2S—Lancaster Firming. Saturday. July 19.1975 d&ssiffodadS Moil Box Market For Sale • Pincor Generator, 29KW, power take off on wheels, available Sept., oil burner, |2O; irrigation pump with motor. 717387-3242. For Sale - Used lumber -Ix6 roofers, lit 8.F.,3 x 12 20 ft. long, 20 cents 8.F., 2xB 14” long, 18 cents 8.F., John R. Each, New Providence, RDI. PA 17560, 4 mile North of New Providence on Pennsy Rd. For Sale - Two service age boars, Duroc & Hamp cross, 1145.00 a piece, call 267-2251. For Sale - Wisconsin engine with mounting for 14T baler, -B- Power up 111. Days Are Here BUY A 464-574-674 TRACTOR & SAVE New Harvesting Equipment 430 Baler w-Custom Pickup & hydraulic thrower 74 Price 241 Big Roll Baler 990 Mower Conditioner - 74 Price 650 Harvester, Demo. Special - 74 Price 105 & 110 Forage Boxes 56 Blower 35 Rake 1300 Balanced Mower NEW TRACTORS 1 -574 D Row Crop 1 - 100 Hydro 1 -70 D Hydro 1 - 966 Used Equipment Farmall Cub w-60" mower Farmall B.N. w-cultivators Ford 4000 w-Sauder loader MM Super Jet Star 3 Diesel w-Loader 70 Int 1600 with 16’ stake body, factory rebuilt engine, 2 speed rear, truck and body in excellent condition Int 125 C diesel crawler loader, 4 in 1 bucket, full power shift, extra clean tractor with good undercarriage. Farmall 350 w-cultivator Farmall Super C w-Cultivator & Mower Int B 414 Diesel Tractor CHECK HERITAGE 74 TWINE PRICE BEFORE YOU BUY HERITAGE INTERNATIONAL INC. ■ _ 1054 SOUTH STATE STREET jffVg Hi EPHRATA, PA 17522 'Wffl ■H® PHONE 717-733-2283 Lancaster County’s Only International Full Line Dealer.' Moil Box Market also 10 sheep. Walter Hoover, East Earl, RD2, PA 17519. For Sale • Registered polled Hereford Bull, 4 years old, excellent bloodline with CMR pedigree, was used in crossbreeding program, program with excellent results, Charles L. Erb, Beavertown, PA 17813, call 717-858-6148. For Sale -12 antique wooden wheel barrows, E. H. Ep pley, Thomasville, PA 17364, phone 792-1648. For Sale - 25 Jamesway stanchions and dividers, best offer, 717-684-7624. 2 - 1066'5, one w-cab and Air PHONE 394-3047 or 626-2191 Moil Box Market FREE Subscribers to Lancaster Farming will receive one advertisement Free each month in our Mail Box Market Subscribers using the Mail Box Market will be governed by the following rules Limit your advertisement to 20 words, all advertisements must be in our hands by Thursday noon or same will be held over lor next weeks paper no business ad vertisements accepted For Sale - AQHA filly, $500; Hereford and Charolais- Angus cows. Wanted - Colored sheep or wool; cream separator. Steve Day,' 215-489-9015. For Sale - Good used buggy. David B. Fisher, Rl, Gor donville, along South Groffdale Rd. For Sale - Fancy black and brown rat terrier puppies. 717-285-5030. For Sale - 2 Angus Bulls, approx, weight 600 lbs., $l5O each. 733-3305. For Sale - Old Red Bam weather boards from 6 to 14 ft. long, Jacob M. Fisher, Oxford, RD2, Box 362, 19363, 1 mile West of Octario Lake. For Sale: Holstein bull dam is very good. Records to 32,500 of milk 4.8 percent 1565 lbs. of fat. Sire plus proven. Call collect 814-349-5846. For Sale - 34 Registered and Grade Jersey Cows and Heifers. 717-548-2034 Wanted - 1-row potato digger PTO. 717-733-1048 For Sale - John Deere 8 H.P. riding tractor with 38” mower, excellent condition. 717-626-5532 For Sale - Tomatoes by the Moil Box Market M®' l *®» Market pound or basket from now till frost Christ B. Click. 182 E. Brook Road, Smoketown RDI, PA For Sale • 18 ft. Starline silo unloader 1 year old. 717-788- 7854 WANTED - Antique Ruby glass or Ruby slash, Cam bridge glass, statuesque ash trays, cocktail and goblets, Paul Mumbauer, Box 82, Spinnerstown, PA, phone 215-536-5306. For Sale - 17 bred gilts farrowing soon, 4 Charolais bulls, service age, by Royal Sam. Roman Beiler, 717-442- 8104 For Sale - Truck beds 13 ft. and 14 ft. with grain sides and hoist, Edbro front For Sale-16x18 ft. wire com mounted hoist for 20 ft. bed, crib with metal roof, new 292 Ford engine. 