—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 12, 1975 8 THE OLD JULY 14-20, 1975 A wild sky, things will fly. Sow turnips for fall now . . . “Wrong' Way" Corrigan made his famous flight July 18, 1938 . . . First quarter of the moon July 15 . . . WW I Draft began July 20, 1917 . . . Average length of days for the week, 14 hours, 58 minutes . . . Jack the Ripper slew his Bth victim July 16, 1889 . . . First U C! . paper money was used this week in 1861 ... If you have too many irons in the fire, some will cool. matter of fact, a horse does have feathers on his nose, beloiv or between the nostrils. Loo l at one and see for yourself. Horn* Hint- Shellac Mill be difficult to appl> and remain stickv unless it has been mixed with denatured alcohol before being used Riddlt ansiver The part that s not eaten OLD FARMER’S WEATHER FORECASTS New England: First part of week cloudy with frequent showers; end of week fair and warm. Greater New- York-New Jersey: Showers to start, but pleasant, clear weather from midweek on. Middle Atlantic Coastal: Week begins with rain in central and north, sunny and very hot south, latter part clear and hot. Piedmont and Southeast Coastal: Sunny and very hot at first, with showers in north, end of week generally cooler, with rain in south. Florida: Cloudy with intermittent showers all week. Upstate &.Western N.Y.-Toronto & Montreal: Showers first part of week; generally sunny and warm from midweek on. Greater Ohio Valley: Moderately heavy ram to start, then sunny for the remainder of week except for occasional showers in east. Deep South: Week begins clear, then showers and cooler; squall on Gulf Coast at week’s end. Chicago & Southern Great Lakes: Stormy to start, with heavy rain in central and west; latter part of week clearing and hot. Northern Great Plains-Great Lakes: Storm in the east at begin ning of week, with heavy rain in central; sunny and hot in west. Central Great Plains: Mostly clear and hot all week; high temperatures over 100 by week’s end. Texas-Oklahoma: Generally clear all week, except for partial cloudiness midweek; hot with highs over 100. Rocky Mountain; Partly cloudy to midweek; latter part of week clear, with temperatures near 100 by week’s end. Southwest Desert: Generally clear and hot all week, except for cloudiness and showers latter part. Pacific Northwest: Intermittent rain throughout week; clear ing at week’s end. California: Clear and hot, with highs near 100 all week. (All Reserved Yankee Inc Dublin, N H 03444) A spectacular barn fire Wednesday afternoon completely destroyed this barn near Kutztown. Owned by the landscaping firm of Shupp and Wolfe, it was a total loss. Several horses stabled in the structure were saved, and there were no injuries. The fire was believed to have been started by lightning. % Old Farmer’s Riddle: Which is the left part of an apple pie? (Answer below.) Ask the Old Farmer: I can still hear my mother saying under her breath, when exasperated “Hoss Feth ahs!” Do you know the ori gin of this saying’ J. "G., Hillsboro, Kansas. It was dreamed up by the cartoonist who drew Barney Google, who figured there was no such thing. As a 4-H (Continued from Page 1] learning many of the dark room techniques. Along with her other 4-H activities, Judy has been active in the poultry projects raising capons each year. “My sister had capons and I guess it was just the thing for me to begin in,” the young lady explained. “I keep about 75 each year, some for the family and some to sell.” For the past two years, Judy has had the grand champion capons in her club. Because of her interest in poultry, Judy was asked to participate on the County 4-H Poultry Judging team which competed last year at Penn State. The team placed fourth in the contest with four members working together for the honor. Judy explained just what was involved in practicing for the contest. “Although I did know about poultry, we had to leam the points of judging for dressed poultry, live birds, and eggs.” V " V Judy helps around the farm in many ways. Here, she is shown looking at the family's patch of sweet corn. COMMERCIAL and AGRICULTURAL BUILDINGS WE OFFER COMPLETE ERECTION ON ANY SIZE OR STYLE BUILDING For Further Information On Our STEEL BUILDINGS And GRAIN STORAGE ....Feel Free To Mail Attached Coupon Or Call Today! No Obligation. SPECIAL TRADE-IN HUBER ROAD GRADER s l4oo*°° “We also had an oral examination on the field of poultry during the com petition.” Judy was one of four youths from Lancaster who were asked to tour the Department of Agriculture recently for being out standing in the poultry area. Along with their tour, the group met with Pa.’s Secretary of Agriculture, James McHale. A member of the Elizabethtown - Donegal 4-H Community Club for the past seven years, Judy has also taken projects in cooking, sewing, and cake decorating. Judy has always been willing to aid in 4-H work as much as possible on a community level as well as in county activities. “I enjoy the county ac tivities as it has helped me to meet other people,” she commented. “4-H has so much to offer at many different levels and I feel more youngsters should get involved in the county programs.” Judy will be a senior at Donegal High School when Jr i *** f * «.jr - JjS*. VERNON E. MYER STEEL BUILDINGS AND GRAIN STORAGE R. D. #4, LEBANON, PA. 17042 PHONE (717)867-4139 Judy Stoltzfus, Mt. Joy Rl, has been an active 4- Her for the past seven years. The young lady poses with one of her 50 capons which she raises as a project. she returns in the fall. She has been active on the track team and the Youth Education Club, serving that organization as a tutor in reading. A member of the yearbook staff, Judy will be helping out with the photography work as well as the mechanical layout. An avid artist, Judy has enjoyed designing sets for numerous dramatic productions at the school and will be joining the Dramatics 'Club again this year. M |^S • Although Judy was GUTSHAU’S $U REPAIR RDI, Womelsdorf, PA Frystown 717-933-4616 + & White Coat Silos + Repair damaged roofs and handle new roofs + Lancaster Level-Flo pipe and distributors + Acorn Silo unloaders and other equipment + Calhoun Forage Wagons + Poulk Chisel Plow + Agricultural Mills + Wetmore Grinders - Mixers + Speedy Liquid Applicators + Stemman Portable Hay Feeders + Superior Steel Buildings 4- Trulock Gram Bins and other items too numerous to mention. { f/iiaii Coupon Today! I □ SEND STEEL BUILDINGS LITERATURE □ SEND GRAIN STORAGE LITERATURE I NAME 2 ADDRESS | CITY | TELEPHONE | selected as an alternate to attend the co-op conference in Shippensburg later this month, the young lady has decided to travel to Canada where she will be working with a missionary for native Indians at a day camp. The Mt. Joy 4-Her will be working with the Canadian Indians for 20 days serving as a teacher at the camp. Judy is one 4-Her who has used her abilities in leadership and art not only for her club but also for her community and and in her personal life. ...ZIP, STATE
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