Mail Box Market Wanted - Overhead door to fit opening approximate width 8 ft. fin. height 87 in. State price and condition. Norman H. Shirk, East Earl R 2, Box 261, 17510. Pony Stud service, sorrel with silver mane and tail, 40 in tall. Fee is 110.00 215-445- 6959. For Sale - Feed bin, about 5 ton capacity. You must remove from bam. $200.00. HAY & STRAW SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 12 NOON PAUL Z. MARTIN SALESSTABLES 2 miles East of Intercourse Sale managed by Harvey Z. Martin I know of no pursuit in which more real and important services can be rendered to any country than by Improving its agriculture... Wr GEORGE WASHINGTON h«n this nation came into being, its backbone was agriculture. The growth of our country has not di minished this sturdy spine, but strengthened it. As the bounty of our land increases every year, so doe: the importance of the men and wor who make farming their life. Tod* demands upon farmers are greater \ ever. We salute you for meeting thi challenge successfully. ■, Get the Spirt 1776-1976 Sperry New Holland Bicentennial Flag Promotion COMPLETE KIT: Pole, I Line, Wail Bracket, ' ' "N, Golden Eagle Top. S 14.95 value for WE'RE HAVING A SPERRY NEW HOLLAND HAY TOOL CLEAN-OUT! Sperry New Holland Model 276 Baler Stop in and make a deal on the Sperry New Holland Model 276 Baler. This 14" x 18" baler is built extra rugged to handle tough crops It's designed to work hard and give years of dependable service Now's the time to buy because we're moving our complete stock to make room for our fall inventory. Already have a new baler? Then stop in and see our Sperry New Holland Automatic Bale Wagons and Mower-Conditioners They're priced to sell, too 1 Come in for a free estimate and see our line of Sperry New Holland farming C. E. WILEY & SON INC QUARRYVILLE, PA Mail Box Market Call Monday or Tuesday 717- 859-2864. FREE; ■ Free puppies - mixed labrador & shepherd. Very friendly, not-nolsey. Great for children. Call 717- 665-7974. For Sale - Purebred Bassett Hound - male lt4 years, tri colored, started hunter. Also, registered Irish Setter - female, excellent hunter. $20.00 each. Call 717- 626-6114. For Sale - AKC registered German short haired pointer. Good pet and watch dog. $35.00. Call 215-267-2459. For Sale - L.P.S. Box. Call 215-383-7786. For Sale -1 pair peacocks. 4 years old. $75.00 Call 717-665- 2773. For Sale - Fresh Family Cow. Phone 215-445-6947. For Sale -1 seven year old horse, very good, broke to *10.95 ’ PHONE; 786-2895 Mail Box Market ride. $325.00. Phone 717-733- 7192. For Sale - Registered & Grade Holstein Heifers. Due S& August. Call 717-464- or 717-484-3128. For Sale - Reg. Milk-Honey Ivanhoe bull calf, Dam V.G., Rockdale President, Mllk-24, 258; Fat-998, 305 days - $lOO.OO, Phone Rufus Martin, 717-733-3994. For Sale-Gay Heifer calf; 12 hole Shenandoah hog feeder; used double rib roofing. 717- 687-7845. For Sale -10,000 ready-to-lay pullets; Oliver SP combine 13 ft. No. 542, nice condition. Write Box 266 Z, c-o Lan ' caster Farming, Lititz, Pa 17543. For Sale - Roller bearing buggy. Levi Z. Fisher, Rl, Kirkwood, Pa. 17536. For Sale - D.B. 1200, one of last 1200 models, 1100 hrs., excellent condition; 6” auger, 12’ long with ad ditional 16’ section, 3 h.p. motor. 717-626-8821. Wanted - Used 2-row com head for Case 600 combine. Wilbur W. Laudenslager, R 2, Box 632, Halifax, Pa. 717-362- 9101. Wanted - Used Oliver semi mounted 4-bottom 16” hydraulic reset plow, 3 point Wolfe, Rl, SSX .freedom, 717-235-1543. For Sale - Favorite threshing machine on skids with straw carrier, very good condition, has always been kept in the bam. Louis Hibbard, R 4, Box 65, Montrose, Pa. 18801., 717-934-2406. For Sale - Heil 10 yr. dump body and hoist, 12’ long, very good condition. William Moore, Chatham, Pa. 215- 869-9607. V For Sale-M.F. 124 baler, has baled only 3,000 bales. 717- 833-2306. At Stud - Thunder Jet, AQHA Registered. Will throw the black color into colts. Major King bred and built for show and work. 244-6077, Red Lion Rl. For Sale - Oliver 99 tractor, belt pulley, PTO, live hydraulic, overhauled and very clean. Amos L. Fisher, Rl, Box 108, Bird in Hand, Pa. 17505. For Sale - 6’ sickle bar mower for A.C. B tractor with side mount. 