is compatible with several commonly used pesticides. □ Stays in suspension with only a minimum of agitation. If you grow potatoes, cucumbers, melons or mechanically harvested tomatoes, there’s a broad-spectrum fungicide that can improve and simplify your disease-control pro gram It’s Ortho Difolatan 4 Flowable, which has proven highly effective in protecting these crops against many major fungus diseases —including hard-to-control Anthracnose on tomatoes, cucumbers and melons, and Early and Late Blight on potatoes. Recent registration clears the way for use on cucumbers, to also combat Fruit (Belly) Rot in southeastern states. Here’s what you can gam by putting Difolatan 4 Flowable to work for you in your disease control program for vegetables and melons. P. L ROHRER & BRO., INC. Smoketown, PA among other items. Assisting Kriebel will be Albert Zvarick and Robert Hess of Collegeville demonstrating a horse operated treadmill. Horse trainer is Ira Hall, Spring City. Some other engine collectors exhibiting will be Robert Kerstetter, R. D. West Chester; Harold Stump, Souderton; Paul Seachrist and Clarence Kooker of Quakertown. The antique car parade list is not completed but nine or more autos of varying types are expected to be on display and to parade briefly. Pony rides and children’s games should appeal to the youngster plus several kinds of farm animals and perhaps even a baby deer. A music and variety program will complete the day. Banjo duo Eugene Claycomb and “Huntz” TM S ORTHO CHEVRON AND DESIGN DIFOLATAN HELPING THE WORLD GROW BETTER - REG US PAT OFF AVOID ACCIDENTS REAL THE LABEL AND USE ONLY AS DIRECTED PRINTED IN U S A PROJECT NO 74188-03 A Phone 717-299-2571 Keyser will return from a previous fair, and another special treat will be a male barbershop quartet. Final program will be announced the day of the fair. For those gardeners specializing in growing vegetables there will be a vegetable show competition, open to the public. ELECTfiIC or BATTERY MODEL FENCE CONTROLLER REPAIRS AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE ON MOST SHOCKERS Repair Them Now. GLENN M. HOOVER Oregon Pike RDI, Leola, PA 17540 656 8020 Manufacturers of Kafstals Veal Stalls
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