—Lincjtter Farming, Saturday. July 19, 1975 8 a*- iHtOLD ,# t XRME H’sW JULY 21-27, 1975 Fine for boating and floating. Gather medicinal herbs now . . . Jesse James robbed his first tram July 21, 187.1 . . . Full moon July 2.') . . . Hurricane season begins in Virgin Islands this week .. . A\erape lenpth of days for the week, 14 hours, 47 minutes . . . Ton-inch hail stones fell in Wisconsin this week in 187.7 . . . Dop Days bepin now ... Cuban revolution bepan July 2(5, 195.1... Your best team is courape and discretion. Old Farmer's Riddle: Whnt neter gets hurt when it falls? (Answer Below.) Ask the Old Farmer: Years £ ago my mother made a ,4 salve she called "mutton tallow" which we put on our chapped hands and legs. A few applications would heal the chapped skin. Could you tell me how this was made? F. M., Auburn, N.Y. Yup, it was the kidney fat of a sheep melted down and allowed to harden. We don’t think the fat of a lamb would do. Il*m* lll*u; A new pair of eyebrow tweezers ia a useful addition to your kitchen Use them for removinc small bones from fish or for piscina candles and tiny decorations on fancy cakes . . , Biddle anewer- Rain. <2 fjfi OLD FARMER S WEATHER FORECASTS New England: Week begins warm and fair, then thunder storms midweek; clearing and cooler latter part. Greater New York-New Jersey: Hot all week with showers to start and again on weekend. Middle Atlantic Coastal: Generally clear, except cloudy and showery latter part of week. Piedmont and Southeast Coastal: First part of week becoming cloudy, with rain inland; thunderstorms in central end of week. Florida: Heavy showers in south most of week; latter part cloudy and very hot. Upstate & Western N.Y.-Toronto & Montreal: Very warm with hard thundershowers to start; partly sunny and cooler from midweek on. Greater Ohio Valley: Week begins very hot, with squalls in the east to midweek; sunny and cooler latter part;, but rain at week’s end. Deep South: Very hot, with highs over 100 to start, then clouding up with light showers. Chicago & Southern Great Lakes: Early week clear, with very hot temperatures in south and east; showers at week's end. Northern Great Plalns-Great Lakes: Cloudy in west and central to start; clear in east, then rain, but clearing again by weekend. Central Great Plains: Thundershowers in north and central by midweek; clearing in north latter part. The Yazoo Rider is already well known to commercial cutters. They bought twice as many of them this year as they did the year before. It’s a completely industrial-standard machine. Yet it costs about half as much as the tractors they’ve been using, with their belly-slung blades and huge, unwieldy gearcases. Why are we telling residential owners about it? Because the Yazoo Rider actually costs less than well known “homeowner” brands of belly-slung tractor mowers. In residential use it should last a lifetime. Try these with a belly-siting mower • UNDER FENCES • 12” TURNING RADIUS • UNDER SHRUBS • TO WATERS EDGE Comes with 76 , 60' 48 42 or 36 cut Other attachments available Seeallthelazoosat clolm 1= JTauffer RD2, EAST EARL, PA 'h MILE NORTH OF GOODVILLE ON UNION GROVE ROAD PH 215 445-6175 Belleville, Pa, July 11, 1171 CATTLE 111. Compared with last Wednesday's market, slaughter cows |1 to 13 lower. One Good slaughter steer at 39.35, few Standard 31.60-37.25, few Utility 24.50 28.00. One Good slaughter heifer at 35.00, few Standard 27.75-30.25. Utility 8e High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 22.80-24.00, Cutters 20.50-22.90, Canners 17.85- 20.25, Shells down to 16.00. Yield Grade No. 1 1200-2000 lbs. slaughter bulls 26.40 29.50. CALVES 170. Vealers SHEEP 28. Good 65-90 lbs. grading Utility $2 to $4 lower, spring slaughter lambs 32.00- Couple Choice vealers 41.50 38.00, few Utility 50-70 lbs. and 47.50, few Good 35.00- 23.00-28.00. Few Slaughter 44.00, Standard 29.00-35.00, ewes 7.00-12.50. Utility 90-120 lbs. 19.00-25.00, Tenas-Oklahoma: Mainly clour and hot all week, but tome thundershowers in north midweek. Rocky Mountain: Heavy showers at first in north and west, with cool temperatures; hot all week in south. Southwest Desert: Week begins with thundershowers, which become heavy in the west; partly cloudy and hot by week's end. Pacific Northwest: Early week clear and warm; cloudy and drizzly from midweek through weekend. California: Partly cloudy to start in north, morning cloudi ness in south; latter part of week clear. (All Right* Reserved, Yankee. Inc.. Dublin, N.H. 01440 ■NFOLATANI THE FLOWABLE FUNGICIDE THAT HELPS STOP PLANT DISEASES. Ortho Chevron Chemical Company s Ssiai^^^H KNOCKS OUT EVEN RESISTANT GREEN PEACH APHID • OUTSTANDING CONTACT KILL • RESIDUAL ACTION ' • LOCAL SYSTEMIC ACTIVITY • EASY TO HANDLE FORMULATION MONITOR. THE MORE EFFECTIVE INSECTICIDE FOR POTATOES. DISTRIBUTED BY: Belleville Gty 70-88 lbs. 15.00-18.00. Farm calves, holstein bulls 85-115 lbs. 22.00-32.00. HOGS lIS. Barrows 8c Gilts 75 cents to |I higher. US No. 1- 185-230 lbs. barrows 8c gilts 58.6059.00, few lots No. 2- 185-250 lbs. 57.25-58.70. US No. 1-3 350525 lbs, sows 46.00-48.50. Few Boars 31.00 40.50. FEEDER PIGS 427. US No. 1-3 20-35 lbs. feeder pigs 23.0040.00 per head, No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 35.0046.00, No. 1-3 85-150 lbs. 57.0074.00, Utility 40-85 lbs. 25.00-38.00 per head. P. L ROHRER & BRO., INC. When used as directed, ORTHO DIFOLATAN 4 Flowable offers vegetable and melon growers these pluses... □ Effective, broad-spectrum disease control. □ A convenient liquid formulation that eliminates the messy, time-consuming job of mixing slurries. □ A built-in spreader-sticker that resists washing off... to assure full protection between recommended spray intervals. □ A flowable formulation that sprays fast and evenly. □ Full-season protection - you can apply it up to the day before harvest. □ Is compatible with several commonly used pesticides. □ Stays in suspension with only a minimum of agitation. If you grow potatoes, cucumbers, melons or mechanically harvested tomatoes, there’s a broad-spectrum fungicide that can improve and simplify your disease-control pro gram. It’s Ortho Difolatan 4 Flowable, which has proven highly effective in protecting these crops against many major fungus diseases including hard-to-control Anthracnose on tomatoes, cucumbers and melons, and Early and Late Blight on potatoes. Recent registration clears the way for use on cucumbers, to also combat Fruit (Belly) Rot in southeastern states. Here s what you can gam by putting Difolatan 4 Flowable to work for you in your disease control program for vegetables and melons. TM S ORTHO CHEVRON AND DESIGN DIFOLATAN HELPING THE WORLD GROW BETTER - REG US PAT OFF AVOID ACCIDENTS REAL THE LABEL AND USE ONLY AS DIRECTED PRINTED IN U S A PROJECT NO 74188 03A Smoketown, PA SMff OF THE WEEK \j' "George Just loves the new son lamps yon got him. Mother." Phone 717-299-2571
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