717-786- 3134. For Sale - Purebred Duroc boar, breeding age, weighs approx. 325 lbs. 215-445-5796. For Sale - Cabbage, 2,000 head, 10 cents a lb., Quarryville Rl. 717-786-7586. For Sale - High moisture shelled corn. Preserved, does not require sealed storage. Call 717-677-6641 or 717-677-6758. For Sale - 17’ x 40’ Har vestore silo. Isaac S. Zook, Rl, GordonvUle, Pa. 17529. For Sale - Old rough bam boards. Abner F. Stoltzfoos, R 3, Quarryville, Lamparter Rd., Box 383. For Sale - Wheat straw, baled or in the field. 717-426- 3689. For Sale - 6 yr. old riding horse. For information, 717- 626-7076. For Sale - Western type leather saddle for pony, new condition, 717-872-7300. For Sale -1968 Chevy Nova, 2 door, automatic. Call 717-665- 3156. eiUltnii Mail Box Market For Sale - John Wood 250 gal, bulk milk tank, good con dition, with Walker Seal. Ellis R. Kunkel, R 2, Kemp ton, Pa. 19529. 215-756-6070. Locust Grove Mennonite School Benefit Country Auction and Chicken Bar-B- Q, July 19, at the school on route 340, 4 mi. east of Lancaster. Donations ac cepted at school Friday, July 18 and Saturday, July 19 a.m. For Sale -10’ Hill meat case, like new, $150; 4 new farrowing crates, $6O each; A.C. silo filler, $lOO. 215-767- 8588. Wanted to Buy • Dairy goats, Nubian or Toggenburg, or any other. Write Larry J. Moyer, Rl, Jonestown, Pa. 17038, or Call Annville 867- 1496. For Sale - 14-R-6 Briggs engine with reduction gear for com binder (good); U. Moline tractor. C.S. Miller, Rl, Paradise, Pa. 17562. For Sale - Reg. Border collie puppies from working Reg. parents, 10 weeks old. Merrit M. Bowman, R 2, Box 147, Clearville, Pa. 15535. 814-652- 5604. For Sale - Purebred St. Bernard, 1 yr., 2 mo. old, female, $35. 717-949-3647. For Sale - Caterpillar No. 60 Pull Scraper. Good Condition - Phone (717) 548-2559. For Sale - Pure & Crossbred Morgan-colts & fillies, weanlings & yearlings, Chestnut Palomino, Buckskin - $350-s4ofl. AKC Pointer pups, 6 mo. Lon cosky Farm, R 3, Box 302, Danville, Pa. 17821, 717-437- 2368. For Sale - E.Z. Trail 5 ton wagon; 125’, 7” thresher belt used 1 time; No. 9 Mc- Cormick Trailer gear mower with wide wheels, Elias S. Beiler, Rl. Leola, Pa., 17540, Musser School Rd. For Sale - 4 yr. old Purebred St. Bernard female dog. Israel F. Stoltzfus, Rl, Box 65, Kirkwood, Pa. 17536 at Union. For Sale -12 comfort stalls, in good condition; pair of young mules, pick from 4. John Esh Jr., Rl, Quarryville, Box 223, near Mt. Pleasant Church. For Sale - Wooden storage crates, bushel, and half bushel sizes for storage of apples, potatoes, garden vegetables, etc. 717-724-3518. For Sale -1966 200 Mercedes diesel, auto., power steering & brakes. Wanted to Buy - Straw out of the field. 717- 626-4359. For Sale - Case “500” WFE with or without loader. 717- 423-6208. Wanted-STlolstein steers or -heifers about 400 pounds to put in pasture. 717-684-5510. Wanted - Tobacco rails either 3 x 5 or 3 x 6, 16 ft. long. Contact Christ K. King, Leola Rl, Center Square Road. For Sale - Young Yorkshire Boar. 717-786-1045. For Sale - New Idea crimper, late model $3OO. McCormick No. 9 silaee cutter, 3 sets of knives and shredder bar $575. Reuben B. Fisher, Between Georgetown and Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 12,1975 PHONE 717-394-3047 or 717-426-2191 Mail Box Market Nickel Mines. For Sale • Large Palomino pony gelding with saddle and bridle, 5 years old, broke for riding and driving $125. Call after 5 717-665-6659. For Sale -One 2 H.P. Lehigh compressor, one Registered service age bull. Amos L. Beiler, Loop Road, Box 82C, R 3, Quarryville, Pa. For Sale - Vz breed Chianina- Holstein bull, 1 year old, gentle disposition, ready for service, Roy Kopp, Mount Joy, Pa. 717-653-5530. For Sale - 7 year old Sorrel work horse, broke and sound, works on either side. David L. Stoltzfus, Gor donville, Pa. along Irishtown Road. For Sale - 600 lb. Angus, Charolais and Hereford feeder bulls and steers $l9O. each. One AKC Britany Spaniel stud, 2 years old $50.00. 