717-872-2781 wooden air duct through roof, holds 65 tons ear com Wanted to Buy - Loader to fit 215-5884)579 Farmall 340 tractor. Call 717- 784-6359, after 5:00; or 717- 784-4285 during the day. For Sale - Sorrel mare mule, 10 years old, sound, has snap. Also, Standardised stun service, Elam B. Stoltzfus, Bonks, RDI, PA 17572, 3068 Irishtown Road. For Sale - 63 foot Harvestore bulk feeder, complete in good shape. Arthur F. Hall, Vincentown, NJ 609-463-3117. For Sale - Fordson Major Diesel, 54 horsepower with pulley, runs, in need of repair, Raymond Smoker, Box 68, Drumore, PA 17518, RDI. For Sale - 1959 Chevy Stake body dump truck, 8 x 12 box, 3 ton capacity; 4 bottom 3 point hitch, semi-mounted plow, 8 ft. disc, John Deere, 2 row, potatoe planter, John Deere power take off potato digger, 717-739-4630. For Sale - Cream separator, chain saw, lawn mower, Soaneen & Toggenburg kids, 442-4171, ask tor Floyd. For Sale - York hamp Duroc, cross boar, 200-225 lbs., $150.00. Wanted - A frame for semi-mtd. plow, 717-733-7420. Wanted - Model “A” Ford 1930 Roadster or 2-door sedan, prefer original condition. William P. Lynagh, Barnesville, PA 18214. Wanted - Herdsman for 100 cow herd, Interested in partnership, good references, terms negotiable, house available, John J. Hess, RD6, Get tysburg. 717-334-8553. For Sale • Hornless Nubian male goat. 5 mo. Triplet Suffolk ram lambs. $45 each. 717-235-3706. For Sale - 42 ft. Little Giant Elevator with 5 h.p. electric motor, $700., 215-267-5012. Wanted - Steel wheels for 60 Oliver tractor or will trade for rubber tires, 215-267-3108. For Sale - Good ysed 28 ft. elevator in good shape. Amos B. Zook, RDI, Gap, near Buna Vista. For Sale - Old oak comer cupboard, dismantled, in very good condition, call 215- 267-57%. Wanted - 5 to 10 Registered Angus Heifers or young cows - bred. R. Strickland RDI, Stewartstown, PA 301-692- 6738. For Sale - 10 month old Registered Holstein bull, very good dam with nice three year old record, 717- 259-9260. For Sale - Mixed black terrier pups, some Rat, Fox and Boston blood, 2 and 3 dollars each. Also, wanted, last year’s certified red coat seed wheat, state price. Apply to John M. Martin, Denver, RDI, PA at Fivepointville, N.E., Ist farm right. For Sale - 72 John Deere 3508 crawler loader, real nice condition, $lO,OOO. Bemville, 488-1765,6 - 8 evenings, if no answer, 488-6512. For Sale - 4,000 bushel ear corn, will load. Richard Ferrell, Box 36, Barclay, MD 21607. For Sale - Fiskes silo and Patz unloader 16’ x 60’, 1 yr. old. 717-584-6894. For Sale - Jubilee tractor, 656-7013. For Sale - Reg. Charolais bull and 2 cows, half Reg., with calves. Reasonable. All Moil Box Morktf polled. Denver, PA 2\b-7sl - For Sale • Large pony sad dle, like new; pickup truckload of good mixed manure, $5. 717-6654785. For Sale • McCormick Dee ring No. 9 grass mower; N.H. 3 pt. mower; N.I. hay crusher; McCormick Dee ring riding cultivator: 5 ft. rotary cutter, trailer type; Oliver trailer plow; tobacco laths; double tobacco ladders. 717-786- 3618. For Sale • Beautiful English Springer Spaniel puppies, 9 weens, papers and snots, good hunting stock, 215-376- 3724. For Sale - John Deere 620 with power steering, 3 pt. hitch, new rubber, nice condition with J.D. F-125, 3- 14” bottom plow, $2,800., 717- 687-7304. Wants to Buy: Timothy Hay out of field or bam in large quantities. Phone 703-777- 5134 or 703-430-3913. For Sale: 2 Eskimo Puppies. One black & brown, one brown & white. Both 6 weeks old. Call 717-665-3197. For Sale: Service age bulls for sale or lease. Trout Spring Farm, 717-299-2536. For Sale; Farmall 350 with P.S., live power take off, and TA. In A-l Shape. Price $1475.00. Call 717-333-8713. For Sale: A two hole and a four hole hog feeder. Phone 717-665-3927. For Sale -15 individual calf stalls, $65 each, Aaron B. Lantz, RDI, Gordonville, Hollow School Road. For Sale - 16 ft. Cardinal grain elevator with gas engine in good condition, Abner K. Click, Christiana, Box 257 For Sale - Between 150-200 bales meadow hay, no rain, phone 717-367-6447. For Sale - Egg cooler, Ms h.p., $65, phone 717-656-7796 Wanted - 3-point hitch and wheel weights for FarmaU M, live hydraulic pump for Farmall H. Call 717-638-6783, R. Bender, RD2, Box 610, Annville.
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