717-367-1805. Pick Blueberries 35 cents a pound. North through Manheim left Colebrook Street, 1 mile right fork, 2 mile to sign. Closed Thur sdays. Nixon. 717-665-6464. Duroc and Crossbred gilts. Breeding age, 300 lbs. ex cellent bloodline. 717-733- 6694. Handsome Dorset Pet Ram, 2M> year old. Responds to the name “Rufus”. Nelson Geh man, Box 21, R 1, Morgan town, Pa. 19543, Phone 215- 286-9826. For Sale - Farmall A Tractor with cultivator, good working condition. 717-284- 4959. Wanted - New or used 12 foot John Deere spring tooth harrow. Must be in good condition. 717-385-2964. Non toxic grain storage insecticide - Perma Guard Fossil flour. Well proven. Beneficial rather than poisonous to man and animals. Also for garden and field insects. Eli Stoltzfus, 69 Strasburg Pike, Lancaster, Pa. 17602, 717-394-9917. Wanted - to lease or lease buy a herd of cows. Also want used 12 ft. silo unloader. For Sale -1969 12 x 65 mobile home, Vh baths. Air conditioned furnished with or without a 10 x 16 room added or can be used as a utility shed $4500. or best offer. Roof trusses foi v x 96’ building $l4OO. Sell or trade - 2 J.D. wrap around starter weights for pancake type. 215-562-8878. Wanted - Used or new muskrat trans. Also other sizes of traps wanted. Call 717-898-2100 ask for Dan. Wanted - McDerring W 9 or LA Case gas tractor. Perfer Hand Clutch. Also wanted 12 to 18 can milk cooler. J.K. King, Rl, Box 342, Paradise, Pa. 17562. For Sale - Rmgneck pheasant breeding stock, 1 male, several females $6.00 each. 215-445-5688. For Sale - Heavy Red chickens live or dressed, also large brown eggs. Samuel Nolt, Hess Road, 656-8964. For Sale - Old English Sheep puppy’s AKC. 717-354-0172. For Sale - Two tractor tires, 13.6 x 3812” rim, two 600 x 16 $50.00 also wheel weights for Moil Box Morkcf DC Case. Aaron J. Stoltzfus, White Horse. For Sale -14 T John Deere baler, good running con dition |6OO. John M. King, Quarryville R 2, 17566. Wanted - Com silage. Write Benuel F. King, 445 Willow Rd., Lancaster, Pa. 17601. For Sale - 14 h. 6 yr. old Appaloosa mare, green broke, excellent disposition, Call after 6 (717) 665- 6264. Wanted to Buy - Boston Terrier, good disposition, small. Mabel E. Zim merman, R 2, Sunbury Pa. 17801. For Sale - 1972 Ford Ranger XLT Truck, very good condition, radial tires & chrome wheels, call after 3 p.m., 838*9169. For Sale - Flock of 11 sheep. Ram & 10 ewes, $250; 3 milk peeps, guineas & keets, 50 cents to $4. Bob Kindon, Rl, Muncy, Pa. For Sale - 4 dark center mag wheels for Ford of Plymouth. 717-529-6329. For Sale - Fannall “M” tractor, A-l condition with new tires, with Int. loader & angle road scraper; trail mower & conditioner; 8’ x 16’ oak flat wagon body. J.H. O’Neill, Forest Hill, MD 301- 838-6980. For Sale - 57 acre farm in Bloomsburg area, house, bam. stream, fruit trees, old stone walls. Call 717-458-5152 owner. For Sale - Fold-a-way lift gate, 1953 Dodge trues, 14’ flat stake body, in excellent condition. 717-739-4708 after 6 p.m. For Sale - High moisture corn, moisture content between 27-30 percent; N.I. Combine with 11’ head plus corn attachment, Call 215- 682-2624. Wanted to Rent - Large dairy farm by April 1, 1976. Have own cattle and machinery. Call after 7 p.m. 215-293-8272. Will Repair - Columbian Ranges, I bought parts Eli Arndt left. Bring to us before winter. Abram L. Stoltzfus, Rl, Box 400 A, Christiana, Pa., 2 mi. S of Smyrna, Lower Valley Rd. For Sale - J.D. A, with starter-lights, $590; Ford 2- row mounted cornpicker, $275. 717-529-2217. Foi Sale - Int. binder; twine. $22 a bale. Ralph A. Shill ..ner, 717-386-4435. For Sale - Int 2M.H. mounted comp ? vp r with mounting brVhet for Farmall M; La. tractor hay rake on steel Dami’s 717- 275-2009. NOTICE - New Bariev -,nd Feed Wheat for sale 71,-354- 9422, Elmer W. Martin, RDI, New Holland, Penna. 17557. For Sale - Barley - $1 60 per bushel at my farm. Phone 215-488-6835. Wanted - Dry ear com, reasonable. 215445-5037. For Sale - Old and New bay. Inquire Rivercrest Farms Columbia, N.J. 201-4964302. 27
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers